Wagner--Willis H. (Industrial Technology Faculty)
Displaying 51 - 100 of 121 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
51 | Industrial Arts Stress Fellowship Old Gold 0:0, p.232 |
Brief description of the Industrial Arts Club; photo. | |
52 | Outstanding Delt awarded trophy Old Gold 0:0, p.247 |
Delta Delta Phi sorority members strive for stronger bonds of friendship, to become women with poise, sane judgement, good taste, and courtesy; photo. | |
53 | Department of Industrial Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.46 |
The Department of Industrial Arts regularly uses field trips to keep in contact with the industrial world; in the summer session of 1956, the department began offering a graduate program and fifteen graduate students attended the first session; photo. | |
54 | Delts Feature Spring Dinner Dance Old Gold 0:0, p.245 |
The goals of Delta Delta Phi: promote stronger bonds of friendship, provide opportunities for social experience, and to help each other become a finer woman whose poise, sane judgment, good taste and unfailing courtesy bespeak a college woman; photo. | |
55 | Campus classrooms ablaze at night Alumnus 39:3, p.5 |
Eight non-credit evening classes offered. | |
56 | Honorary Industrial Arts Fraternity Old Gold 0:0, p.185 |
Description of Epsilon Pi Tau, the national honor fraternity on campus for industrial arts; photos. | |
57 | Industrial Arts Emphasizes Practical Experience Old Gold 0:0, p.84 |
Description of the department and photos of the faculty; photos. | |
58 | Craftsmen Gain Practical Experience Old Gold 0:0, p.209 |
Description of the activities of the Industrial Arts Club; photos. | |
59 | Wagner leads panel at Missouri University College Eye 45:38, p.1 |
60 | Industrial arts Old Gold 0:0, p.237 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
61 | Delta Delta Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.217 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
62 | Willis Wagner writes articles for magazine College Eye 45:22, p.10 |
On drafting equipment. | |
63 | Group will discuss retirement plans College Eye 45:2, p.1 |
Local chapter of ISEA will sponsor meeting. | |
64 | Epsilon pi tau Old Gold 0:0, p.152 |
Don Page, Dan Mienders, Rex Miller, and Walt Richmond serve as officers in the Epsilon Pi Tau honor society for industrial arts and vocational industrial education; photo. | |
65 | Industrial Arts Club Old Gold 0:0, p.177 |
Robert Mentzer, James Livingston, Willis Gertner, and Duane Lloyd serve as officers in the Industrial Arts Club; photo. | |
66 | Industrial Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.45 |
The Department of Industrial Arts works with the Iowa and Civil Defense Network in the construction of a new short wave tower and rotating antenna; photo. | |
67 | Hartwell receives Leadership Award College Eye 44:30, p.6 |
From national industrial arts group. | |
68 | Palmer announces IA program for State Convention College Eye 44:6, p.1 |
Program includes ISTC faculty and alumni. | |
69 | Industrial Arts group gets Canadian request College Eye 44:6, p.1 |
70 | Epsilon Pi Tau Old Gold 0:0, p.172 |
Description of the national honorary fraternity; photo. | |
71 | Industrial Arts Club Old Gold 0:0, p.198 |
Description of the club and photo of the members; photo. | |
72 | Industrial Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.144 |
Brief description of the department and photos of the faculty and of a class; photo. | |
73 | Wagner article tells I. A. Association growth College Eye 43:22, p.6 |
74 | One of the significant elements in the growth of the American Industrial Arts association is the increased interest and support Public Relations News Release 1952:544, p.1 |
The interest and support is furnished by teacher education students in many colleges and universities, according to Willis H. Wagner, assistant professor of industrial arts. Wagner is second vice-president for teacher education of the AIAA. | |
75 | Faculty Fireside scheduled for Friday College Eye 43:16, p.3 |
76 | Faculty fireside meet to be at Wagner's College Eye 43:14, p.8 |
77 | I. A. instructors to give addresses College Eye 43:10, p.6 |
Professors Wagner and Palmer will speak at Westmar. | |
78 | Eighteen staff members will participate in the Iowa State Education association's 97th annoual convention in Des Moines Public Relations News Release 1951:101, p.1 |
The convention theme is "Better Schools Build a Stronger America." Staff members appearing on the program include Rebecca Baker, Margaret Divelbess, Walter E. Ditzler, Lloyd V. Douglas, E. W. Goetch, Frank W. Hill, and Tom Lamke. | |
79 | Harold G. Palmer, announces the program for the Iowa Industrial Arts association convention in Des Moines Public Relations News Release 1951:94, p.1 |
Palmer, head of the industrial arts department said the two-day convention will be at Hotel Fort Des Moines. Staff members who will participate are Daryl Pendergraft, Walter E. Ditzler, Tom Lamke, Victor Bonfig, Raymond Matala, and Willis Wagner. | |
80 | Epsilon Pi Tau Old Gold 0:0, p.160 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
81 | Industrial Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.52 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
82 | This spring's last meeting of the Faculty Men's club of the college will be a picnic at 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 16, at the college golf course Public Relations News Release 1950:362, p.1 |
Officers for 1951-52 have been announced by President Herbert Hake. They are Willis Wagner, Waldermar Gjerde, Herb Silvey, Ray Schlicher, Howard VanderBeek and Leonard Winier. | |
83 | Final Coffee Hour College Eye 42:30, p.1 |
Willis Wagner will speak. | |
84 | Two faculty members will leave by car Sunday, April 29, for New York City Public Relations News Release 1950:335, p.1 |
H. G. Palmer, and W. H. Wagner will be on the program of the four-day convention of the American Industrial Arts association. Both men will inspect the industrial arts program and facilities of the New York State Teachers college at Oswego. | |
85 | Price uses plastiform blocks to show demands on college College Eye 41:38, p.5 |
The college needs to provide more services in order to train the same number of teachers in the future; photo. | |
86 | Wagner named VP of Industrial Arts Ass'n College Eye 41:31, p.2 |
Other faculty participate at meeting. | |
87 | Epsilon pi tau Old Gold 0:0, p.134 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
88 | Faculty elects 12 committeemen College Eye 41:21, p.6 |
The members elected to the Faculty Senate, the Educational Policies Commission, and the Committee on Committees are listed. | |
89 | ISTC faculty members attend state meetings College Eye 41:1, p.4 |
Seven members will attend the Multiple-County Institutes. | |
90 | Industrial Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.31 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
91 | Carl Pesch builds model industrial arts laboratory for home school College Eye 40:25, p.1 |
Lengthy description of Carl Pesch's model; photo. | |
92 | As I See It College Eye 40:16, p.2 |
People should learn to spend and earn money wisely. | |
93 | Earnest Mahan here January 10 College Eye 40:14, p.5 |
Will speak to faculty on the NEA study of teacher education. | |
94 | Committee will study problems of integration College Eye 40:8, p.3 |
Will discuss problems of integrating teacher education work with work in other departments. | |
95 | Wandering . . . Wondering College Eye 39:38, p.2 |
Campus gossip. | |
96 | Industrial Arts Club Old Gold 0:0, p.241 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
97 | Epsilon Pi Tau Old Gold 0:0, p.216 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
98 | Instructional Staff Old Gold 0:0, p.61 |
This page lists some of the Instructional Staff and shows their photos; photo. | |
99 | Superintendents here for meeting College Eye 39:28, p.4 |
Program highlights. | |
100 | Wagner is author of magazine article College Eye 39:22, p.7 |
On student personnel. |