Walters--George W. (Education Faculty)

Displaying 301 - 350 of 430 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Triangular debate; Philos carry off honors-Aristos rak second with two points
Normal Eyte 19:22, p.340
Brief summary of the debate.
302 Association of Contributors to Iowa Education and History
Normal Eyte 19:20, p.311
Officers, objectives, and membership of the new association aimed at collecting and preserving "facts, data, materials, and objects as in any way relate to the origin, growth, and development of education in this state."
303 Lincoln centennial; memorial at Normal marked by presentation of bronze tablet by seniors
Normal Eyte 19:19, p.292
Seniors present bronze tablet with Gettysburg Address inscribed; program included speeches and music.
304 Organization formed; association of contributors to Iowa education and history organized- headquarters here
Normal Eyte 19:18, p.274
Group elects officers; hopes to collection and preserve "everything that in any way relates to history and education."
305 The two basketball teams
Normal Eyte 19:17, p.271
Marshalltown boys' and girls' teams come to Cedar Falls to play.
306 Among orators and debaters; gossip of the oratorical association and debating league; proposed constitutional revision
Normal Eyte 19:15, p.226
Making arrangements for debate with Kansas team.
307 John McPherson
Normal Eyte 19:9, p.139
Sent dogs to Professor Walters for Museum.
308 The Parlor Reading Circle
Normal Eyte 19:6, p.85
Several faculty members presented papers.
309 Forward
Old Gold 0:0, p.107
Changes in the structure of the Old Gold staff for 1908 are explained.
310 Photographs of faculty and staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.19
311 Annual board
Old Gold 0:0, p.6
Roster of members of the 1908 Old Gold staff.
312 May music festival
Normal Eyte 18:30, p.465
Preview of the festival; Thomas Orchestra will perform; photo.
313 Out of town people
Normal Eyte 18:29, p.449
Should contact Professor Walters for tickets to the Spring Music Festival.
314 Owing to the death
Normal Eyte 18:26, p.411
Professor Walters did not meet classes due to his mother's death.
315 Mrs. Mary Jefferson
Normal Eyte 18:25, p.398
Professor Walters' mother died.
316 Chrestomathian Society Open Session
Normal Eyte 18:23, p.362
Program for the session includes music, oratory, and a play.
317 The following members
Normal Eyte 18:15, p.240
Faculty members who attended the State Teachers Association convention in Des Moines.
318 Official
Normal Eyte 18:15, p.227
Relates events of the State Teachers' Association conference.
319 Official
Normal Eyte 18:13, p.193
Changes in faculty and scheduling for the winter term; Professor Cory joins the faculty; Marion McFarland Walker is back on the faculty; education news from around the state; photo.
320 Normal will be well represented
Normal Eyte 18:6, p.94
Roster of participants in the Northeastern Iowa Teachers Association conference.
321 North East Iowa Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 18:5, p.73
Many faculty and alumni will present papers at next meeting.
322 Mrs. Eckhoff
Normal Eyte 18:3, p.47
Was visiting her sister, Mrs. Walters.
323 Official
Normal Eyte 18:2, p.21
Will organize Department of Commercial Education; Laboratory Building open; Geography work will be in new building; Museum collection expanding; Mary Townsend off to good start; summer session enrollment strong.
324 Chronicles for the Year; September
Old Gold 0:0, p.269
Chronological look at school year month by month.
325 The Professional Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.10
Faculty photos and description of department; photo.
326 To G. W. Walters
Old Gold 0:0, p.2
Dedication of the 1907 Old Gold to Professor G. W. Walters; photo.
327 The quarantine for scarlet fever has been raised
Normal Eyte 17:30, p.478
Professor Newton returned to his family.
328 Help us
Normal Eyte 17:5, p.74
Professor Walters solicits contributions of specimens for the Museum.
329 Prof. Newton and Prof. Walters
Normal Eyte 16:26, p.413
Went hunting.
330 Chresto public session
Normal Eyte 16:22, p.340
Program for the session; will present drama.
331 Because of Mrs. Begeman's death
Normal Eyte 16:19, p.303
Professor and Mrs. Walters recalled their invitations.
332 Many pleasant social events occurred
Normal Eyte 16:18, p.286
Katherine Oliver McCoy entertained while in town.
333 Y. W. C. A. notes
Normal Eyte 16:15, p.234
Held Bible study and missionary rallies.
334 On Tuesday of last week
Normal Eyte 16:10, p.158
Mrs. Walters entertained friends.
335 Books written by our faculty
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.14
Bibliography of work by Normal School faculty.
336 Triangular Debate; the societies break even, each winning three points
Normal Eyte 15:31, p.483
In the intersociety debate, the three men's societies each earned three points.
337 Professors Eaman, Walters, and Colegrove
Normal Eyte 15:29, p.462
Were judges in the debate between East and West high schools.
338 Kansas preliminary debate; C. O. Ruggles, J. Foy Cross, and Ed Haas to meet the sunflowers--A. N. Wray, alternate
Normal Eyte 15:26, p.401
A debate was held to determine which members of the I. S. N. S. debate team would take on Kansas in the annual Kansas-Normal debate.
339 31st triangular debate; Orios, Aristos, and Philos each win one decision and lose one
Normal Eyte 15:19, p.290
Brief results of the debate.
340 Prof. Walters
Normal Eyte 14:34, p.545
Went to Marshalltown.
341 Their first appearance
Normal Eyte 14:29, p.452
Chrestos presented Scotch program.
342 Cost has been counted; average expenses at Normal less than at Drake, Grinnell, Ames or Cornell
Normal Eyte 14:26, p.405
Professors Walters, Gist, and Arey report detailed cost of living expenses in several college towns; average expense per term for an ISNS student is $58.21.
343 Professors Walters and Newton
Normal Eyte 14:25, p.398
Went hunting.
344 Prof. Walters
Normal Eyte 14:21, p.333
Did not meet classes on Wednesday.
345 State Teachers' Association
Normal Eyte 14:15, p.236
President Seerley and Professors Gist, Walters, and Fullerton will speak during meeting.
346 The Y. W.
Normal Eyte 14:9, p.143
The Y. W. C. A. gave their first reception of the year.
347 Some of the members of the faculty
Normal Eyte 13:34, p.539
Are in great demand as baccalaureate speakers.
348 Pres. Seerley and Prof. Walters
Normal Eyte 13:26, p.411
Attended professional meeting.
349 Prof. Walters the other day
Normal Eyte 13:12, p.177
Believes that students should work seriously but not over tax themselves.
350 Society oratorical contest; three men's societies contest for points--Orio five points--Aristos four points--Philos one point--an interesting program
Normal Eyte 13:11, p.164
Account of the contest; score sheet.