Women's Center

Displaying 51 - 100 of 104 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Women abuse is major problem, speaker says
Northern Iowan 74:46, p.7
Excerpts from speech by Kathy Avina.
52 Discussion
Northern Iowan 74:30, p.3
EMCEC and Women's Center will hold discussion on African-American language experience.
53 Members elected to Women's Center
Northern Iowan 74:29, p.9
Four returning and six new women were elected to the board for the Cedar Falls-Waterloo Women's Center.
54 Women's Center
Northern Iowan 74:16, p.10
Professors Grace Ann Hovet and Barbara Lounsberry will speak on the women's movement.
55 Women's Center: to show positive aspects of feminism to all women
Northern Iowan 74:13, p.9
Elaine Pfalzgraf talks about the programs and directions of the Center.
56 Film festival
Northern Iowan 74:8, p.3
Judson House will hold fundraiser for Women's Center.
57 Assert yourself
Northern Iowan 74:4, p.6
Ann Vernon talks about the assertiveness course that she teaches.
58 Women's Center
Northern Iowan 74:3, p.3
Will hold get-acquainted meeting and elect officers.
59 Women's Center offers services
Northern Iowan 73:58, p.4
Extensive description of services offered at Women's Center.
60 The Women's Center
UNI Century 5:3, p.5
Description of programs and services at center; photo.
61 Androgyny
Northern Iowan 73:55, p.3
Will discuss sex roles at Women's Center.
62 Women's clinic
Northern Iowan 73:55, p.7
Women's Center will hold discussion of the new service.
63 Rape confab to aid awareness
Northern Iowan 73:54, p.8
Women's Center will sponsor conference.
64 Assertiveness
Northern Iowan 73:54, p.5
Third session scheduled at Women's Center.
65 Art auction
Northern Iowan 73:53, p.4
Women's Center sponsors auction.
66 Soap operas
Northern Iowan 73:53, p.5
Professor Lounsberry will examine images of women in soap operas.
67 Help for abused women; crisis line and task force alternatives
Northern Iowan 73:49, p.5
Elaine Pfalzgraf talks about the latest addition to Women's Center services.
68 Special spring sessions
Northern Iowan 73:49, p.2
Professors Remington, HiDuke, and Lounsberry will present lectures at the Women's Center.
69 Additional workshops
Northern Iowan 73:47, p.5
More workshops at Women's Center.
70 Women's Center
Northern Iowan 73:44, p.3
Compiling directory of businesses owned by women.
71 Center proves women's movement not dying
Northern Iowan 73:43, p.7
Description of programming at Women's Center.
72 Brown bag lunches at Women's Center
Northern Iowan 73:40, p.3
Schedule of upcoming speakers.
73 Women's Center
Northern Iowan 73:39, p.4
Professor Cowley will present program on eroticism and the women's movement.
74 Parent support
Northern Iowan 73:37, p.4
Women's Center will form single parent support group.
75 Mother-daughter
Northern Iowan 73:36, p.7
Will attempt to foster communications.
76 Women in crisis series to begin
Northern Iowan 73:32, p.3
Women's Center will present information from many organizations to deal with a variety of problems.
77 Abuse of women
Northern Iowan 73:31, p.5
Discussion on battered women will be held at Women's Center.
78 Women's Center to hold program on aging
Northern Iowan 73:24, p.3
Highlights of program.
79 Women's rights
Northern Iowan 73:18, p.8
Cedar Falls-Waterloo Women's Center is sponsoring a seminar on legal rights.
80 Women's Center
Northern Iowan 73:16, p.8
Dr. Grace Ann Hovet and Kathy Thomas coordinate "Images of Women: a Multi-Media Entertainment" program for Women's Center.
81 Planning session tomorrow
Northern Iowan 73:14, p.4
Women's Center to hold planning session.
82 "How to Survive"; Women's Center topic
Northern Iowan 73:13, p.8
Consumer rights, legal rights, basic budgeting, and career and job hunting skills are topics to be discussed at a series of workshops sponsored by Cedar Fall-Waterloo Women's Center.
83 Women's Center
Northern Iowan 73:11, p.7
Sessions on women's health concerns sponsored by Hawkeye Institute of Technology and Women's Center.
84 Car maintenance
Northern Iowan 73:9, p.3
Cedar Falls-Waterloo Women's Center is sponsoring a car maintenance workshop.
85 Women's health workshop
Northern Iowan 73:9, p.3
Cedar Falls-Waterloo Women's Center with Hawkeye Institute of Technology will present a workshop series.
86 Panel discussion
Northern Iowan 73:8, p.3
Cedar Falls-Waterloo Women's Center meeting will focus on jealousy and competition.
87 Sessions offered
Northern Iowan 73:4, p.4
Women's Center is offering sessions for the personal growth and development of women.
88 Program will discuss sterilization
Northern Iowan 73:1, p.8
Dr. Williams will speak.
89 Women's Center
Northern Iowan 72:61, p.4
Will hold work session.
90 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 72:57, p.4
Activities and meetings.
91 Women's director named
Northern Iowan 72:54, p.7
Elaine Pfalzgraf named director of Women's Center.
92 Sessions open; Women's Center
Northern Iowan 72:53, p.7
Review of programs available.
93 Center expands
Northern Iowan 72:50, p.5
Women's Center adds three programs to spring workshop.
94 Women alone
Northern Iowan 72:45, p.8
Women's Center sponsors support group.
95 Career Exploration Workshop Thursdays
Northern Iowan 72:44, p.4
Counseling Center will present program for women.
96 Center receives grant; eliminates "shoestring budget"
Northern Iowan 72:44, p.8
Women's Center receives federal grant of $25,000; will be administered by Extension.
97 Personal growth
Northern Iowan 72:44, p.12
Women's Center will present workshop.
98 Clinic offers student services
Northern Iowan 72:43, p.5
99 Sex stereotyping
Northern Iowan 72:23, p.1
Will show slide presentation on sex roles.
100 Rape symposium
Northern Iowan 72:19, p.8
Women's Center will sponsor meeting.