Women's Day

Displaying 51 - 95 of 95 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
51 Honoraries announced at AWS Women's Day
College Eye 56:30, p.4
List of those named to Chimes, Torch and Tassel, and Purple Arrow.
52 President Maucker declares today Annual Women's Day
College Eye 56:29, p.1
Text of proclamation.
53 Maucker proclaims AWS Women's Day
College Eye 52:29, p.1
Text of proclamation.
54 Women's Day to be held
College Eye 52:28, p.1
Will honor women for leadership and scholarship.
55 Annual Women's Day set at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:368, p.1
The Associated Women Students organize Women's Day activities, with Professor Eunice Roberts as guest speaker. Events include recognition services for the Torch and Tassel, Chimes, and Purple Arrow, and a Campbell Hall dinner for Bartlett counselors.
56 Mother's Day Convocation
Old Gold 0:0, p.44
The traditional tapping of the new members of Purple Arrow, Chimes, and Torch and Tassel began the annual Woman's Day celebrations. During the event Joyce McLennon replaced Dr. Mavis Holmes as Associate Dean of Students for the day. Other students took over other positions through out the women's dorms. On Mother's Day, Mrs. Aruo Uskallio, mother of Pauline Uskallio, was chosen as Mother of the day on the basis of Pauline's achievements.
57 AWS Represents All TC Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.136
The Association of Women Students is a national organization with a chapter at TC. The AWS represents all women students on campus; Photos. This year they had two events - Femmes' Fancy and Women's Pay All Week, implemented new structures in the organization, and emphasized Women's Day.
58 Campus women recognized today
College Eye 51:28, p.1
Women should dress up and be recognized at Women's Day activities; Louise Noun will speak.
59 AWS Governs Women Students
Old Gold 0:0, p.120
Associated Women Students is the head governing body of all women students; they consist of a community council, inter-residence council, and housing unit governments; photo.
60 Coeds take over administration of campus for AWS women's day
College Eye 50:29, p.4
List of those who will be involved in program; photo.
61 Campus women honored May 1
College Eye 50:28, p.1
Brief description of the Women's Day program.
62 Torch and Tassel Honors Sr. Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.220
Description of the group that honors the women who have been recognized for their accomplishments in leadership and scholarship; photo.
63 Chimes Sponsors Christmas Tea
Old Gold 0:0, p.206
Description of the national honorary society for junior women and the activities that they are apart of, such as the Christmas Tea; photo.
64 Women's Day today honors college girls
College Eye 49:30, p.1
Kate Mueller will speak; several administrators will trade places with students; photo.
65 Women's Day
Old Gold 0:0, p.64
Eight women were chosen for membership in Chimes, a junior women's honor organization; the address, "The Eternal Triangle," was given by Irene Emery at the Women's Day Convocation following the dinner; photo.
66 AWS
Old Gold 0:0, p.110
Associated Women Students consists of a community council, inter-residence council, and housing unit governments; activities include: a tea for all new women students, Christmas caroling, and Women's Day; photo.
67 Chimes Honors Junior Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.206
Chimes is a national honorary society that recognizes junior women for their high scholastic achievement; to be eligible, points are given on religious and social activities, interest, leadership ability, and participation in honor organizations; photo.
68 Torch and Tassel Honors Senior Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.219
Torch and Tassel honors senior women for their outstanding ability in scholarship and leadership; in the spring, new members are tapped in an impressive ceremony on Women's Day; other service organizations co-operate to sponsor worthwhile services; photo.
69 ISTC women told 'futures are unlimited'
College Eye 48:27, p.1
Helen Reich spoke at Women's Day; list of new Chimes members.
70 Reich to speak for Women's Day
College Eye 48:26, p.3
Helen Reich will speak at convocation.
71 Women look ahead
Old Gold 0:0, p.26
Brief description of the activity; photo.
72 Women's Day highlights honors and guest speaker
College Eye 47:30, p.1
Quick look at the activities.
73 Woman attorney is speaker for Women's Day Wednesday
College Eye 47:29, p.1
Imogene Emery will speak; brief look at activities.
74 Organization Honors Junior Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.183
Description of the national honor organization known as Chimes; photos.
75 Letters to the editor
College Eye 46:31, p.2
Shares appreciation for those behind Women's Day at Teachers College.
76 Mrs. G. Nelson stresses four P's
College Eye 46:30, p.1
At Women's Day convocation; list of new Purple Key, Chimes, and Torch and Tassel members; description of program; photo.
77 Women's Day honors leaders
College Eye 46:29, p.1
A look at the activities.
78 Observe AWS Women's Day Wednesday
College Eye 45:29, p.1
Schedule of activities.
79 AWS sets date of Women's Day
College Eye 45:25, p.3
A preliminary look at the schedule.
80 May 12 named annual AWS Women's Day
College Eye 45:22, p.1
81 Lawther will speak at Women's Day convocation
College Eye 44:30, p.1
A look at the upcoming program.
82 Plans completed for Women's Day
College Eye 44:28, p.1

A look at the program.

83 Torch and Tassel
Old Gold 0:0, p.186
Description of the national honorary organization for women, with list of officers; photo.
84 109 women honored
College Eye 43:28, p.1
List of those honored at Women's Day Convocation.
85 Dr. J. W. Maucker will travel to Iowa City, Soldier, Waterloo, Cedar Rapids, Cherokee, and Allison.
Public Relations News Release 1952:539, p.1
Maucker will speak at a Phi Delta Kappa initiation dinner at the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, March 20, and at a dinner meeting for Monona county school board members and administrators at Soldier.
86 Three honoraries name members
College Eye 42:29, p.3
List of new members of Chimes, Torch and Tassel, and Purple Arrow announced at Women's Day.
87 Speaker, recognitions, installations to highlight Women's Day program
College Eye 42:28, p.1
Program highlights; photo.
88 Program planned to honor women
College Eye 42:27, p.1
Schedule of events for Women's Day.
89 Wrestling, track, dance head spring quarter activities list
College Eye 42:23, p.1
A look ahead at the big events of the upcoming quarter.
90 ' College trained women must be community acting agents'
College Eye 41:29, p.1
Jean Grimm was guest speaker; list of students receiving certificates.
91 Anna B. Lawther visits dormitory
College Eye 41:28, p.7
Schedule of activities.
92 Women's Day is Wednesday
College Eye 41:28, p.1
Schedule of activities planned for the day.
93 Convocation is keynote event for Women's Day
College Eye 41:27, p.8
The theme for the day is "The Place of the College Trained Woman in Her Community."
94 Convocation opens Women's Day
College Eye 40:29, p.1
Will recognize achievements and leadership of ISTC women
95 Freshmen will start fall social activity with reception tonight
College Eye 22:1, p.6
Campus social calendar.