Wood--Stanley G. (Class of 1931; Theater Faculty)

Displaying 301 - 350 of 519 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Opera recordings to be presented
College Eye 42:14, p.5
Will present recordings of Menotti short operas.
302 Two more performances of the ISTC fall play, "The Heiress," will be presented tonight (Oct. 27) and Saturday night at the college auditorium.
Public Relations News Release 1950:89, p.1
The setting for the play, under the direction of Hazel B. Strayer, is a house on New York's Washington square about a century ago. Written by Henry James, "The Heiress" was successively a novel, a stage play, and a movie.
303 Authentic nineteenth century setting will be duplicated for 'The Heiress'
College Eye 42:5, p.1
A look at set preparation for the play; list of crew members.
304 'Heiress' cast is announced; play features family conflict
College Eye 42:4, p.1
List of cast members and play preview.
305 Play group elects Stock for leader
College Eye 42:3, p.6
Ellen Stock will lead College Players; group will discuss French plays.
306 Film Club slates seven meetings
College Eye 42:1, p.3
Schedule of films for the year.
307 Speakers explain campus activities
College Eye 42:1, p.3
Hold dinner for new men students; photo.
308 Stanley Wood
Alumnus 34:3, p.17
Married Evelyn F. Starkey on May 23, 1950.
309 Hut interior is designed for 'Heart'
College Eye 41:34, p.1
Description of set for "The Hasty Heart".
310 Theta alpha phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.148
Brief description of the group; photo.
311 College players
Old Gold 0:0, p.155
Brief description of the group; photo.
312 Drama
Old Gold 0:0, p.94
Brief description of the activity; photo.
313 Wood announces film for meeting Saturday
College Eye 41:29, p.6
"Quiet One" will be shown.
314 Show movie for class in contemporary art
College Eye 41:29, p.6
The film "March of Movies" will be shown.
315 Wood announces spring play cast
College Eye 41:15, p.1
Members of the cast of "Boy Meets Girl" are listed.
316 Speech staff attends association convention
College Eye 41:13, p.7
Attends the national convention of the Speech Association of American in Chicago.
317 "Boy Meets Girl" is winter play
College Eye 41:12, p.3
318 Unusual scenery problems involved in fall production, "Street Scene"
College Eye 41:4, p.8
Designing a second story of a tenement house for the play has proved to be a challenge.
319 Film Club to see foreign movies
College Eye 41:2, p.1
Two hundred students and faculty in attendance for first meeting.
320 Technical crews are now at work on summer play
College Eye 40:34, p.1
List of crew members for "Blithe Spirit".
321 Know Your Faculty; theatre life fascinates Wood, once hanged in other's place
College Eye 40:31, p.2
Profile of theatre instructor Stanley Wood; photo.
322 Pick 'Blithe Spirit,' modern farce by N. Coward, for summer play
College Eye 40:31, p.1
Brief preview.
323 English
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Brief description of the department; photo.
324 Drama Directors
Old Gold 0:0, p.82
Brief description of the directors; photo.
325 Religious Groups
Old Gold 0:0, p.99
Brief description of the group; photo.
326 Interest Clubs
Old Gold 0:0, p.168
Brief description of the group; photo.
327 'Trojan Women' set adapted to 25 voice chorus
College Eye 40:26, p.1
A look at the work of the set designers and crew for the play.
328 Faculty party night tomorrow
College Eye 40:24, p.3
Description of the party.
329 Dramatists rotate duties
Alumnus 33:2, p.6
Four drama faculty perform several duties involved with dramatic productions; highlights of recent productions.
330 Evils of military aggression theme of "The Trojan Women" by Euripides
College Eye 40:23, p.1
Play preview; list of cast members.
331 Department of English and Speech to inaugurate Children's Theater
College Eye 40:8, p.1
Will present "The Sleeping Beauty".
332 "School for Scandal" near; college play approaching completion
College Eye 40:6, p.1
Lengthy description of the scenes and sets; list of crew members.
333 Drama dept. to present Sheridan's "School for Scandal" Oct. 28, 29
College Eye 40:1, p.1
Preview of the play.
334 Architecture of last century featured in Ruth Gordon's comedy
College Eye 39:37, p.1
A look at the work of the crew for "Years Ago".
335 Department of English and Speech announce "Years Ago" cast
College Eye 39:35, p.1
List of cast members; preview of the play; photo.
336 Wood discusses Abbey Theatre
College Eye 39:33, p.5
At College Players meeting; list of officers.
337 Pick "Years Ago" as play in late July
College Eye 39:33, p.1
Preview of the play.
338 Instructional Staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.61
This page lists some of the Instructional Staff and shows their photos; photo.
339 Religious organizations
Old Gold 0:0, p.259
List of members; photo.
340 Religious organizations
Old Gold 0:0, p.259
List of members; photo.
341 College Players
Old Gold 0:0, p.235
Brief description of the group; photo.
342 Alpha Phi Omega
Old Gold 0:0, p.232
Brief description of the group; photo.
343 Theta Alpha Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.229
Brief description of the group; photo.
344 Joan of Lorraine
Old Gold 0:0, p.149
An overview of the play, Joan of Lorraine; photos.
345 English, speech department host to high schools
College Eye 39:28, p.1
Faculty will make presentations.
346 900 are expected at drama meet
College Eye 39:27, p.3
ISTC faculty will lead discussions.
347 Play tickets will be sold next week
College Eye 39:27, p.1
List of cast and crew members for "Macbeth".
348 Globe Theater replica to be used for play
College Eye 39:26, p.1

Professor Wood will supervise set construction.

349 Faculty members to attend Chicago speech meeting
College Eye 39:25, p.7
350 'Tryouts for "Macbeth"
College Eye 39:20, p.8