Wright--David Sands (Mathematics Faculty)

Displaying 201 - 250 of 696 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 English Department
College Eye 12:18, p.6
News notes from the department.
202 Iowa State Teachers Association
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.3
Annual Meeting for Iowa State Teachers Association held in Des Moines.
203 Teachers college at I. S. T. A.
College Eye 12:10, p.5
Students attended conference; many faculty took part in program.
204 Bible study work popular
College Eye 12:4, p.7
Classes are larger than normal.
205 Commencement day
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.2
Commencement activities were held and many people were involved.
206 Dinner for Class 1895
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.2
The Alumni Committee provided entertainment, an auto ride, and dinner at Bartlett Hall Cafeteria for the Class of 1895.
207 Department of Religious Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
Special Services faculty member; photo.
208 Alpha
Old Gold 0:0, p.154
Roster of presidents, regular members, and honorary members; photo.
209 When Kate and I were kids; (or "In the Days of Real Sport"--William Chauncey Chillyblast)
College Eye 11:32, p.1
What I. S. T. C. was like a few years ago.
210 Reunion call
Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.2
Letter inviting members of Class of 1895 to come to twenty-fifth reunion.
211 First section, Class 1920
Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.2
First members of Class of 1920 received degrees in March. Dorothy Ann Condit performed violin solo. D. S. Wright gave benediction and Homer Seerley gave out diplomas.
212 English Department
College Eye 11:24, p.2
News notes from the Department of English.
213 I. S. N. S. in 1878 and 1879
College Eye 11:23, p.2
Ella Rich describes experience of attending college here in its earliest days; describes campus and buildings.
214 Sub-conscious influence discussed; Prof. Wright speaks
College Eye 11:23, p.1
Professor Wright claims that all things in our environment influence our subconscious thinking.
215 See Yourself in the Funny Column
College Eye 11:16, p.6
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus.
216 Thanksgiving Concert
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.2
Members of the musical faculties gave a Thanksgiving service November 23, 1919 with many people present.
217 Des Moines alumni
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.1
The Des Moines alumni held a banquet with 250 in attendance. Many were involved in planning and leading it.
218 Iowa State Teachers Association
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.1
The Iowa State Teachers Association had its annual meeting at Des Moines in November. Many alumni and faculty were present and many topics were addressed.
219 Mr. and Mrs. D. Sands Wright
College Eye 11:13, p.8
Visited their daughter, Mrs. Ralph Swanson, and Mrs. W. C. Radcliffe in Red Oak.
220 State Teachers Association notes
College Eye 11:8, p.1
A number of ISTC faculty will make presentations at the program.
221 Improve Iowa schools; Governor addresses Teachers
College Eye 11:4, p.1
Description of program of the Normal Training Conference.
222 Constitution Day
Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.1
Celebration occurred September 17, 1919.
223 Summer term commencement
Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.1
123 summer term students received their diplomas from the president August 21 during Commencement ceremony.
224 Miss Luella Wright
College Eye 11:1, p.8
Spent the summer with her parents; now a faculty member at Coe College.
225 Spring Term Commencement 2
Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.3
Memorial Day Exercises occurred commencement Week. James Brownell Post was a guest. Invocation was by D. S. Wright, soloist was Anna Gertrude Childs, readings were from C. P. Archer, Genevieve Cleary, and George Darsie, adress given by Eugene Allen.
226 Department of Religious Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
Professor Wright and his home; photo.
227 Unusual Memorial Day celebration; M. F. Arey presiding officer
College Eye 11:35, p.1
Civil War veteran M. F. Arey will speak; complete program announced.
228 Lincoln's birthday
Alumni News Letter 3:2, p.2
Program was presented on Abraham Lincoln, W. W. Gist presiding; program alternates Abraham Lincoln and George Washington annually.
229 Professor Wright's daughter
College Eye 10:17, p.3
Daughter and baby visit.
230 Exercises commemorating birth of our martyred president this morning at ten; impressive service in honor of one of America's greatest citizens
College Eye 10:14, p.1
Schedule of program honoring President Abraham Lincoln.
231 State Teachers Ass'n holds three day session; many Teachers College graduates are recognized with offices
College Eye 10:9, p.10
Roster of those who will be serving ISTA.
232 Deaths 23
Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.6
A. J. Wilbur died December 27, 1918. D. S. Wright conducted funeral.
233 Iowa State Teacher's Association
Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.2
Iowa State Teachers Association met December 26-28, 1919; summary of their meeting.
234 "Iowa Day" observed this morning; annual state patriotic day given place in course of events; Dr. Gist to speak
College Eye 10:7, p.1
Enjoy readings and song.
235 T. C. celebrates international holiday; all classes excused to commemorate close of war Monday; students attended down town performance in afternoon
College Eye 10:5, p.1
Lengthy description of campus and town Armistice Day activities.
236 Syllabus of Bible study published; Professor D. S. Wright chief instigator of big success
College Eye 10:2, p.1
Professor Wright is one of those responsible for bringing together a course of Bible study for secondary schools; photo.
237 Memorial Day
Alumni News Letter 2:3, p.4
W. W. Gist in charge of Memorial Day program honoring Clifford Stevens and Henry Booth, students who died in service.
238 The last Y.W. and Y.M.C.A meeting
Alumni News Letter 2:3, p.4
Last Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. meetings for year were held June 2 with a Sacred Musical as program.
239 Department of Religious Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.42
David Sands Wright and some of his sayings; photo.
240 Bible Study
College Eye 9:27, p.6
D. S. Wright has contributed to the growth of Bible Studies.
241 Denominationalism and Bible study
College Eye 9:26, p.1
Y. M. C. A. is interdenominational.
242 Professor D. S. Wright
Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.3
D. S. Wright vacationed in New York City to attend Religious Education Association of the United States and visit daughter.
243 Y. M. and Y. W.
College Eye 9:16, p.6
Held joint meeting in Bartlett Hall to listen to Indian missionary Miss Goodall; D. S. Wright spoke to Y. M. on Brahmanism; Professor Luteyn will speak on "The Call of the Wild".
244 Mrs. Wright's mother
College Eye 9:15, p.8
Died January 19, 1918; had been living with Professor and Mrs. Wright for several years.
245 Y. M. and Y. W.
College Eye 9:15, p.6
D. S. Wright spoke on Judaism; D. S. Wright will speak on Brahmanism next week; Bible Studies are cancelled; freshmen were in charge of Y. W. C. A. meeting; Cecilian Glee Club performed.
246 Y. M. and Y. W.
College Eye 9:14, p.6
News from the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A; faculty changes; meeting notes.
247 Joseph F. Wright receives recognition thru outing magazine; former athletic star and son of Prof. Wright.
College Eye 9:14, p.7
Joseph Wright is the Athletic Director at Camp Logan in Houston, Texas.
248 Prof. Wright reappointed on Bible Study Committee
College Eye 9:13, p.3
This is his second year of service in this position with the Iowa State Teachers Association.
249 Sunday night meeting
College Eye 9:7, p.1
Professor David Sands Wright speaks on prayer.
250 Mrs. Ruth Wright Swanson
College Eye 9:5, p.7
Visited her home; married to an attorney on June 29, 1917.