
Displaying 501 - 550 of 822 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
501 Old grads will return to the scenes of their college
Public Relations News Release 1930:31, p.1
Homecoming activities discussed.
502 "Be one of the four hundred", is slogan of college diners
College Eye 22:5, p.1
Planning for alumni dinner in Des Moines.
503 Old grads will return to scenes
Public Relations News Release 1930:30, p.1
Alumni return to ISTC for Homecoming; pep rally, parade, and football match against Coe College among other activities.
504 Bonfire rally will open Homecoming festivities Friday; alumni will be greeted by imposing T.C. letter
College Eye 22:4, p.1
Schedule of Homecoming activities.
505 Alumni re-elected superintendents
Alumnus 14:3, p.7
Fourteen of the ninety-nine county superintendents are ISTC alumni.
506 School ma'ams will lay down their rulers and blue pencils
Public Relations News Release 1929:532, p.1
Alumni to attend annual commencement banquet.
507 Fourteen alumni of the Iowa State Teachers college
Public Relations News Release 1929:521, p.1
Alumni elected to county superintendent.
508 Two noted educators
Public Relations News Release 1929:369, p.1
The convention on problems in elementary education will have two noted speakers.
509 Alumni
College Eye 21:21, p.4
Genevieve Hays initiated into Sigma Alpha Iota; roster of former Kappa Theta Psi members who attended the sorority formal.
510 "The Alumnus", a new 32 page publication
Public Relations News Release 1929:154, p.1
The "Alumni News Letter" becomes "The Alumnus", a new magazine style publication; brief publication history of the old News Letter.
511 F. O. Smith, head of the education department
Public Relations News Release 1929:121, p.1
Franklin O. Smith, head of the education department at State University of Montana, is visiting campus this week.
512 President Latham addresses alumni
College Eye 21:10, p.6
In Minneapolis.
513 Alumni banquet includes notables
College Eye 21:9, p.2
A look at the reunion banquet program.
514 Busy "alums" are even taking to the air
Public Relations News Release 1929:42, p.1
Roster of attendees and speakers for the alumni banquet is given.
515 Alumni fraternity members return for theatre party
College Eye 21:8, p.1
Will discuss building of Bertha Martin memorial theater.
516 Faculty members
Public Relations News Release 1929:21, p.
The faculty members will be hosting the annual alumni banquet.
517 Plans for Alumni banquet made by committee in charge
College Eye 21:6, p.1
About 250 will attend.
518 Alumni will gather for annual reunion at Des Moines, Nov. 7
College Eye 21:0, p.8
At meeting of Iowa State Teachers Association.
519 Bartlett Hall will give reception for alumni Sunday
College Eye 21:0, p.2
Mary Haight will serve as hostess.
520 President welcomes alumni
College Eye 21:0, p.1
Text of greeting; photo.
521 Alumni register contains many names at noon today
College Eye 21:0, p.1
Fifty-four have registered.
522 Bartlett Hall will give reception for alumni Sunday
College Eye 21:5, p.2
Will hold informal tea.
523 Alumni will gather for annual reunion at Des Moines, Nov. 7
College Eye 21:5, p.1
In association with Iowa State Teachers Association meeting.
524 Register provided for alums Sat.
College Eye 21:5, p.1
Those attending Homecoming should register.
525 Old grads will return
Public Relations News Release 1929:7, p.1
Schedule of activities planned for alumni during Homecoming week.
526 Alumni of the Iowa State Teacher College
Public Relations News Release 1929:4, p.1
Alumni will hold a reunion and banquet during the Iowa State Teachers Association convention.
527 President urges alumni to keep in touch with alma water
College Eye 21:1, p.1
President Latham would like to see two thousand alumni subscribers to the College Eye.
528 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.131
Informal photos.
529 Alpha Chi
College Eye 20:34, p.6
Dance announced, members attend ball game in Iowa City, visit Minneapolis.
530 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:34, p.6
Pledges on probation, visitors, spring dance, teaching contracts signed.
531 Tau Sigma Delta
College Eye 20:33, p.6
Visits home, teaching position, plans finalized for formal dance, and member visits Charles City.
532 Pi Tau Phi
College Eye 20:33, p.6
Pledges entertain actives, visitors, teaching contract, and alumni.
533 Alpha Beta Gamma
College Eye 20:31, p.6
Home visits and spring dance plans announced.
534 Pi Omega Pi
College Eye 20:31, p.6
Group heard a report of the trip to the National Commercial Research Conference at the regular meeting. Five new members were initiated. Alumni reminded of date and place for spring banquet.
535 Xanho
College Eye 20:31, p.6
Members attend Drake Relays, romance is in the air, spring dance set.
536 Theta Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:30, p.6
Members visit homes, Des Moines, and Buckingham. Visitors, tea for the actives, and several members sign teaching contracts for the coming year.
537 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:30, p.6
Visits home, visitors, and correspondence from alumni.
538 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 20:29, p.6
Spring dance date set, two members on tour with the Cecilians, member returns from illness.
539 Xanho
College Eye 20:29, p.6
Visitors, Professor Robinson initiated, and spring dance planned.
540 Delta Phi Delta
College Eye 20:28, p.6
Pledges announced, visitors, and weekend trips.
541 Alpha Beta Gamma
College Eye 20:27, p.6
Alumni named to faculty, members return home for Easter.
542 Music contests reflect work of alumni
College Eye 20:25, p.1
TC alumni coached many of the participants.
543 Kappa Theta Psi
College Eye 20:21, p.8
Host bridge party; pledges announced; alumni expected to return for dance.
544 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 20:21, p.8
Entertain rushees; visitors; members visit homes.
545 Kappa Theta Psi
College Eye 20:19, p.6
Dance plans, visitors.
546 Alpha Beta Gamma
College Eye 20:19, p.6
Visitors, return home due to illness.
547 Tau Sigma Delta
College Eye 20:19, p.6
Pledges announced and member activities.
548 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 20:18, p.6
Member returns from sick list, alumni contacts, winter dance plans.
549 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 20:11, p.8
Members visit their homes, alumni urged to visit anytime; member activities.
550 Alpha Theta Beta
College Eye 20:10, p.6
Homecomiing visits and visitors.