
Displaying 551 - 600 of 822 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
551 Phi Sigma Phi
College Eye 20:10, p.6
Entertained guests and alumni during homecoming.
552 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:10, p.6
Homecoming, alumni, visitors, visits.
553 Pi Theta Pi
College Eye 20:10, p.6
Alumni, homecoming, visitors.
554 Delta Phi Delta
College Eye 20:10, p.6
Homecoming dinner, alumni, dance.
555 V. O. V
College Eye 20:9, p.8
Visitors, alumnae, visits, and Tau Sig dance.
556 Practicing chemists who obtained their under-graduate chemistry at Iowa State Teachers College
College Eye 20:9, p.4
Roster of alumni who are chemists.
557 Irvings
College Eye 20:9, p.5
Program from regular meeting.
558 Tau Sigma Delta
College Eye 20:9, p.8
Visits, visitors, Ames Homecoming, dance plans.
559 Alpha Theta Beta
College Eye 20:9, p.8
Many members go home for the weekend; prior to Homecoming.
560 Alumni urged to visit alma mater and make Homecoming a success
College Eye 20:7, p.1
Homecoming program highlights.
561 Iowans stage "Get Together" at Chicago U.
College Eye 19:43, p.1
Many ISTC alumni are studying at the University of Chicago this summer; roster of those who attended dinner.
562 Alumni entertained at breakfast June 5
College Eye 19:39, p.1
Description of the alumni reunion.
563 Phi Sigma Phi
College Eye 19:12, p.8
Pledges, activities, and alumni return for Homecoming.
564 Phi Omega Pi
College Eye 19:12, p.8
Alumnae return for Homecoming.
565 Lambda Gamma Nu
College Eye 19:12, p.8
Alumni return for T. C.-Parsons game; will hold fall dance.
566 Theta Gamma Nu
College Eye 19:12, p.8
Alumni visit; women attend Homecoming luncheon.
567 Alpha Theta Beta
College Eye 19:12, p.8
Alumni visit.
568 Tau Sigma Delta
College Eye 19:12, p.8
Entertained alumni; attend football game.
569 Alpha Chi Epsilon
College Eye 19:12, p.8
Alumni return for Homecoming.
570 Delta Phi Delta
College Eye 19:12, p.8
Alumni return for Homecoming; pledges initiated.
571 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 19:12, p.8
Alumni return for Visitor's Day; fraternity wins second prize for house decorations.
572 Visitors day November nineteenth; T. C. to have double Homecoming this year; many alumni expected to return this week-end
College Eye 19:11, p.1
Alumni invited to return to campus the week after Homecoming.
573 The Wolff's Howl
College Eye 19:11, p.4
Welcomes alumni to visitor's day; student feels that people should go to concerts for own enjoyment, not because they think they should.
574 Homecoming for alumni of T. C.; over one-third of present faculty former students here
College Eye 19:10, p.1
Many alumni will return for Homecoming.
575 T. C. athletes in demand; many high school coaches furnished by T. C.
College Eye 19:4, p.
ISTC graduates who are now coaching.
576 Annual breakfast
College Eye 18:44, p.6
For alumni reunion.
577 Dedication
Old Gold 0:0, p.5
1927 Old Gold dedicated to the alumni of Iowa State Teachers College.
578 I. S. T. C. alumni banquet
College Eye 18:17, p.3
Bess Streeter Aldrich scheduled to be the main speaker.
579 High school Y. W. entertains alumni
College Eye 18:16, p.1
580 The Alumni banquet
College Eye 18:16, p.3
To be held for graduate students.
581 To the homecomers
College Eye 18:14, p.4
Current students should embrace the alumni who return for Homecoming.
582 Courses of study
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.93
Description of the early curriculum and the early graduates of the Normal School.
583 Alumni
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.97
Notes on early alumni who achieved prominence.
584 Welcome to you
College Eye 17:46, p.5
Alumni gathering for Jubilee at Teachers College.
585 Return from the Philippines
College Eye 17:42, p.5
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Eernisse will attend the Alumni banquet and Campanile dedication.
586 Alumni committees plan Commencement; all alumni reunion last night
College Eye 17:33, p.1
Planning big program for fiftieth anniversary of ISTC.
587 The main factors
College Eye 17:20, p.4
Thoughts on the reasons for having Homecoming.
588 Alpha Delta Alpha
College Eye 17:20, p.3
Enjoyed oyster dinner.
589 Fraternity news
College Eye 17:20, p.3
Showed good spirit during Homecoming; house decoration prize winners noted.
590 Instructors who have graduated from I. S. T. C
College Eye 17:19, p.1
Roster of faculty who are ISTC alumni.
591 Homecoming tea
College Eye 17:19, p.8
To be served at Home Economics Cottage.
592 Fraternity news
College Eye 17:19, p.2
Fraternity pledges will be sprucing up their houses for Homecoming.
593 First Homecoming held at T.C in 1920
College Eye 17:19, p.1
History of the first ISTC Homecoming celebration.
594 I. S. T. C. is alma mater for large number of profs.; few department heads would go elsewhere for homecoming
College Eye 17:19, p.1
Faculty tell where they would like to attend Homecoming, at ISTC or their own alma mater; roster of faculty who graduated from ISTC.
595 Fine speeches at alumni breakfast
College Eye 17:1, p.1
Students, faculty, and alumni speak at traditional reunion breakfast.
596 Graduation plans now completed; excellent program scheduled
College Eye 16:35, p.1
Schedule of events planned for Commencement.
597 Ehrhardt and Fuller declare candidacy for college annual
College Eye 16:25, p.2
Candidates state their platform.
598 Broadcasting of alumni program great success
College Eye 16:24, p.2
Reports from all over the US; Campanile fundraising approaching the half way point.
599 Many alumni listen in on last night's radio program
College Eye 16:22, p.8
Many hear appeal for Campanile funds.
600 Alumni program to be broadcasted next Tuesday night; in connection with state dinner of graduates and former students of college
College Eye 16:21, p.1
Will offer opportunity for alumni to listen.