Aristotelian Literary Society

Displaying 401 - 450 of 702 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 A large audience gathered
Normal Eyte 14:21, p.335
Aristos presented Dickens program.
402 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:20, p.311
The Aristos report on two programs.
403 Triangular; results of the 28 debates held
Normal Eyte 14:19, p.289
The Orios have won the most debates since 1894.
404 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:18, p.281
D. B. McIlravy was elected president.
405 Coming
Normal Eyte 14:17, p.268
A schedule of upcoming events on campus.
406 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:16, p.250
The Aristos give a program on "Sheridan's Ride."
407 Basketball
Normal Eyte 14:16, p.252
The Philos defeated the Aristos, 35-15.
408 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:14, p.219
The Aristos delivered a program to a full house.
409 Friday evenings
Normal Eyte 14:13, p.202
Many entertainments will be provided on Friday nights during the winter term.
410 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:12, p.187
The Aristos debate the superiority of the House of Commons or the House of Representatives.
411 Triangular oratorical
Normal Eyte 14:11, p.161
Orios have first place in contest.
412 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:10, p.154
Meeting opened by Mr. Ackerman.
413 The Shakes and the Aristos
Normal Eyte 14:8, p.126
The Shakes and Aristos initiate new members.
414 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:8, p.122
Aristos met on Friday instead of Saturday.
415 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:6, p.90
Aristos select officers for the term.
416 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:4, p.58
The Aristos address athletics.
417 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:3, p.43
The Aristos present a vacation program.
418 Aristo
Normal Eyte 14:2, p.27
Many new members in the Aristo society.
419 Society
Normal Eyte 13:35, p.547
Zetas enjoy presentations and debate; Philos present music and debate; Aristos present patriotic program; Orios feature debate; Shakes present teachers convention.
420 Last week
Normal Eyte 13:34, p.538
Aristos won baseball game.
421 Be sure and attend the baseball game
Normal Eyte 13:34, p.539
Philos and Aristos will play.
422 Society
Normal Eyte 13:34, p.533
Neos enjoy money program; Orios present music and drama; Zetas enjoy music; Aristos present music and debate.
423 Society
Normal Eyte 13:33, p.522
Philos enjoy music and papers; Aristos hear papers; Chrestos enjoy Scotch program; Shakes hear Shakespearean program; Orios presented mail program.
424 Society
Normal Eyte 13:32, p.502
Aristos offer music and papers; Neos program hampered by rain; Orios hold debate; Shakes have musical program; Philos hold debate.
425 A very pleasing and in every way enjoyable
Normal Eyte 13:31, p.491
Aristos entertain Shakes.
426 There is talk of the consolidation of the Aristotelian and Shakespearean societies
Normal Eyte 13:31, p.490
Or maybe not.
427 Society
Normal Eyte 13:31, p.487

Alphas hold photograph program; Philos enjoy variety program; Ossolis celebrate May Day; Neos hold French program; Chrestos give African-American program; Aristos hold field meet program.

428 Society
Normal Eyte 13:30, p.474

Orios hear papers; Philos enjoy music; Ossolis hold literary program; Neos give athletics program; Chrestos hold debate; Aristos give agricultural program.

429 Last night the Aristos entertained
Normal Eyte 13:30, p.476
Entertained the Shakes.
430 Society
Normal Eyte 13:29, p.456
Orios present athletics program; Neos present college program; Alphas present Congressional program; Aristos have professional program; Zetas present Eugene Field program.
431 Society
Normal Eyte 13:26, p.405
Shakes give Marine program; Aristos give athletics program; Ossolis give advertising program; Alphas present ideal program; Shakes give Lent program.
432 Society
Normal Eyte 13:25, p.393
Philos heard papers; Aristos enjoyed costume program; Orios held railroad program.
433 Society
Normal Eyte 13:24, p.374
Aristos elect officers.
434 Society
Normal Eyte 13:22, p.348

Chrestos enjoy Lincoln-Washington program; Philos present literary program; Clios present patriotic program; Aristos hold Roman program; Zetas consider quotations; Shakes present Indian program.

435 Triangular debate
Normal Eyte 13:21, p.322
Aristos defeat Philos; Orios defeat Philos.
436 Society
Normal Eyte 13:20, p.314

Alphas installed officers; Shakes have French program; Clios have Italian program; Zetas hear papers.

437 Society
Normal Eyte 13:19, p.298
Philos install officers; Orios enjoy basketball game; Alphas hear papers.
438 Oratorical
Normal Eyte 13:18, p.286
Roster of those who will compete for the interstate oratorical contest.
439 Society
Normal Eyte 13:18, p.280
Orios present tramp program; Aristos hear papers and debate; Neos install officers.
440 Society
Normal Eyte 13:16, p.250
Zetas enjoy women's program; Aristos hear papers and debate; Chrestos hold New Year's program; Ossolis give Eugene Field program.
441 The Debating League
Normal Eyte 13:16, p.241
Men's literary societies accept debate challenge from Iowa Wesleyan.
442 Society
Normal Eyte 13:15, p.236
Aristos enjoy literary program; Philos work on debates; Chrestos feature poetry.
443 Society
Normal Eyte 13:14, p.214
Ossolis feature Mexican program; Orios hold debate; Zetas have country school program; Philos enjoy music and debate; Aristos hold literary program.
444 The Shakes are now the proud possessors of red caps
Normal Eyte 13:13, p.203
Aristos have caps, too.
445 Society
Normal Eyte 13:13, p.204
Philos elect officers; Aristos have many strong members; Orios have new piano.
446 Society
Normal Eyte 13:12, p.183
Chrestos presented literary program; Zetas enjoy music; Alphas hear papers; Shakes present advertising program; Aristos hear papers.
447 Society oratorical contest; three men's societies contest for points--Orio five points--Aristos four points--Philos one point--an interesting program
Normal Eyte 13:11, p.164

Account of the contest; score sheet.

448 There is a time for everything, and just now seems to be the time for candidates for positions on the Normal Eyte staff
Normal Eyte 13:11, p.161
Candidates beginning to appear for Normal Eyte staff.
449 Society
Normal Eyte 13:10, p.156
Chrestos elect officers; Aristos hear papers; Zetas enjoy Halloween program; Ossolis present Gibson program. Orios hold literary program; Alphas present parody.
450 Oratorical contest
Normal Eyte 13:10, p.160

The men's societies will compete.