
Displaying 1751 - 1784 of 1784 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1751 Athletic
Normal Eyte 8:3, p.47
Football team practicing; women organize third basketball team.
1752 Athletic
Normal Eyte 8:2, p.32
Association decides to have football team; two teams organized; women organize two basketball teams.
1753 Basketball
Normal Eyte 7:36, p.8
Women play exhibition game.
1754 The Physical Culture Department
Normal Eyte 7:33, p.8
Will close work with basketball game.
1755 Athletic
Normal Eyte 7:31, p.18
Field meet scheduled; Athletic Association meets with faculty.
1756 Athletic
Normal Eyte 7:30, p.18
Baseball team will go to Clarksville; basketball team organizing.
1757 Athletic
Normal Eyte 7:21, p.16
Fayette challenges ISNS women's basketball team; women doing military drill; cadets drilling.
1758 Athletic
Normal Eyte 7:20, p.17
Account of recent women's basketball game.
1759 A match game
Normal Eyte 7:19, p.12
Two ISNS basketball teams will play.
1760 Athletic
Normal Eyte 7:18, p.16
May offer excursion to Des Moines in order to cut Athletic Association debt.
1761 Athletic
Normal Eyte 7:17, p.17
Athletic Association meets; planning for Field Day; basketball teams will play match.
1762 Athletic
Normal Eyte 7:15, p.185
Basketball team still practicing despite Miss Falkler's illness.
1763 Athletic
Normal Eyte 7:14, p.169
Basketball teams continuing to play; Association still has small debt.
1764 Athletic Department
Normal Eyte 7:7, p.79
Ellsworth defeats ISNS, 26-10; football team has training table and coach; Tennis Association adopts new constitution; basketball teams practicing.
1765 Athletic Department
Normal Eyte 7:4, p.43
Tennis courts being renovated; basketball team practicing; football team practicing; field meet to be held.
1766 Athletic Department
Normal Eyte 7:2, p.17
Tennis Association re-organizes; men practicing for track and football; basketball teams organized.
1767 Basket ball team
Normal Eyte 6:33, p.469
Group portrait; photo.
1768 The Hawkeye Yellows and the Special Primary Blues
Normal Eyte 6:33, p.450
Will play basketball game.
1769 Basketball
Normal Eyte 6:32, p.381
Played on campus most afternoons.
1770 Fencing has become one of the attractive features
Normal Eyte 6:27, p.321
Women enjoy fencing; basketball continues to be popular.
1771 Miss Pearl England
Normal Eyte 6:27, p.320
Coaching basketball team at Penn College.
1772 Basketball
Normal Eyte 6:22, p.258
Results of recent game; history of game at ISNS, which began in fall 1896 as an exercise for women; description of how the game is played.
1773 A nice line of apparatus
Normal Eyte 6:17, p.194
Good equipment available for physical culture under the direction of Laura Falkler.
1774 Friday afternoon
Normal Eyte 6:15, p.178
The two women's basketball teams played each other.
1775 We are proud of the fact
Normal Eyte 6:14, p.157
Women enjoying basketball, a good activity for them.
1776 The girls grow more and more enthusiastic
Normal Eyte 6:11, p.129
Enjoying basketball.
1777 Miss Nettie Fullerton
Normal Eyte 6:10, p.118
Injured in basketball game.
1778 Miss Laura Falkler
Normal Eyte 6:9, p.98
Will have two basketball clubs; large interest in physical culture among women.
1779 On account of the absence of Miss Falkler
Normal Eyte 6:7, p.82
Physical culture classes and basketball not offered.
1780 Basketball team no. 2
Normal Eyte 6:6, p.70
Will play on campus.
1781 Ha! Ha! Ha!
Normal Eyte 6:5, p.57
Cheer of basketball club.
1782 The young women
Normal Eyte 6:5, p.50
Now have basketball court in area behind buildings; will play games there.
1783 Basketball is attracting considerable attention
Normal Eyte 6:4, p.45
Women enjoying the game.
1784 Nine Lake Forest co-eds
Normal Eyte 5:20, p.177
Comments on a women's basketball game in Chicago.