Beard--Marshall R. (Registrar; Social Science Faulty)

Displaying 101 - 150 of 380 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Enrollment statistics for 1956-57 released
College Eye 49:2, p.3
A look at enrollment and degrees awarded.
102 Kappa Delta Phi Hears Guest Speakers
Old Gold 0:0, p.208
Kappa Delta Phi is a national honorary fraternity in education open to juniors, seniors, and graduate students; guest speakers included: President J. W. Maucker, Dwight Curtis, Herbert Silvey, Philip Jennings, Daryl Pendergraft, and Marshall Beard; photo.
103 Faculty Senate
Old Gold 0:0, p.41
Photograph of the Faculty Senate.
104 Instruction and Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.36
Instruction and Research supervises instructional records, the marking procedure, advisory system, admissions and the academic guidance of students; the Registrar's Office and the Library and academic counseling service are also included; photo.
105 Applications for offices yet available
College Eye 48:17, p.1
Description of voting procedures for student government elections.
106 Changes at TC discussed by Registrar
College Eye 47:39, p.1
Marshall Beard speculates on changes in the curriculum, the academic calendar, and the campus landscape.
107 Dr. Beard speaks on TC's future
College Eye 47:38, p.1
At Phi Delta Kappa meeting.
108 Instruction and Research
Old Gold 0:0, p.84
Brief description of the faculty; photo.
109 Graduate Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.82
Brief description of the group; photo.
110 Summer at a glance
Old Gold 0:0, p.27
Brief description of summer activities; photo.
111 Curricular change will be explained
College Eye 47:30, p.1
Will explain change from quarter to semester calendar.
112 Semester system plans continue
Alumnus 40:2, p.2
Dr. Beard reports progress.
113 Semester change work continues
College Eye 47:20, p.6
Departments re-arranging courses; adjusting student teaching; translating quarter hours into semester hours.
114 Graduate Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.77
Photo of the members of the Graduate Council sitting around a table and a description of what they do; photo.
115 Administration Photos
Old Gold 0:0, p.71
Photos of Dr. Lang, Dr. Beard, and Dr. Lamke are shown on this page; photos.
116 Attend certifying meeting in Capitol
College Eye 46:30, p.9
Offer reactions to certification.
117 Wright names M. R. Beard on committee
College Eye 46:25, p.4
To state committee on teacher education and certification.
118 An article by Dr. Marshall R. Beard
Alumnus 39:1, p.11
Discusses use of machines in offices.
119 Beard writes for magazine
College Eye 46:12, p.8
On correspondence equipment.
120 Fred D. Cram
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
Administration; photo.
121 Phi Sigma Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Brief description of the group; photo.
122 Radio committee announces plans
College Eye 45:32, p.1
Committee submits plans for campus radio station to President Maucker.
123 Faculty members to take part in analysis program
College Eye 45:10, p.8
Teams will visit other colleges.
124 Campbell holds second faculty guest evening
College Eye 45:10, p.6
A look at the dorm social calendars.
125 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.22
Administrators; photo.
126 Kappa delta pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.153
Emily Reuwsaat, Shirley Anfinson, Milton Forbes, Dorothy Adams, and Lucille Gault serve as officers in the Kappa Delta Pi national education honor society; photo.
127 Beard, Fink attend registrar meeting
College Eye 44:28, p.3
128 Maucker serves freshmen students
College Eye 44:21, p.1
Administrators honor scholarship winners.
129 First M. A.
Alumnus 37:1, p.
Mary Jane Thierman will receive first graduate degree; photo.
130 Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.17
Photos of Philip Jennings, Marshall Beard, Eldon Cole, George Holmes, and Paul Kelso are featured on this page; photo.
131 Chapel Choir
Old Gold 0:0, p.118
Photo of the members of the Chapel Choir; photo.
132 Hart, TC author will be honored at tea in Commons
College Eye 43:25, p.1
Faculty and student leaders will honor Irving Hart; description of the writing of "The First 75 Years"; photo.
133 An informal author's tea honoring Irving H. Hart will be held in the Georgian Lounge of the Commons, April 16
Public Relations News Release 1951:611, p.1
Hart's book "The First 75 Years" is a history of ideas fundamental to the development of the college. Hart is college archivist and historian. Favors in the form of book marks will be presented to those attending.
134 Spring quarter enrollment figures at the college stood at 2,027 at the close of registration Wednesday, according to Registrar Marshall R. Beard
Public Relations News Release 1952:510, p.1
Of this figure, 775 were men and 1,252 were women. Three hundred seventy-nine persons registered Wednesday, the balance having completed the enrollment process during advanced registration late last month.
135 Forty-four bachelor of arts degrees and 15 elementary teacher diplomas were granted at the end of the winter academic quarter
Public Relations News Release 1952:514, p.1
Registrar Marshall R. Beard said, the graduates are invited to participate in the spring quarter commencement this June. Registration for students not previously registered for the spring quarter will be held Wednesday, March 19. Graduates listed.
136 Advanced registration figures for the spring academic quarter reached 1,638 according to Marshall Beard, registrar
Public Relations News Release 1952:389, p.1
Of the total enrollment 1,050 were women and 588 were men. Registration for new students and those who were unable to register Wednesday will be March 19.
137 Letter to Mr. George Holmes
Public Relations News Release 1951:685, p.1
Lists staff members scheduled for "Career" or "College Days" at select Iowa high schools.
138 A total of 2,181 students - 1,380 women and 801 men - register for the winter quarter
Public Relations News Release 1951:288, p.1
According to Marshall R. Beard, Registrar, 1,797 students registered for the winter quarter during advance registration prior to the Christmas vacation.
139 A total of 2,181 students-1,380 women and 801 men-completed the registration process for the winter academic quarter
Public Relations News Release 1951:289, p.1
Marshall R. Beard, Registrar, said the 2,181 figure was not final and predicted the final registration figure for the winter quarter would exceed 2,200 when the processing of late registrants was completed.
140 Thirty-five bachelor of arts degrees and 15 elementary teacher diplomas were granted Wednesday
Public Relations News Release 1951:280, p.1
Marshall R. Beard said no formal commencement exercises were held, a custom followed in fall and winter quarter graduations. However, the graduates are welcome to participate in the spring quarter commencement in June, 1952.
141 During the 1952 summer session, no classes in grades eight through twelve will be offered in the Campus School
Public Relations News Release 1951:107, p.1
Registrar Marshall R. Beard said decreased enrollments in those grades at the School during recent summers resulted in the decision. Summer classes in grades one through seven will be held.
142 Prof. Zoild D. T. San Andres, National Teachers college, Manila, Philippines, is a visitor this week on the campus
Public Relations News Release 1951:70, p.
The emphasis of San Andres observations of elementary education in colleges and universities in the United States will be in the areas of rural education and laboratory schools.
143 A total of 2,306 students had enrolled by the end of registration Thursday, Registrar Marshall R. Beard announced Friday morning
Public Relations News Release 1951:32, p.1
This fall's total shows a decrease of 277 students compared to enrollment figures at the end of registration in September, 1950, when 2,683 enrolled. Thursday's total of 2,306 represents a drop of 14 percent compared to last year's mark.
144 Advance registration for the fall quarter has reached 652, Registrar Marshall R. Beard said today
Public Relations News Release 1951:8, p.1
This is about 150 short of last year's advance registration for the same quarter. The registration included more men than women - 331 to 321. Regular registration for the fall term will be held Sept. 17 through 20 with instruction beginning Sept. 21.
145 The student ratio at the college this summer is two women for every man
Public Relations News Release 1950:395, p.1
Registrar Marshall R. Beard said Thursday morning's registration count included 850 women and 410 men, for a total of 1,260. Officials at the college's branch summer school at Missouri Valley reported an enrollment of 77. Registration was held Monday.
146 Marshall R. Beard
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
Brief description of registrar; photo.
147 Registrar clarifies graduate status
College Eye 42:30, p.1
Special rules for veterans.
148 College policies on Selective Service discussed at convocation for men
College Eye 42:29, p.7
Men learn procedures on draft and college.
149 Preliminary spring quarter registration figures at the college had reached a total of 2270 Thursday according to Marshall R. Beard, registrar
Public Relations News Release 1950:276, p.1
This figure represents a drop of 7.4 per cent from the winter quarter enrollment of 2456. Nine hundred sixteen men are registered for this quarter and 1354 women as compared to the 1008 men and 1448 women of the winter quarter.
150 Faculty elections at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1950:270, p.1

Eight faculty members have been elected to the faculty senate for two-year terms beginning Sept. 1, 1951. Terms of eight of the present 17 members will expire August 31.