Beard--Marshall R. (Registrar; Social Science Faulty)
Displaying 201 - 250 of 380 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
201 | More men on campus than women now College Eye 38:13, p.7 |
Enrollment total is 2371; Marshall Beard talks about enrollment trends. | |
202 | Rumors concerning vets made clear College Eye 38:8, p.2 |
Rumor is that veterans will be dropped if they fail a course; Registrar Beard says that this is not true; same rules apply to veterans as apply to other students. | |
203 | 706 register in advance for fall quarter College Eye 37:43, p.1 |
204 | Registrar announces procedure for fall quarter registration College Eye 37:41, p.1 |
205 | Summer commencement speaker named Public Relations News Release 1946:202, p.1 |
Robert H. Humphray, mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota, will be the commencement speaker. Dr. Theodore G. Lilley will give the baccalaureate address. | |
206 | Summer school housing situation Public Relations News Release 1946:184, p.1 |
Teachers returning for summer school will not have problems with classroom space. Housing is another problem. Double-deck beds have been installed in dorm rooms. Surrounding area canvassed for additional rooms. | |
207 | Male enrollment increase Public Relations News Release 1946:175, p.1 |
Early registration indicates that four hundred twenty men have already registered for classes. This is an increase of over one hundred sixty. | |
208 | Duties of the Registrar and the Director of Student teaching Old Gold 0:0, p.22 |
Marshall R. Beard keeps records of all students s the Registrar. Dwight K. Curtis advises students during student teaching; photo. | |
209 | Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.14 |
Registrar Beard advises student; photo. | |
210 | Dean and Registrar suggest informative auditorium directory College Eye 37:24, p.6 |
Helps people find their way in the Auditorium Building. | |
211 | Final registration for spring quarter Public Relations News Release 1946:57, p.1 |
Two hundred more students are expected to register for the spring quarter during final enrollment. Early enrollment resulted in 1,268 students enrolled. | |
212 | Veterans return to alma mater Alumnus 30:1, p.3 |
Experiences of veterans returning to college; vets organize group as Pan-Vets (Panther Veterans) to deal with readjustments and to promote their interests. | |
213 | Returning service men increase enrollment Public Relations News Release 1945:299, p.1 |
Over one hundred fifty servicemen have enrolled in classes for the winter quarter. Enrollment stands at 1,236 students; two more than the fall quarter. | |
214 | R to nine is count used by registrar College Eye 37:9, p.4 |
Uses duodecimal system for certain data. | |
215 | Grades for veterans Public Relations News Release 1945:204, p.1 |
Veterans have adjusted well to college life as reflected in their grades. Grades compared favorably with other students for the spring semester. | |
216 | Eight hunderd twenty students enroll for summer classes Public Relations News Release 1945:149, p.1 |
Enrollment is slightly ahead of the spring quarter and a year ago. Three hunderd twenty four are enrolled at the branch summer schools. | |
217 | Marshall R. Beard, Registrar Old Gold 0:0, p.24 |
An overview of the duties of the Registrar Marshall Beard as compared to his work in the social science department; photo. | |
218 | College faculty senate announces results of election Public Relations News Release 1945:112, p.1 |
Seven new members named to faculty senate. The senate is made up of twenty eight members with half being elected for two year terms and the other half being ex-officio. | |
219 | Four-Quarter Rural Program Public Relations News Release 1945:36, p.1 |
Iowa State Teachers College and junior colleges of Iowa have joined to permit students to receive a rural teachers state certificate under the new program. | |
220 | Faculty shops early to relieve St. Nick College Eye 36:12, p.3 |
Faculty tell how them accomplished their Christmas shopping. | |
221 | Teachers College prepares for G. I. Education Alumnus 28:4, p.5 |
Registrar preparing to deal will college credit earned while in service; college accepted first student under G. I. Bill of Rights last March; three more veterans were enrolled during the summer term. | |
222 | Veterans enroll under federal aid College Eye 36:1, p.5 |
Some men qualify for vocational rehabilitation; photo. | |
223 | Recent survey shows why people attend summer sessions here College Eye 35:42, p.1 |
Results of survey by Marshall Beard and George Holmes. | |
224 | Fewer students rush to file drop cards College Eye 35:41, p.1 |
Description of procedure for dropping classes. | |
225 | Social Science Old Gold 0:0, p.46 |
The department is popular with students. Students are showing an interest in the events of the day at a time when history is in the making; photo. | |
226 | Phi Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.127 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
227 | Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.199 |
Photo. | |
228 | Deans and officials Old Gold 0:0, p.15 |
Summary of the duties of the deans and administrative officials; photo. | |
229 | Iowa post-war planning group discuss problems College Eye 35:28, p.1 |
Group considers certification, vocational education, and credit for returning veterans. | |
230 | Iowa schools make post-war plans; teachers college represented in state conference College Eye 35:27, p.1 |
DPI sponsors conference; several ISTC administrators make presentations on dealing with the post-war campus. | |
231 | Summer lecture program includes varied series recitals, plays, concerts College Eye 35:24, p.4 |
Series will feature ISTC faculty; description of their topics. | |
232 | Low Enrollment Public Relations News Release 1943:111, p.2 |
Due to war efforts, there is a low enrollment of students. Campus dormitories are facilitating less than one third of their capability. The shortage also comes from a lack of teachers and upper classmen leaving to go teach. | |
233 | Low Enrollment Public Relations News Release 1943:110, p.2 |
Due to war efforts, there is a low enrollment of students. Campus dormitories are facilitating less than one third of their capability. The shortage also comes from a lack of teachers and upper classmen leaving to go teach. | |
234 | People you should get to know College Eye 35:1, p.3 |
Pictured is the Dean of Women, the Dean of Men, the Dean of Faculty, and the Registrar; photo. | |
235 | People you should know College Eye 34:31, p.5 |
236 | The Campus Builders Old Gold 0:0, p.23 |
The roles of Mr. Boardman as business manager, Mr. Cole as superintendent of buildings, and Mr. Beard as registrar and the goals and challenges of their repsective jobs; photo. | |
237 | Social Science Department Old Gold 0:0, p.76 |
Shake-ups resulting from the war has become familiar to the department with some of the instructors now teaching the air crew and the WAVES using some of the classrooms; photo. | |
238 | Phi Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.122 |
Several informal and formal parties are held throughout the year including a Homecoming Luncheon and Coke parties. The sorority also wrote letters to men in the service; photo. |
239 | Dial Dope 1540 College Eye 34:13, p.2 |
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL. | |
240 | Dr. Beard is Registrar Alumnus 27:1, p.6 |
Replacing Selmer Larson, who is teaching math and science courses required by war emergency; photo. | |
241 | Beard replaces Larson as new Registrar College Eye 34:9, p.1 |
Selmer Larson will teach courses in mathematics and science. | |
242 | Rev. Knoff will give sermon for education week College Eye 34:8, p.3 |
243 | Panel will discuss summer schools at next faculty meeting College Eye 34:8, p.1 |
Will discuss schools held at Red Oak, Creston, and Dennison. | |
244 | Beard speaks on teaching of citizenship College Eye 33:44, p.4 |
At Montgomery County meeting. | |
245 | Branch schools meet emergency Alumnus 26:3, p.2 |
Will offer schools in Red Oak, Creston, and Denison. | |
246 | Will 'carry' summer school to students throughout state College Eye 33:34, p.1 |
Branch summer schools located in Red Oak, Creston, and Denison. |
247 | All-College Parties Old Gold 0:0, p.146 |
Photo. | |
248 | The faculty at work and play Old Gold 0:0, p.60 |
Photos. | |
249 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.50 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
250 | Rural conference scheduled April 25 College Eye 33:28, p.3 |
Many ISTC faculty on program. |