Begeman--Louis (Science Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 331 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Our Progress
Northern Iowan 118:13, p.5
A reprint from the 09/19/1906 edition of the Normal Eyte, the article talks about the new Science Hall and greenhouse; photos.
2 Inaugural Begeman Lecture to feature 'The Science of Speed'
Public Relations News Release 2008:102, p.1
Diandra Leslie-Pelecky, professor of physics at the University of Texas at Dallas and author of the book, "The Physics of NASCAR," will speak in Lang Hall auditorium.
3 UNI dedicates newly renovated Begeman Hall
Northern Iowan 104:12, p.1
Renovation of former Physics Building completed to be named for first Physics department head, Louis Begeman; photo.
4 UNI Department of Physics dedicates newly renovated Begeman Hall
Public Relations News Release 2007:172, p.1
Biological profile of Louis Begeman.
5 Setting new standards for faculty preparation, professorial rank, and retirement
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.12
President Latham takes initial steps to improve faculty credentials, regularize the system of faculty rank, and define the possibilities for faculty retirement; photo.
6 Institutional evaluation and administrative change
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.17
The college receives accreditation from the North Central Association; President Latham organizes publicity, research, alumni services, and placement; institution of the Faculty Senate and changes in faculty governance; the role of religion; photo.
7 Program, personnel, and other changes
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.50
President Latham determines the appropriate role for extension and consultant service; alters and strengthens curriculum; considers graduate study; student voice anti-war sentiments; photo.
8 UNI College of Natural Sciences offers eight scholarships for 1992-1993
Northern Iowan 88:51, p.8
Description of scholarships.
9 Fall 1992 scholarships available for student and faculty in College of Natural Sciences at the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1991:501, p.1
College of Natural Science students have several scholarships available to them.
10 The Normal School moves toward collegiate status
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.223
Changes in faculty, development of the curriculum, and new construction financed by the millage levy bring the Normal School to a new level; photo.
11 Institutional growth; transfer of governance to the State Board of Education (1906 through June, 1909)
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.255
Organization of the school into formal departments; Dean of Women Walker develops guidelines for rooming houses; photo.
12 Students honored by University of Northern Iowa college of natural sciences.
Public Relations News Release 1989:669, p.1

List of students given. Awards presented by the college included the Louis Begeman Memorial Scholarships, C.W. Lantz Scholarship and Graduate Fellowship, Irene M Thompson Scholarship and the Dean's Award.

13 Fund established in memory of Dr. Begeman
Alumnus 46:3, p.11
Currently funding science scholarship.
14 Atomic research pioneer dies at 93
Alumnus 42:3, p.9
Professor Louis Begeman died May 18, 1958.
15 Emeritus professor pioneered study in electron theory
Alumnus 37:2, p.6
Profile of work of Professor Begeman.
16 Change of name from Normal School to College
First 75 Years 0:0, p.17
Students and faculty petition President Seerley for a name change; Board acts favorably.
17 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.210

List of faculty, emeritus staff, and faculty on leave; photo.

18 Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.38
Brief description of the department; photo.
19 Alums from 1898 to 1948 exchange old and new memories
Alumnus 32:3, p.4
Highlights of reunion; photo.
20 Dr. Louis Begeman named to science jury
Old Gold 38:3, p.7
Will select leading US scientists.
21 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.53
Photos of faculty; photo.
22 Professors Kadesch, Begeman, formerly students of Millikan
College Eye 34:28, p.1
Both studied with Robert Millikan at the University of Chicago.
23 A small group of Teachers College alumni and faculty members enjoyed a reunion
Alumnus 26:3, p.13
Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Perrine, Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Wiler, and Dr. and Mrs. Louis Begeman visited at the reunion and celebrated Dr. Perrine's birthday.
24 The good old days
College Eye 33:21, p.7
Account of early baseball game between the faculty and the students.
25 Faculty members leave for South
College Eye 32:13, p.6
Professors Begeman and Cory will spend winter in the South.
26 Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.235
Brief description of the department; photo.
27 Faculty notes
College Eye 30:37, p.2
Professor Begeman honored by University of Michigan; Gerald Knoff will take a short vacation.
28 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.52
List of faculty and brief description of what they do; photos.
29 Frank M. Phillips
Alumnus 23:2, p.22
Is now serving as actuary and statistician with the U. S. Employees Compensation Commission. He received his Ph. D. degree from George Washington University, and he resides in Washington.
30 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.52
List of faculty; photos.
31 Faculty members rate "Who's Who"
College Eye 29:25, p.3
Four honored in national publication.
32 Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.53
Department changes; photos.
33 Faculty members to lecture and attend Iowa conventions
College Eye 28:28, p.5
Roster of speaking engagements and meetings.
34 Dr. Begeman returns
College Eye 28:23, p.3
Had visited the South and Cuba.
35 Mrs. Begeman ill
College Eye 28:15, p.3
36 Dr. Hanson, past religious director, dies; pictures self once more in the college chapel at death
College Eye 28:9, p.1
Died October 30, 1936; obituary; photo.
37 Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.47
The Natural Science Department and Physics and Chemistry Department have been combined; photos.
38 Language Club will sponsor program
College Eye 27:41, p.3
Professor Begeman will talk on trip to Mexico.
39 Begeman, Hersey honored at dinner
College Eye 27:53, p.1
Department honors them.
40 Students and departments have dinners honoring special guests
College Eye 27:53, p.3
Campus social calendar.
41 Cable to head combined science departments
Alumnus 19:3, p.5

Professor Begeman will retire at end of 1935 summer session; photo.

42 Science department, athletics, publications, dramatics, make forward strides in past year; retirement of Dr. Begeman is major change in science group
College Eye 27:44, p.1

Summary of the 1934-1935 school year.

43 Alpha Delta Alpha
Old Gold 0:0, p.212
Became a social fraternity in 1926; advisors, officers, and members; photos.
44 Physics and Chemistry
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Description of curriculum; photos.
45 Getchell addresses Academy of Science at Grinnell Friday
College Eye 26:40, p.3
Several other faculty will attend.
46 Cable to head two science departments on retirement of Begeman this summer; consolidation is announced this week by President O. R. Latham
College Eye 26:39, p.1

Department of Natural Science and Department of Physics and Chemistry to be combined into Department of Science; photo.

47 Two science departments will be combined under the direction of Dr. Emmett J. Cable
Public Relations News Release 1934:1014, p.3
Profile of Dr. Cable and Dr. Begeman.
48 Todd rates laurels in faculty bridge tournament finals
College Eye 26:33, p.1
Results after fourth evening of play.
49 Dr. G. E. Stewart will deliver the twentieth annual research lecture
Public Relations News Release 1967:704, p.1
Dr. Stewart will give two lectures that are free and open to anyone.
50 Dr. Charles travels to Colorado's parks
College Eye 26:12, p.5
Others meet in Michigan.