Branch Summer Schools

Displaying 1 - 50 of 300 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Program, personnel, and other changes
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.50
President Latham determines the appropriate role for extension and consultant service; alters and strengthens curriculum; considers graduate study; student voice anti-war sentiments; photo.
2 Curriculum and related matters, 1940-1950
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.132
Detailed coverage of curriculum change, especially the movement to reformulate general education.
3 Services extending beyond the campus: Extension Service; Continuing Education; the church; the UNI Foundation
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.359
Extension services designed to meet needs of growing enrollment; efforts in radio and television; a brief history of the last years of the CHIC; early efforts of the UNI Foundation; photo.
4 Consultants tell rural school story
Alumnus 51:4, p.2
Professors Shepherd and Ritter retire; talk about early days in school consulting work; photo.
5 Branch school closes in three Iowa towns
College Eye 45:35, p.3
Sessions concluded June 25.
6 The first music department faculty recital of the 1951-52 season will be held Sunday, October 14 at 8:15 p.m.
Public Relations News Release 1951:69, p.1
The recital will feature soprano Jane Birkhead and bass-baritone Harald Holst. Jvone L. Maxwell of the music department will be the accompanist. Birkhead and Holst gave a concert this summer at Nantucket Island, Massachusetts.
7 Ames radio station records student group
College Eye 42:38, p.4
Interviews students at Missouri Valley Branch Summer School.
8 Riebe addresses group on Audio-Visual aids
College Eye 42:35, p.4
9 Branch Art Workshop closes with exhibit
College Eye 42:35, p.4
Students exhibit work there.
10 58 persons enroll in art workshop
College Eye 42:34, p.4
At Missouri Valley branch summer school.
11 Missouri Valley-Fifty-eight persons have enrolled for the In-Service Art Workshop to be held June 19, 20, and 21 at the summer school
Public Relations News Release 1950:398, p.1
William Dreier, director of the branch school in Missouri Valley, reported that workshop enrollees include thirty-five enrolled in the school and twenty-three from the area in and around Missouri Valley.
12 Branch school has 77 enrolled
College Eye 42:33, p.4
Several faculty will visit.
13 Two more named for summer school staff
College Eye 42:32, p.2
14 Plans are made for branch school
College Eye 42:31, p.1
Professor Dreier will direct school at Missouri Valley.
15 Branch summer school
College Eye 42:29, p.1
Will be held in Missouri Valley.
16 Announce faculty members for branch summer school
Alumnus 35:2, p.26
Staff will serve under Professor Dreier's leadership.
17 The 1951 summer session of the Iowa State Teachers college branch school in Missouri Valley will be the fourth such session held there
Public Relations News Release 1950:296, p.1
William H. Drier, instructor in education, will direct the June 11 to August 17 session. The first session held in Missouri Valley, in 1923, was under the direction of H. L. Eells. The sessions of 1943 and 1945 were directed by J. B. Paul.
18 Branch faculty will include six of college staff
College Eye 42:21, p.6
Will teach in Missouri Valley.
19 Branch summer school set for Missouri Valley
Alumnus 35:1, p.2
Staff of eight will be led by Professor Dreier; branch schools first held in 1917.
20 College musicians to give program at branch school
College Eye 41:37, p.4
The music selections for the program are listed along with the students participating. Ricci Cole and Daphne Powell will also be performing.
21 Nelson advocates training of youth in Denison talk
College Eye 41:35, p.1
M. J. Nelson will speak on providing opportunities for those students with above-average intelligence.
22 Hold visual aids, curricula confab at Branch school
College Eye 41:34, p.1
Professors Gjerde and Wagner put on show.
23 H. Van Engen to address Denison math workshop
College Eye 41:34, p.4
Will speak on teaching arithmetic.
24 Powells provide music at church
College Eye 41:32, p.5
Daphne and John Powell perform in Denison.
25 Branch School news; members of Teachers College staff to conduct Branch School assemblies
College Eye 41:31, p.5
News from Denison; photo.
26 Women increase total enrollment
College Eye 41:31, p.1
Summer 1950 enrollment stands at 1754.
27 Appoint Wiseman to Denison staff
College Eye 41:31, p.5
Will teach science at branch summer school.
28 Enrollment reaches 165
College Eye 41:31, p.5
At Dennison Branch Summer School.
29 Denison Branch School addressed by Ritter
College Eye 41:31, p.5
30 Nine will teach at Branch school
College Eye 41:31, p.5
Roster of Dennison faculty.
31 Birkhead, Holst, and Maxwell will give program at Denison on Monday
College Eye 41:31, p.5
Performance program.
32 Branch Summer School at Denison
College Eye 41:14, p.4
Will be directed by Dr. Daryl Pendergraft.
33 Shenandoah Branch School news
College Eye 40:40, p.5
Mamie Anderzohn lectured on geography at the branch school.
34 Shenandoah Branch School News
College Eye 40:39, p.5
Tom A. Lamke spoke on "Common Problems of Educators" at the branch summer school in Shenandoah.
35 Shenandoah Branch School news
College Eye 40:38, p.4
Department of Music faculty members perform for summer school students.
36 Mrs. Houghton speaks on 'Today's Challenge' at Branch Summer School
College Eye 40:37, p.6
Excerpts from address by Mrs. Hiram Cole Houghton; photo.
37 Shenandoah Branch School news
College Eye 40:37, p.5
President Price speaks on education at the Shenandoah Branch School.
38 'Advent of atomic era speeded up by war,' says Rogers in Shenandoah
College Eye 40:36, p.4
Professor Rogers offers views on atomic energy at Shenandoah Branch Summer School.
39 Shenandoah Branch School news
College Eye 40:35, p.6
Waldemar Gjerde instructed teachers on the use of up-to-date audio-visual equipment; photo.
40 Shenandoah . . . Branch School News
College Eye 40:34, p.5
Jane Birkhead, Harald Holst, and Jvone Maxwell performed a concert at the Shenandoah high school.
41 College holds branch school at Shenandoah
Alumnus 33:3, p.8
Professor Pendergraft will lead school.
42 UN achievements need recognition believes Howard
College Eye 40:33, p.1
Excerpts from address given at Shenandoah Branch Summer School.
43 Dr. Ritter stops at branch school
College Eye 40:32, p.5
44 Branch summer school's enrollment is 117
College Eye 40:31, p.3
45 Shenandoah will hear Dr. Howard
College Eye 40:31, p.2
Will speak on United Nations; photo.
46 Ritter announces branch school's lecture schedule
College Eye 40:31, p.3
Many officials and faculty will visit.
47 Branch school copies of bulletin mailed
College Eye 40:29, p.4
48 Plans for branch summer school near completion
College Eye 40:28, p.4
Will be offered in Shenandoah.
49 Branch Schools
College Eye 39:42, p.4
News from the schools.
50 Branch School news
College Eye 39:41, p.4
News from the branch schools; description of activities and programs.