Branch Summer Schools

Displaying 251 - 300 of 300 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 If the necessary funds are voted by the General Assembly
Public Relations News Release 1930:208, p.1
A summer branch school in Red Oak is a possibility.
252 Centerville students beat us to stunt night
College Eye 21:42, p.6
Branch summer school students put on show.
253 Dean visits extension schools
College Eye 21:39, p.1
Dean Campbell visited Centerville, Spencer, and Shenandoah.
254 Branch schools extend services of college
Alumnus 14:3, p.16
Schools open in Centerville, Shenandoah, and Spencer.
255 Extension school scatters education from KFNF; emanations may be heard by tuning in on Henry Fields between 3:30 and 4:00
College Eye 21:38, p.1
Broadcasts from Shenandoah heard daily.
256 Professors chosen for extension schools
College Eye 21:31, p.2
To be held in Shenandoah, Centerville, and Spencer.
257 Thirty-three prominent educators from Iowa and other states
Public Relations News Release 1929:454, p.1
Faculty selected for branch summer schools.
258 Extension school enrollment is 718
College Eye 20:38, p.1
At branch summer schools at Sheldon, Muscatine, and Corning.
259 Extension summer schools well attended
College Eye 19:41, p.1
Enrollment reports from the five branch summer schools.
260 Total enrollment for term now over 3500; 2365 students on campus
College Eye 18:50, p.1
Breakdown on enrollment from the Cedar Falls campus and the branch summer schools.
261 Extension schools ok; Pres. Seerley returns much satisfied; makes one day stop at each extension
College Eye 18:48, p.1
Believes that the branch summer schools are doing well.
262 Mr. Moeller
College Eye 18:41, p.5
Spent time in Burlington finalizing plans for the summer school.
263 Mr. F. E. Fuller
College Eye 18:41, p.5
Will visited Emmetsburg and Eldora on behalf of the Extension Summer School Service.
264 Mr. Eells
College Eye 18:36, p.3
Professor Eells went to Creston to make arrangements for his branch summer school.
265 Extension service
College Eye 18:34, p.2
Sending out information about the branch summer schools.
266 Plans made for extension summer school
College Eye 18:29, p.3
Representatives meet to organize branch summer schools to be held in Albia, Burlington, Creston, Harlan, Ida Grove, and Spencer.
267 School extension
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.229
Brief history of Extension Service.
268 Mrs. Walker to address students in extension schools
College Eye 18:2, p.1
Will address women attending classes there.
269 Teachers Extension performs big service; department carries on educational work throughout high schools on the state
College Eye 18:2, p.6
Survey of the work of ISTC Extension Service, including study centers, summer school, and correspondence study.
270 Plans made for six extension schools
College Eye 17:46, p.1
Will offer branch summer schools in Audubon, Bloomfield, Clarinda, Muscatine, Cherokee, and special school in Ames in cooperation with Iowa State College.
271 5 extension schools to operate this summer
College Eye 16:34, p.1
Schools to operate in Carroll, Corydon, Red Oak, Sheldon, and Clinton.
272 Summer Extension School plans are nearing completion
College Eye 16:28, p.2
Schools to be located at Carroll, Clinton, Corydon, Red Oak, Sheldon, and Davenport.
273 Plans being made for summer extension work; bulletins sent out to all high schools in state
College Eye 16:21, p.1
President Seerley believes that a college must extend its work off campus.
274 Name extension schools for next two years
College Eye 16:16, p.7
1925 schools will be in Sheldon, Carroll, Red Oak, Corydon, and Clinton; 1926 schools will be in Audubon, Cherokee, Clarinda, Bloomfield, and Muscatine.
275 Total enrollment passes 5,000 mark
College Eye 16:2, p.8
Summer term 1924 enrollment reached 5009, including branch summer schools.
276 Extension schools for summer
College Eye 15:27, p.6
Will be held at Atlantic, Estherville, Keokuk, Osceola, Sac City, and Shenandoah.
277 Pres. Seerley and Professor Walters
College Eye 14:48, p.4
Visited extension schools.
278 The enrollment at Teachers College
College Eye 14:48, p.3
Summer 1923 enrollment is now 2956, including those enrolled at the branch summer schools.
279 Establishment of extension schools has been completed
College Eye 13:17, p.1
Branch summer schools will be held at Clinton, Chariton, Clarinda, Denison, and Spencer.
280 Summer Extension School
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.1
Schools will be held at Albia, Harlan, Sheldon, Red Oak, and Muscatine
281 Summer term extension schools announce their faculty
College Eye 12:34, p.2
Placements of faculty for the summer; centers will be open in Sheldon, Harlan, Red Oak, Albia, and Muscatine.
282 Five extension schools for this summer announced
College Eye 12:30, p.6
Will be at Albia, Harlan, Muscatine, Red Oak, and Sheldon.
283 Folk song recital to be given by Anna Gertrude Childs
College Eye 12:7, p.5
Had given similar program at branch summer schools.
284 The Extension Service
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.3
Estimated costs for service.
285 Prof. Frampton gave recitals
College Eye 12:3, p.6
Gave a recital at each of the extension schools this summer.
286 Summer credit extension work
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.1
The Extension Division has organized classes on the credit system. Lou Shepherd and Floe Correll-Francis will teach the six weeks quantity of credit work course, and the system will be reviewed upon completion.
287 Extension summer schools
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.5
The following contributed to extension summer schools: Marion McFarland Walker, Charles A. Fullerton, Lenore Shanewise, John Ross Frampton, and Macy Campbell.
288 Andrew Anderson
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.5
Andrew Anderson, physics, remains to help in summer term. Extra teachers hired for Extension Summer Schools.
289 The Extension summer schools
Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.1
Extension summer schools for 1920 located at Estherville, Carroll, Shenandoah, and Centerville. Directors are A. C. Fuller, Leslie I. Reed, John R. Slacks, and E. W. Goetch.
290 The Summer Schools
Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.1
Enrollment for 1919 listed.
291 Faculty notes 6
Alumni News Letter 2:3, p.3
Hugh S. Buffum appointed Director of Spencer Summer Extension School.
292 Summer Extension Schools
Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.3
Summer schools to be conducted at Spencer, Denison, and Red Oak.
293 Official
College Eye 9:16, p.5
Rumors are unconfirmed that Highland Park College and Des Moines College will consolidate under the name Union College; T. C. will hold Extension Summer Schools at Spencer, Denison, and Red Oak.
294 The enrollment
College Eye 9:2, p.3
Enrollment for the summer term: 2175 at Cedar Falls, 182 at Atlantic, and 162 at Sheldon..
295 The summer term
Alumni News Letter 1:1, p.1
Enrollment for first week of summer term was 1800. Branch summer schools in Atlantic and Sheldon will provide limited instruction this first year.
296 Iowa State Teachers College
College Eye 8:31, p.5
Extension summer schools and faculty listed.
297 Mr. McGlade
College Eye 8:30, p.8
Made final plans in Sheldon for a summer school session.
298 Mr. Reed
College Eye 8:30, p.8
Is making plans for setting up a summer school.
299 Summer Extension Service; Iowa State Teachers College
College Eye 8:28, p.5
Description of summer extension service instruction.
300 Directors of Extension on Summer School
College Eye 8:26, p.2
Professors Reed, McGlade, and Hart to organize schools for the summer of 1917.