Branch Summer Schools
Displaying 251 - 300 of 300 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
251 | If the necessary funds are voted by the General Assembly Public Relations News Release 1930:208, p.1 |
A summer branch school in Red Oak is a possibility. | |
252 | Centerville students beat us to stunt night College Eye 21:42, p.6 |
Branch summer school students put on show. | |
253 | Dean visits extension schools College Eye 21:39, p.1 |
Dean Campbell visited Centerville, Spencer, and Shenandoah. | |
254 | Branch schools extend services of college Alumnus 14:3, p.16 |
Schools open in Centerville, Shenandoah, and Spencer. | |
255 | Extension school scatters education from KFNF; emanations may be heard by tuning in on Henry Fields between 3:30 and 4:00 College Eye 21:38, p.1 |
Broadcasts from Shenandoah heard daily. | |
256 | Professors chosen for extension schools College Eye 21:31, p.2 |
To be held in Shenandoah, Centerville, and Spencer. | |
257 | Thirty-three prominent educators from Iowa and other states Public Relations News Release 1929:454, p.1 |
Faculty selected for branch summer schools. | |
258 | Extension school enrollment is 718 College Eye 20:38, p.1 |
At branch summer schools at Sheldon, Muscatine, and Corning. | |
259 | Extension summer schools well attended College Eye 19:41, p.1 |
Enrollment reports from the five branch summer schools. | |
260 | Total enrollment for term now over 3500; 2365 students on campus College Eye 18:50, p.1 |
Breakdown on enrollment from the Cedar Falls campus and the branch summer schools. | |
261 | Extension schools ok; Pres. Seerley returns much satisfied; makes one day stop at each extension College Eye 18:48, p.1 |
Believes that the branch summer schools are doing well. | |
262 | Mr. Moeller College Eye 18:41, p.5 |
Spent time in Burlington finalizing plans for the summer school. | |
263 | Mr. F. E. Fuller College Eye 18:41, p.5 |
Will visited Emmetsburg and Eldora on behalf of the Extension Summer School Service. | |
264 | Mr. Eells College Eye 18:36, p.3 |
Professor Eells went to Creston to make arrangements for his branch summer school. | |
265 | Extension service College Eye 18:34, p.2 |
Sending out information about the branch summer schools. | |
266 | Plans made for extension summer school College Eye 18:29, p.3 |
Representatives meet to organize branch summer schools to be held in Albia, Burlington, Creston, Harlan, Ida Grove, and Spencer. | |
267 | School extension Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.229 |
Brief history of Extension Service. | |
268 | Mrs. Walker to address students in extension schools College Eye 18:2, p.1 |
Will address women attending classes there. | |
269 | Teachers Extension performs big service; department carries on educational work throughout high schools on the state College Eye 18:2, p.6 |
Survey of the work of ISTC Extension Service, including study centers, summer school, and correspondence study. | |
270 | Plans made for six extension schools College Eye 17:46, p.1 |
Will offer branch summer schools in Audubon, Bloomfield, Clarinda, Muscatine, Cherokee, and special school in Ames in cooperation with Iowa State College. | |
271 | 5 extension schools to operate this summer College Eye 16:34, p.1 |
Schools to operate in Carroll, Corydon, Red Oak, Sheldon, and Clinton. | |
272 | Summer Extension School plans are nearing completion College Eye 16:28, p.2 |
Schools to be located at Carroll, Clinton, Corydon, Red Oak, Sheldon, and Davenport. | |
273 | Plans being made for summer extension work; bulletins sent out to all high schools in state College Eye 16:21, p.1 |
President Seerley believes that a college must extend its work off campus. | |
274 | Name extension schools for next two years College Eye 16:16, p.7 |
1925 schools will be in Sheldon, Carroll, Red Oak, Corydon, and Clinton; 1926 schools will be in Audubon, Cherokee, Clarinda, Bloomfield, and Muscatine. | |
275 | Total enrollment passes 5,000 mark College Eye 16:2, p.8 |
Summer term 1924 enrollment reached 5009, including branch summer schools. | |
276 | Extension schools for summer College Eye 15:27, p.6 |
Will be held at Atlantic, Estherville, Keokuk, Osceola, Sac City, and Shenandoah. | |
277 | Pres. Seerley and Professor Walters College Eye 14:48, p.4 |
Visited extension schools. | |
278 | The enrollment at Teachers College College Eye 14:48, p.3 |
Summer 1923 enrollment is now 2956, including those enrolled at the branch summer schools. | |
279 | Establishment of extension schools has been completed College Eye 13:17, p.1 |
Branch summer schools will be held at Clinton, Chariton, Clarinda, Denison, and Spencer. | |
280 | Summer Extension School Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.1 |
Schools will be held at Albia, Harlan, Sheldon, Red Oak, and Muscatine | |
281 | Summer term extension schools announce their faculty College Eye 12:34, p.2 |
Placements of faculty for the summer; centers will be open in Sheldon, Harlan, Red Oak, Albia, and Muscatine. | |
282 | Five extension schools for this summer announced College Eye 12:30, p.6 |
Will be at Albia, Harlan, Muscatine, Red Oak, and Sheldon. | |
283 | Folk song recital to be given by Anna Gertrude Childs College Eye 12:7, p.5 |
Had given similar program at branch summer schools. | |
284 | The Extension Service Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.3 |
Estimated costs for service. | |
285 | Prof. Frampton gave recitals College Eye 12:3, p.6 |
Gave a recital at each of the extension schools this summer. | |
286 | Summer credit extension work Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.1 |
The Extension Division has organized classes on the credit system. Lou Shepherd and Floe Correll-Francis will teach the six weeks quantity of credit work course, and the system will be reviewed upon completion. | |
287 | Extension summer schools Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.5 |
The following contributed to extension summer schools: Marion McFarland Walker, Charles A. Fullerton, Lenore Shanewise, John Ross Frampton, and Macy Campbell. | |
288 | Andrew Anderson Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.5 |
Andrew Anderson, physics, remains to help in summer term. Extra teachers hired for Extension Summer Schools. | |
289 | The Extension summer schools Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.1 |
Extension summer schools for 1920 located at Estherville, Carroll, Shenandoah, and Centerville. Directors are A. C. Fuller, Leslie I. Reed, John R. Slacks, and E. W. Goetch. | |
290 | The Summer Schools Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.1 |
Enrollment for 1919 listed. | |
291 | Faculty notes 6 Alumni News Letter 2:3, p.3 |
Hugh S. Buffum appointed Director of Spencer Summer Extension School. | |
292 | Summer Extension Schools Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.3 |
Summer schools to be conducted at Spencer, Denison, and Red Oak. | |
293 | Official College Eye 9:16, p.5 |
Rumors are unconfirmed that Highland Park College and Des Moines College will consolidate under the name Union College; T. C. will hold Extension Summer Schools at Spencer, Denison, and Red Oak. | |
294 | The enrollment College Eye 9:2, p.3 |
Enrollment for the summer term: 2175 at Cedar Falls, 182 at Atlantic, and 162 at Sheldon.. | |
295 | The summer term Alumni News Letter 1:1, p.1 |
Enrollment for first week of summer term was 1800. Branch summer schools in Atlantic and Sheldon will provide limited instruction this first year. | |
296 | Iowa State Teachers College College Eye 8:31, p.5 |
Extension summer schools and faculty listed. | |
297 | Mr. McGlade College Eye 8:30, p.8 |
Made final plans in Sheldon for a summer school session. | |
298 | Mr. Reed College Eye 8:30, p.8 |
Is making plans for setting up a summer school. | |
299 | Summer Extension Service; Iowa State Teachers College College Eye 8:28, p.5 |
Description of summer extension service instruction. | |
300 | Directors of Extension on Summer School College Eye 8:26, p.2 |
Professors Reed, McGlade, and Hart to organize schools for the summer of 1917. |