Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 1751 - 1800 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1751 Math conference to be held September 26 at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1980:57, p.1
The annual Mathematics Conference will go over such areas as; computers in the classroom, the use of calculators, and strategies of teaching basic math.
1752 Schwartz gives paper at speech pathology meeting
Public Relations News Release 1980:56, p.1
Professor Ralph Swartz presented a paper to the Congress of International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics. The paper gives a brief review on Lupus Erythematosus.
1753 UNI to host Conference on 'Televiewing'
Public Relations News Release 1980:55, p.1
Several speakers will be present during the critical viewing of television conference.
1754 UNI faculty member (Barbara Pershing) attends consumer institute
Public Relations News Release 1980:40, p.1
Barbara Pershing recently participated in the institute 'Economic Education: A Key to Consumer Proficiency' in St Louis.
1755 UNI students, department head attend workshop on the blind.
Public Relations News Release 1980:37, p.1
Professor Marion Thompson and four students spent a part of summer at Land Between the Lakes, a workshop on recreation and outdoor education for the blind and visually limited.
1756 UNI to hold extension courses in Cedar Falls, Waterloo
Public Relations News Release 1980:25, p.1
An Industrial Technology course will be held in Cedar Falls, along with and education workshop in Waterloo as part of the fall lineup of classes.
1757 Graphic arts conference participants at UNI return to the classroom
Public Relations News Release 1980:8, p.1
A one hour credit course called "Current Technology and Practices for Graphic Arts in Education" will be offered during the International Graphic Arts Education Association's annual conference. List of attendees.
1758 World conference rings UNI's bells
Northern Iowan 76:59, p.1
The Guild of Carillonneurs in North America met on UNI's campus; photo.
1759 Learning how to cheer correctly--Pat yourself on the back, girls!
Northern Iowan 76:59, p.6
Cheerleading coaches this week gave instruction to over fifty cheerleaders on campus for their annual clinic; photo.
1760 Computer games to aid teachers
Northern Iowan 76:59, p.8
The Department of Industrial Technology conducted a workshop on computer applications in industrial arts; photo.
1761 Puppeteer teaches basics to UNI class
Northern Iowan 76:59, p.7
Professional puppeteer George Latshaw conducted a puppetry workshop this week.
1762 Music and puppets featured in workshops
Northern Iowan 76:57, p.5
Workshops, including some that give college credit, will be offered this summer.
1763 Carillonneurs' Guild
Northern Iowan 76:56, p.
The 1980 Congress of the Guild of Carillonneurs will be held on the UNI campus June 23 and 24.
1764 Coaching, child abuse among 27 summer workshops at UNI
Northern Iowan 76:53, p.4
Workshops on coaching, technology, and psychology will be held this summer at UNI.
1765 Human relation seminars this Friday
Northern Iowan 76:51, p.4
Schedule for seminars on human relations that will be held this Friday.
1766 Summer workshops
Northern Iowan 76:48, p.4
UNI will offer twenyt-six workshops over the summer. Among those offered are: theater, puppetry, shorthand, and prevention of child abuse.
1767 Speak now, or forever hold your peace
Northern Iowan 76:48, p.7
The second annual Iowa High School Speech Activities Festival will be held at UNI on Monday.
1768 Drive and save money
Northern Iowan 76:46, p.8
John Sparks will speak on driver education at the safety education conference.
1769 Summer workshops explore the teaching of film, television, literature
Northern Iowan 76:44, p.3
The Department of English Language and Literature will offer summer workshops.
1770 Sex workshop offers samples
Northern Iowan 76:40, p.4
A workshop on sex role stereotyping will be offered next Saturday in the Education Center.
1771 Artist gives seminar
Northern Iowan 76:40, p.12
Artist D. L. Brown will present work to the Union on Thursday. He will also conduct a workshop on campus.
1772 Brown seminar
Northern Iowan 76:40, p.3
A seminar/workshop will be held in the Union, conducted by Don Leland Brown. Brown currently has works exhibited in the Union.
1773 Geologist discusses his work
Northern Iowan 76:35, p.5
Robert Starling conducted a seminar entitled "Dating the Recent Past."
1774 'TV Takes on Science' presented
Northern Iowan 76:35, p.6
Joan Duea will present a program entitled "Television Takes on Science."
1775 Africa program
Northern Iowan 76:35, p.6
Alegonda Schokkenbroek will present a program on archaeological excavation in central and eastern Africa.
1776 China expert from State Dept. will speak on campus Thursday
Northern Iowan 76:34, p.4
Charles Freeman will present the seminar entitled "China, Mongolia, and the Soviet Union"; photo.
1777 Bang the drum
Northern Iowan 76:34, p.6
Roy Burns will present a clinic for drummers.
1778 UNI Women's center offers final workshops
Northern Iowan 76:29, p.4
Since the Women's Center will be moving to the Family Service League, it is hosting repeats of their more popular workshops from the last four years.
1779 Workshop this Saturday helps students to select majors
Northern Iowan 76:28, p.4
A workshop, designed by Academic Advising, will assist those students who are unsure about how to choose a major.
1780 Human sexual attitudes and behavior to be examined in weekend workshop
Northern Iowan 76:27, p.5
A workshop is being offered to help persons deal with their attitudes toward sex.
1781 Women have an important role in science
Northern Iowan 76:21, p.5
A panel discussion on the topic of "Women in Science" was part of the 17th Annual UNI Science and Mathematics Symposium.
1782 Conference features art speakers
Northern Iowan 76:19, p.9
A two-day conference entitled "Arts education: a State Conference" will feature speakers from different parts of the country.
1783 Future teachers given 'the rest of the story': UNI's SISEA membership outstanding
Northern Iowan 76:19, p.10
The UNI chapter of the Student Iowa State Education Association had 368 members last year.
1784 Symposium has lasers, killer bees
Northern Iowan 76:18, p.6
The 17th Annual UNI Science and Mathematics Symposium features lectures on lasers, modern chemistry, and killer bees.
1785 Accountants learn 'fog index'
Northern Iowan 76:17, p.4
Joe Tingey, Communication Education Corp., presented a two day workshop to accounting seniors about improving their writing skills.
1786 Workshop offers folk, disco dance
Northern Iowan 76:16, p.3
A two-day workshop will allow physical education teachers and others to update their skills in the area of folk and disco dancing.
1787 'Counseling in 1980s' conference here today
Northern Iowan 76:16, p.4
Edwin Herr, Penn State University, will be the keynote speaker for the 'Counseling in 1980s' conference.
1788 Homosexuality topic of two-day program
Northern Iowan 76:15, p.3
The program entitled "Attitudes Toward Homosexuality: Historical Perspectives on a Public Issue" will be held at UNI.
1789 Blindness seminar to be October 20
Northern Iowan 76:13, p.1
A seminar dealing with the issues of blind Iowans will be held on campus.
1790 Conference celebrates Year of the Child
Northern Iowan 76:12, p.8
UNI will host the Region V Children's Theatre Association of American Conference; photo.
1791 Technology theorist in seminar
Northern Iowan 76:12, p.6
Karl Hess, noted technology theorist, will participate in a seminar.
1792 Art instructors' workshop
Northern Iowan 76:10, p.11
Binney & Smith, Inc., will sponsor an art workshop for prospective art teachers to be presented by Connie Leuty.
1793 DECA election
Northern Iowan 76:10, p.4
The Iowa community college division of Distributive Education Clubs of America will meet at UNI for their state meeting.
1794 Ed conference set today
Northern Iowan 76:10, p.6
The Contemporary Education Conference will include topics on children's rights and problems.
1795 Conference focuses on children's theater
Northern Iowan 76:7, p.6
Events are planned for the conference "Dramatic Arts and the Child."
1796 Geology prof. Speaks
Northern Iowan 76:6, p.7
David Dockstader will present an earth science seminar.
1797 Sci fi conference
Northern Iowan 76:6, p.4
The annual Science Fiction Research Association National Conference was hosted by UNI.
1798 Environmental photographer Tweedle comes to UNI
Northern Iowan 76:4, p.16
John Tweedle will be doing some photographic work for a local publishing company as well as taking photographs for his own work. A workshop and exhibit may also be held of his work while he is on campus; photo.
1799 Education conference tomorrow
Northern Iowan 76:2, p.15
The conference "Alternative Images of the Future: Scenarios for Education and Preparation of Teachers" will be a forum for suggestions for improving the teacher education program at UNI.
1800 Opera
Northern Iowan 75:62, p.1
The third annual national opera workshop will be held July 27.