Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 1951 - 2000 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1951 Human stitchery
Northern Iowan 72:13, p.4
Student is stitched up at conference; photo.
1952 Tech confab
Northern Iowan 72:9, p.5
State conference should attract over four hundred.
1953 English dinner
Northern Iowan 72:8, p.7
Department will host dinner for English teachers within commuting distance.
1954 Seminar offered
Northern Iowan 72:7, p.5
School of Business will offer seminar for public employees and employers.
1955 Drama confab
Northern Iowan 72:6, p.4
Three hundred high school students and teachers will attend conference staffed by UNI faculty.
1956 Untitled
Northern Iowan 72:5, p.7
Kim Trytten examines instrument at trumpet festival.
1957 PDK funds confab
Northern Iowan 72:3, p.7
Gives $1000 to local school district conference.
1958 Administrators meet today
Northern Iowan 71:54, p.4
Annual administrators' drive-in conference.
1959 Awareness seminars explore change
Northern Iowan 71:54, p.8
UNI co-sponsors conference on women's issues, Women 2000.
1960 Language confab
Northern Iowan 71:52, p.4
1961 Career ed speakers featured
Northern Iowan 71:52, p.4
1962 Skill Session I
Northern Iowan 71:49, p.5
1963 Workshop opens tomorrow
Northern Iowan 71:48, p.7
Edward Meyen will speak at special education workshop.
1964 Business confab
Northern Iowan 71:48, p.6
Five hundred high school students will attend.
1965 Band festival
Northern Iowan 71:48, p.5
UNI students will participate in band festival in Pella.
1966 Symposium art correction
Northern Iowan 71:47, p.2
648 students attended recent conference.
1967 Leadership confab
Northern Iowan 71:46, p.8
Twelfth annual leadership conference will be held on campus; photo.
1968 Skills session
Northern Iowan 71:46, p.5
George Brown will speak on Gestalt.
1969 German educators hosted
Northern Iowan 71:44, p.5
Four-day regional conference at UNI.
1970 Small school confab opens today
Northern Iowan 71:44, p.5
Conference program.
1971 Theology confab
Northern Iowan 71:41, p.10
Professor Roberts will speak at conference held at UNI since 1970.
1972 Skill development session slated
Northern Iowan 71:41, p.10
1973 Math workshop
Northern Iowan 71:41, p.7
K. C. Johnson will speak on publisher's math program.
1974 Tallcorn tomorrow
Northern Iowan 71:39, p.4
Nearly six hundred high school teachers and students will attend.
1975 Campus shorts
Northern Iowan 71:39, p.1
Professor Williams leads conference on high school drama; Regents sponsor study program in Spain.
1976 Tallcorn host McBeth
Northern Iowan 71:32, p.3
W. Francis McBeth will be guest conductor.
1977 Women sport day
Northern Iowan 71:31, p.7
UNI will host annual Invitational High School Sports Day.
1978 Ed conference Friday
Northern Iowan 71:21, p.8
24th Elementary Leaders Conference will discuss team approaches.
1979 Leading scientists to speak
Northern Iowan 71:19, p.6
Schedule and program for 12th Science Symposium.
1980 Tallcorn Festival here
Northern Iowan 71:18, p.5
1981 To facilitate learning
Northern Iowan 71:18, p.5
Barbara Taylor will speak at early childhood conference; photo.
1982 Drug abuse info
Northern Iowan 71:14, p.8
Craig Wunderlich hosts conference.
1983 Press workshop
Northern Iowan 71:13, p.4
Conference program.
1984 Burris on "human rights"
Northern Iowan 71:11, p.5
Program outline.
1985 Art conference
Northern Iowan 71:11, p.5
Program outline.
1986 Conference on Industrial Development
Northern Iowan 71:11, p.11
Conference program.
1987 Education conference here
Northern Iowan 71:10, p.6
Will emphasize humanistic education.
1988 Business confab
Northern Iowan 71:10, p.8
Phi Beta Lambda will host leadership development conference.
1989 Art conference
Northern Iowan 71:8, p.11
Professor Behrens coordinates visual world conference for art teachers.
1990 Conference planned
Northern Iowan 71:7, p.5
Thomas Walz will speak on manpower in welfare systems.
1991 Forensics workshop
Northern Iowan 71:6, p.4
Will present one-day workshop for coaches and debaters.
1992 Drama conference
Northern Iowan 71:6, p.6
Four hundred students and teachers expected to attend.
1993 El. ed. conference scheduled
Northern Iowan 71:6, p.1
W. James Popham will speak; photo.
1994 Interaction seminar
Northern Iowan 71:5, p.4
Professor Frank talks about the Kagan technique.
1995 Elementary education conference posted
Northern Iowan 71:4, p.5
1500 expected to attend.
1996 Art forum held
Northern Iowan 70:59, p.6
1997 Collective bargaining to be discussed Saturday
Northern Iowan 70:55, p.6
Seminar will cover fundamentals of process.
1998 Summer ed. program offered
Northern Iowan 70:52, p.13
Will train educational strategists.
1999 Contemporary festival is what's happening
Northern Iowan 70:51, p.4
Close look at schedule of performances and panels.
2000 Adult workshops offered by UNI
Northern Iowan 70:51, p.8
Meant to assist those who wish to volunteer in schools.