Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 2051 - 2100 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
2051 Principals and counselors plan Thursday meeting
Northern Iowan 69:49, p.6
Outline of program.
2052 National linguistics and literature conference to be held at UNI
Northern Iowan 69:49, p.12
Outline of conference program.
2053 Foreign Language Festival combines learning, fun
Northern Iowan 69:47, p.4
1200 students will attend festival.
2054 High school future business leaders here
Northern Iowan 69:46, p.8
Over five hundred students will attend conference.
2055 American values vs. environment examined
Northern Iowan 69:46, p.5
Excerpts from panel discussion featuring Ronald Sukenick and Joseph Meeker; photo.
2056 Industry and the environment
Northern Iowan 69:46, p.2
Samuel Tuthill, Robert Buckmaster, and Warren Kane offer views; photo.
2057 Livingston takes a look at today from the year 2000
Northern Iowan 69:46, p.1
Dennis Livingston considers what might happen; photo.
2058 Planetary culture a reality?; Thompson questions
Northern Iowan 69:46, p.1
William Irwin Thompson considers futures.
2059 Shepard: convert urban culture to wilderness; "Education for Survival"
Northern Iowan 69:46, p.1
Paul Shepard believes that land should be diverted from agriculture to human development; photo.
2060 Meeker urges adaptations for man's survival; "Education for Survival"
Northern Iowan 69:46, p.1
Excerpts from remarks by Joseph Meeker; photo.
2061 Geography conference held this Saturday
Northern Iowan 69:45, p.12
Aimed at elementary and secondary school teachers.
2062 Revised conference schedule
Northern Iowan 69:45, p.1
Changes due to blizzard.
2063 Conference features panels, discussions; in search of solutions
Northern Iowan 69:45, p.1
Brief review of panels.
2064 Blizzard forces cancellation of Douglas speech
Northern Iowan 69:45, p.1
2065 Panels focus on solutions to environmental problems
Northern Iowan 69:44, p.1
Highlights of conference; photo.
2066 Justice Douglas headlines environmental conference; "Education for Survival" opens Monday
Northern Iowan 69:44, p.1
Profile of Justice Douglas and additional speaker Richard Falk; photo.
2067 Life style workshop planed for Tuesday
Northern Iowan 69:44, p.8
Will focus on changing roles for men and women.
2068 Workshop focuses on human relationships
Northern Iowan 69:44, p.6
Will focus on improving teacher education.
2069 Balow keynotes Special Ed workshop
Northern Iowan 69:44, p.6
Bruce Balow will speak.
2070 Soleri architecture--perfect urban system
Northern Iowan 69:44, p.8
Paolo Soleri will appear at conference; exhibit of work will be on display.
2071 "Education for Survival" panels held April 2 and 4
Northern Iowan 69:43, p.5
Panels will pave way for conference.
2072 Survival conference receives IBPPH grant
Northern Iowan 69:40, p.1
Professor Rackstraw outlines conference program, which will include presentation by William O. Douglas.
2073 UNI to hold workshop
Northern Iowan 69:40, p.7
Tenth annual AEOP conference to be keynoted by Professor Howard.
2074 Iowa theological conference slated for Saturday
Northern Iowan 69:38, p.3
Program for seventh annual conference.
2075 Environmental "education for survival" planned for UNI; Associate Justice Douglas to appear
Northern Iowan 69:35, p.1
Plans and speakers for conference.
2076 Untitled
Northern Iowan 69:33, p.1
High school band students take part in the Tallcorn Band Conference; photo.
2077 Analysis workshop is planned
Northern Iowan 69:32, p.8
Transactional Analysis workshop may be available.
2078 Tallcorn Band opens today
Northern Iowan 69:31, p.1
Program of activities.
2079 Tall Corn Band conference to be held
Northern Iowan 69:29, p.8
2080 Plans for '73 math conferences on drawing board
Northern Iowan 69:25, p.3
Will attempt to reach western Iowa teachers.
2081 New approaches to social science discussed at consortium
Northern Iowan 69:23, p.13
Description of program of eighth annual consortium.
2082 Cheerleading workshop slated for Saturday
Northern Iowan 69:22, p.4
UNI to host a cheerleading workshop.
2083 Educational Leaders Conference concludes
Northern Iowan 69:21, p.7
Brief look at program.
2084 Residence Hall Conference opens weekend session
Northern Iowan 69:21, p.7
First annual conference will host fifty attendees.
2085 Symposium on women Dec. 1-2
Northern Iowan 69:21, p.11
Will be held at University of Iowa.
2086 Pharis to keynote elementary conference
Northern Iowan 69:18, p.1
About two hundred educational leaders will attend.
2087 "Spheres of Science" is theme of science symposium
Northern Iowan 69:16, p.6
Description of program.
2088 Principals congregate for fall meeting
Northern Iowan 69:15, p.7
Thirty principals will attend NCA meeting.
2089 Strings and harp conference on slate for this weekend
Northern Iowan 69:15, p.7
Conference program.
2090 Art workshop held at Morningside
Northern Iowan 69:14, p.6
2091 UNI plays host to ACUHO Conference
Northern Iowan 69:13, p.7
Residence hall administrators meet.
2092 Business Conference focuses on business ed problems
Northern Iowan 69:13, p.6
Will assist new teachers with their problems.
2093 Wieser keynotes Early Childhood Conference
Northern Iowan 69:13, p.7
2094 Early Childhood Education Conference highlights trends
Northern Iowan 69:12, p.1
Four hundred teachers expected to attend.
2095 Four UNI profs to attend education conference
Northern Iowan 69:10, p.4
Will participate in discussions.
2096 English Instructor Area Conference scheduled for tomorrow
Northern Iowan 69:9, p.4
Will foster understanding between UNI and high schools.
2097 Secondary guidance and student personnel conference today; with speakers and discussion
Northern Iowan 69:9, p.4
Ronald Roskens will speak; outline of program.
2098 Faulkner Symposium features Blotner lectures
Northern Iowan 69:9, p.5
Joseph Blotner will speak.
2099 Kuchler to speak at Geography Conference
Northern Iowan 69:9, p.5
Program outline.
2100 Geography conference this Friday
Northern Iowan 69:8, p.3
A. W. Kuchler will speak.