Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 2151 - 2200 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
2151 Dr. Esther Westervelt to Speak at UNI Guidance and Student Personnel Conference
Public Relations News Release 1972:52, p.1
Westervelt is the keynote speaker at the 12th annual event, being held Oct. 8 in the Union.
2152 Clifton to Speak at UNI Secondary Mathematics Conference
Public Relations News Release 1972:53, p.1
Tenth annual Secondary Math Conference schedule to be held Oct. 9 at UNI.
2153 Conference for Supervisors of Student Teaching to be Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:54, p.1
"The Supervisory Conference" is the theme of the conference, which is being held at Price Lab School on Oct. 9. 300 Iowa educators are expected to attend the eight annual event.
2154 12th Annual Secondary Guidance and Student Personnel Conference to be Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:46, p.1
The conference will be held Oct. 8 in the University Union. 300 high school guidance conselors and student personnel officers are expected to attend.
2155 250 expected for math conference
Northern Iowan 68:5, p.4
2156 Fifth high school newspaper conference here Saturday
Northern Iowan 68:5, p.1
One hundred students and advisors will attend.
2157 UNI Host Tenth Annual Secondary Mathematics Conference
Public Relations News Release 1972:39, p.1
The conference will be held Oct. 9; schedule and participants
2158 UNI to Host Fifth Conference on High School Newspaper
Public Relations News Release 1972:36, p.1
Conference will be held Oct. 2 on campus; schedule of activities
2159 12th Annual Secondary Mathematics Conference to be Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:37, p.1
Math Conference to be held on Oct. 9.
2160 Dr. Evelyn Carswell to Speak at UNI Elementary Education Conference
Public Relations News Release 1972:28, p.1
20th annual UNI Elementary Education Conference will be held Sept. 25 in the Men's Gym.
2161 1800 expected at elem. Ed. Conf.
Northern Iowan 68:1, p.16
2162 Elementary Education Conference to be Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:16, p.1
1800 Iowa elementary teachers and administrators are scheduled the conference in the Men's Gym on Sept. 25.
2163 Political socialization program offered
Northern Iowan 67:60, p.5
2164 Audio-visual workshops held
Public Relations News Release 67:57, p.12
2165 Creative Thinking workshop
Public Relations News Release 67:57, p.12
2166 Epilepsy program planned
Public Relations News Release 67:57, p.7
2167 Workshop offered on teaching retarded
Northern Iowan 67:54, p.8
2168 Winners of UNI Essay Contest Announced
Public Relations News Release 1971:632, p.1
The winners of the "Student as Critic" conference essay contest have been announced and Marguerite Phelps of UNI won the first prize.
2169 Twirling conference
Northern Iowan 67:51, p.7
UNI will host a clinic for baton twirlers, majorettes, and drum majors.
2170 1200 expected at May 8 Industrial Arts Fair
Northern Iowan 67:50, p.4
2171 Twirlers plan clinic at UNI; June 28-July2
Northern Iowan 67:50, p.8
UNI to host a clinic for baton twirlers, majorettes, and drum majors.
2172 Football clinic set for Sat.
Northern Iowan 67:49, p.9
UNI will host a high school football trainers clinic.
2173 Indiana educator to address UNI administrative conference
Northern Iowan 67:48, p.10
Otha Porter will speak.
2174 English Club sponsors writing workshop Saturday
Northern Iowan 67:47, p.4
Conference will be for junior and senior students and faculty.
2175 'Student as Critic' papers judged today
Northern Iowan 67:47, p.4
2176 Iowa Personnel and Guidance Association to Hold Convention
Public Relations News Release 1971:565, p.1
The convention will be held April 30-May 1 at Hotel Fort Des Moines in Des Moines.
2177 'Performance Contracting' to be Topic of UNI Conference
Public Relations News Release 1971:564, p.1
Dr. Otha Porter from Indiana will be speaking to some 150 school admins at the UNI Adminstrator's Conference.
2178 Political Science Conference to be Held at UNI April 23
Public Relations News Release 1971:561, p.1
15 high school political science teachers will attend the 21st annual meeting of the Iowa Conference of Political Scientists on April 23rd at the Holiday Inn in Cedar Falls.
2179 UNI hosts reading conference Friday
Northern Iowan 67:46, p.5
2180 Physical Education Career Day is April 15
Northern Iowan 67:45, p.11
2181 UNI Administrator to Attend White House Conference on Youth
Public Relations News Release 1971:551, p.1
UNI Dean of Students Edward Voldseth will be attending the conference being held in Colorado April 18-22.
2182 UNI to host prize essay conference
Public Relations News Release 1971:552, p.1
The conference is being hosted by the English department on campus. The topic wil be "The Student As Critic".
2183 Third Annual Beginning Reading Conference to be at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:544, p.1
350 Iowa teachers of reading and language arts are expected to attend the third annual Beginning Reading Conference April 30 on campus.
2184 Third Annual Beginning Reading Conference to be at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:543, p.1
350 Iowa techers of reading and language arts are expected to attend the conference being held April 30th on campus.
2185 Seminar for Teacher Educators to be Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:530, p.1
"Seminars for Teacher Educators" will be held April 22 on the UNI campus. 75 supervisory teachers will attend.
2186 FBLA conference here
Northern Iowan 67:43, p.7
To be sponsored by Phi Beta Lambda.
2187 UNI to Jointly Sponsor Sixth Conference for Parents of Handicapped in Cedar Rapids
Public Relations News Release 1971:516, p.1
The conference is sponsored jointly by UNI and the Iowa Assciation for Retarded Children, Easter Seals Society of Iowa and United Cerebral Palsy of Iowa.
2188 UNI to Jointly Sponsor Sixth Conference for Parents of Handicapped in Sioux City
Public Relations News Release 1971:515, p.1
The conference is sponsored jointly by UNI and the Iowa Assciation for Retarded Children, Easter Seals Society of Iowa and United Cerebral Palsy of Iowa.
2189 Gov. Ray to Speak at UNI Environmental Conference
Public Relations News Release 1971:503, p.1
The Iowa High School Environmental Action Conference will be April 17th in the Auditorium and will feature Gov. Robert Ray.
2190 Gov. Ray to Speak at UNI Environmental Conference
Public Relations News Release 1971:502, p.1
The Iowa High School Environmental Action Conference will be April 17th in the Auditorium and will feature Gov. Robert Ray.
2191 UNI Safety Education Conference Will Attract 500
Public Relations News Release 1971:492, p.1
UNI will host th 13th annual Safety Education Conference Apr. 1 and 2 in Music Hall; conference attendees list included
2192 UNI to Host Conference on Welding Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1971:491, p.1
100 industrial arts teachers from secondary schools as well as local industries reps will be on hand at the third annual metal conference March 27 at UNI.
2193 Clerical workshop
Northern Iowan 67:42, p.11
2194 Iowa conference; UAB workshop
Northern Iowan 67:40, p.1
Representatives from other college union boards will attend.
2195 Theological group meets Saturday
Northern Iowan 67:37, p.8
Fifty Iowa theologians will attend.
2196 UNI to Host 1971 Iowa Theological Conference
Public Relations News Release 1971:431, p.1
60 Iowa theologians are expected to attend the conference which is scheduled to be held March 17 in the UNI Union.
2197 String conference Saturday
Northern Iowan 67:36, p.7
John V. Tellaisha will appear; photo.
2198 Elementary Science Conference to be at UNI March 6
Public Relations News Release 1971:427, p.1
250 Iowa elementary teachers and administrators are attending the second annual UNI Elementary Science Conference to be held Saturday, March 6 at Price Lab School.
2199 UNI Students to Attend Home Economics Conference in Chicago
Public Relations News Release 1971:386, p.1
20 UNI students will attend the 1971 WIIIM Home Economics Conference from Feb. 18-20 in Chicago. Guest speakers, Chicago tours, panel discussions and a musical will be presented during the three days; list of students attending
2200 Volunteers meet at Drake
Northern Iowan 67:31, p.4
Conference on volunteer work at Drake.