Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 2301 - 2350 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
2301 UNI educators to attend conference
Northern Iowan 66:36, p.5
Will attend Teacher Education and Professional Standards conference.
2302 Music workshop sponsored
Northern Iowan 66:36, p.8
Third Church Music Workshop to be held.
2303 Future teachers examine their prospective home
Northern Iowan 66:18, p.7
1700 high school students visit campus; photo.
2304 UNI to Sponsor Sales and Marketing Managers Conference Thursday
Public Relations News Release 1969:136, p.1
Conference sponsored by UNI Business Department on "Effective Sales Training".
2305 UNI to help sponsor special ed workshop
Northern Iowan 66:5, p.4
2306 Elementary educators hold conference here
Northern Iowan 66:5, p.4
2307 Music camp
Northern Iowan 65:66, p.8
148 students will participate in Tallcorn Camp.
2308 Business seminar
Northern Iowan 65:66, p.8
2309 Cleft palate
Northern Iowan 65:64, p.5
Professor Judith Harrington will conduct fifth annual workshop.
2310 Black culture study
Northern Iowan 65:63, p.1
A dozen teachers will attend workshop.
2311 Administration seminar
Northern Iowan 65:62, p.6
2312 Forensics
Northern Iowan 65:61, p.3
Eighteen students and teachers attending workshop.
2313 Math conference
Northern Iowan 65:55, p.6
Kappa Mu Epsilon will hold national convention here.
2314 Ceramic workshop to be held
Northern Iowan 65:54, p.4
2315 200 high school girls on campus
Northern Iowan 65:51, p.10
High school students will be attending the 4th annual Physical Education Career Day Friday.
2316 Children's Theatre
Northern Iowan 65:49, p.5
Conference will be held on campus.
2317 Novelist conference
Northern Iowan 65:48, p.8
Critics and novelists will appear.
2318 Hosts dorm meeting
Northern Iowan 65:45, p.5
State residence hall group will meet here.
2319 Young leads music clinic
Northern Iowan 65:35, p.8
UNI performers will also present programs.
2320 Northern Iowa to hold Elementary Education meeting
Northern Iowan 65:21, p.5
2321 Seminar cites racism in inner-city schools
Northern Iowan 65:20, p.6
Speakers offer proposals for teaching in inner cities.
2322 Social Studies Consortium topic: inductive teaching
Northern Iowan 65:19, p.4
Will bring about one hundred social studies teachers together.
2323 Hold professional seminar on inner city education
Northern Iowan 65:18, p.8
2324 Sales, marketing conference here
Northern Iowan 65:15, p.4
Conference for sales and marketing managers will be held on November 7 and will be conducted by J. Richard White of 3M.
2325 Alvin Loving discusses education for minorities
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.6
Alvin Loving discussed race relations and minority education; disagreed with 10/11/68 column by Josef Fox on black history and black literature courses; was featured speaker at workshop of Midwest Laboratory School Administrators Association.
2326 Broudy to address student supervisors
Northern Iowan 65:10, p.3
Harry S. Broudy will speak at the fifth annual Conference for Supervisors of Student Teachers on October 12, 1968, at Price Laboratory School.
2327 Correction
Northern Iowan 65:8, p.5
Dave Seltzer of the Waterloo Courier was incorrectly identified as Jack Hovelson in a photo on page three of the October 1, 1968 issue of the Northern Iowan.
2328 Working for newspaper not glamorous: Hovelson
Northern Iowan 65:7, p.3
Des Moines Register and Tribune staff writer Jack Hovelson spoke at the Conference on the High School Newspaper at UNI Saturday; photo.
2329 Untitled
Northern Iowan 65:7, p.4
High school students practice their writing at the Conference on the High School Newspaper; photo.
2330 Elementary grade teachers discuss curriculum issues
Northern Iowan 65:7, p.8
Elementary Education Conference was held Saturday, sponsored by Department of Education; J. Stanley Marshall gave the principal address, "The Curriculum in Elementary Science".
2331 UNI hosts Elementary Education Conference
Northern Iowan 65:6, p.16
Over 1600 expected attend 17th annual Elementary Education Conference tomorrow; featured speaker will be J. Stanley Marshall of Florida State University.
2332 Hovelson to head news workshop
Northern Iowan 65:6, p.12
Second annual Conference on the High School Newspaper will take place at UNI tomorrow; workshop sessions will be led by journalists, UNI students, and others.
2333 UNI host Journalism Conference
Northern Iowan 65:5, p.1
All-day conference on the high school newspaper will be held Saturday; schools within a 75-mile radius of Cedar Falls may participate.
2334 'Social Change' to be guidance meeting theme
Northern Iowan 65:5, p.8
UNI will host ninth annual student personnel and guidance conference on October 4, 1968, for school and college guidance counselors; theme is "federal legislation and student personnel work and social change".
2335 'Concert-Marching Band workshop' scheduled for August 5-16
Northern Iowan 64:63, p.4
2336 UNI hosts Speech, Hearing Conference
Northern Iowan 64:61, p.5
2337 Applicants selected for summer reading institute
Northern Iowan 64:57, p.5
2338 Senator Miller speaks to Iowa Industrial Art Fair
Northern Iowan 64:57, p.4
Excerpts from speech.
2339 Gordon Smith to address drama students
Northern Iowan 64:55, p.1
Will address 35th annual conference.
2340 Senator Miller speaks at Industrial Arts Fair
Northern Iowan 64:55, p.12
Students will display projects.
2341 Department of Business to sponsor computer seminar
Northern Iowan 64:52, p.8
Description of seminar aimed at management personnel.
2342 Teacher aid workshop continues today
Northern Iowan 64:49, p.4
2343 Phi Beta Lambda hosts 22nd FBLA Convention
Northern Iowan 64:49, p.1
Schedule of program.
2344 500 students, sponsors to attend FBLA Convention
Northern Iowan 64:49, p.1
Schedule and highlights of program
2345 Institute meets to plan tech schools, colleges
Northern Iowan 64:49, p.3
2346 Social Studies Conference today and tomorrow
Northern Iowan 64:49, p.3
2347 UNI hosts 17th annual Elementary Conference
Northern Iowan 64:48, p.5
Frank W. Womer will speak; photo.
2348 UNI to host English Language Arts conference
Northern Iowan 64:45, p.5
Will focus on teaching of composition.
2349 'Professional negotiations' to be discussed Thursday
Northern Iowan 64:42, p.6
George Redfern will speak.
2350 Elementary conference Friday in Commons
Northern Iowan 64:32, p.4
Second all-Iowa guidance conference.