Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 2251 - 2300 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
2251 Wide range of methods utilized in Urban Ed workshop
Northern Iowan 66:63, p.3
Will visit local agencies and participate in sensitivity sessions.
2252 Phillips is consultant
Northern Iowan 66:63, p.4
James E. Phllips is consultant on African-American history.
2253 Projects being planned; innovations in education
Northern Iowan 66:63, p.4
Will study innovative methods in education.
2254 UNI music ed workshop Henke, Wood to conduct
Northern Iowan 66:63, p.3
2255 Black history workshop extends knowledge of teachers
Northern Iowan 66:62, p.7
Attempts to reach elementary and junior high school teachers.
2256 Simulation games used at workshop
Northern Iowan 66:62, p.8
Aimed at teachers of public administration.
2257 Law in the '70's to be discussed in symposium
Northern Iowan 66:61, p.1
Two-day symposium scheduled; highlights of program.
2258 Behind the scenes
UNI Quarterly 1:4, p.4
Series of news articles about recent campus events; photo.
2259 UNI offers Project Physics program
Northern Iowan 66:60, p.1
Twenty-four high school teachers on campus to learn program.
2260 Elementary science workshop
Northern Iowan 66:59, p.1
Will study methods of teaching science.
2261 UNI Professors Attend Faculty Seminar in India
Public Relations News Release 1969:650, p.1
Brown and Ward will meet Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as part of the 1970 Faculty Seminar in India, June 22-August 15.
2262 Open education examined in workshop
Northern Iowan 66:58, p.3
2263 Seminar in school administration offered
Northern Iowan 66:58, p.3
Will feature lectures by prominent educators.
2264 UNI Offers Summer Workshop in Early Childhood Education
Public Relations News Release 1969:634, p.1
Workshop to explore the concept of "open education" and will be conducted by Irene N. Slaymaker; list of participants
2265 UNI Schedules Urban Education Workshop in July
Public Relations News Release 1969:630, p.1
The workship will be limited to 25 students, and will be held in Seerley Hall and at times at the UNI Center for Urban Education.
2266 Participants Named for UNI Summer Institute in German
Public Relations News Release 1969:627, p.1
23 participants have been named for the Summer Institute for Teachers of German to be held at UNI in the summer. Participants are teachers of elementary, jr. and sr. high school German; list of participants
2267 UNI director to CEW to participate in workshop at Rochester, Mich
Public Relations News Release 1969:615, p.1
Bernice Marquis will participate in a workshop providing dialogue about women's educational programs and experiences.
2268 Earth science offer in '70-71
Northern Iowan 66:57, p.8
Will present in-service institute to high school teachers.
2269 Industrial Arts Fair to be held on UNI campus
Northern Iowan 66:55, p.5
1200 expected to attend ninth annual conference.
2270 Earth Science in-service institute to be held at UNI during 1970-71 academic year
Public Relations News Release 1969:583, p.1
Wayne Anderson says the thirty area teachers will attend. Chosen teachers have little or no experience in teaching earth science. The workshop is funded by the National Science Foundation. Fundamentals of geology and astronomy will be taught.
2271 Earth Science in-service institute to be held at UNI during 1970-71 academic year
Public Relations News Release 1969:581, p.1
Thirty area teachers with little or no background in teaching earth science will attend. The training is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. No tuition will be charged and participants will receive some help with travel and books.
2272 Dr. Shattuck to speak at drama conference
Northern Iowan 66:54, p.8
Charles Shattuck will speak; biographical profile.
2273 Conference in contemporary art at UNI Friday
Public Relations News Release 1969:549, p.1
Sponsored by the Department of Art.
2274 Iowa Conference of Political Scientists to be held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:539, p.1
About fifty Iowa political science professors will be on the UNI campus for the annual meeting of the Iowa Conference of Political Scientists.
2275 Annual administrator's conference set for UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:540, p.1
The annual conference will be held on May 1st in the UNI Commons Ballroom. It is sponsored by the UNI Department of Education.
2276 UNI to host theology conference
Northern Iowan 66:50, p.7
150 expect to attend; will consider "The Changing Images of Modern Man".
2277 UNI to host national conference on theology and literature
Public Relations News Release 1969:521, p.1
Some 150 theologians and scholars from all over the United States are expected to attend a Conference on Theology and Literature at UNI on April 24 and 25.
2278 UNI to host conference for Iowa high school students
Public Relations News Release 1969:506, p.1
Three hundred students and their sponsors from eighteen high schools are expected to attend the 24th annual state conference of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).
2279 Career day here sponsored by IARC
Northern Iowan 66:47, p.6
Will feature careers associated with exceptional children.
2280 Theologians converge on UNI for conference
Northern Iowan 66:47, p.5
Will feature interdisciplinary study of religion and literature.
2281 UNI Planning Conference on Theology and Literature in April
Public Relations News Release 1969:477, p.1
"The Changing Images of Modern Man" will be sponsored at UNI by several departments.
2282 UNI Planning Conference on Theology and Literature in April
Public Relations News Release 1969:478, p.1
"The Changing Images of Modern Man" will be sponsored at UNI by several departments.
2283 Registration deadline for core conference extended
Northern Iowan 66:46, p.8
Core curriculum conference to be held at UNI.
2284 Ninth annual social studies conference to be at Price Lab.
Northern Iowan 66:45, p.3
2285 Registration deadline extended for Great Plains Core Curriculum Conference
Public Relations News Release 1969:459, p.1
Extended to April 8th. Some 150 educators from the Midwest are expected to attend the conference.
2286 Registration Deadline Extended for Great Plains Core Curriculum Conference
Public Relations News Release 1969:460, p.1
Extended to April 8th. Some 150 educators from the Midwest are expected to attend the conference.
2287 Social Studies conference set for UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:452, p.1
UNI and the Iowa Council for the Social Studies (ICSS) is co-sponsoring the ninth annual Social Studies Conference; to be held in Price Lab School.
2288 Behind the scenes
UNI Quarterly 1:3, p.4
Extensive round-up of news on recent events.
2289 UNI to sponsor spring cheerleaders workshop
Public Relations News Release 1969:435, p.1
Junior and senior high school cheerleaders will have an opportunity to attend the workshop being held at the Malcolm Price Laboratory School Field House. The workshop is similar in nature to the one held last fall.
2290 Des Moines author-consultant to appear at UNI Clerical Workshop
Public Relations News Release 1969:434, p.1
Joe Batten is scheduled to be guest speaker and will speak in the University Union. Ten other speakrs will also appear on the one-day program.
2291 UNI schedules seventh annual clerical workshop
Public Relations News Release 1969:429, p.1
Approximately 500 Iowa educational clerical personnel are scheduled to attend the seventh annual Workshop for Clerical Personnel in Educational Institutions.
2292 UNI to host metal spinning conference Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1969:427, p.1
475 students and teachers from Iowa schools have been invited to the second annual Invitational Metal Conference to be held in the UNI Arts and Industries Building.
2293 Summer workshops announced by UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:419, p.1
Nine summer workshops, one institute, and six post-session courses and workshops will be offered in the summer at UNI; list of courses and instructors.
2294 Annual Tallcorn String Orchestra Conference scheduled
Public Relations News Release 1969:395, p.1
Fifteenth annual UNI Tallcorn String Orchestra Conference to be held in Music Hall on Saturday, March 14.
2295 Clerical Workshop to be March 25 at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:391, p.1
Seventh annual Clerical Workshop will be held in the Science Building. Some 500 school clerical workers have been invited to attend. Sponsored by UNI with the Iowa Assocation of Educational Secretaries (IAES).
2296 UNI to sponsor cheerleaders workshop
Public Relations News Release 1969:390, p.1
The spring one-day workshop for junior and senior high students will be held a the Price Laboratory School. Two hundred students attended a similar conference last fall; summer workshop also planned
2297 UNI prof to participate in international conference
Public Relations News Release 1969:384, p.1
Professor Robert Paulson will participate in the International College and University Conference and Exposition being held in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
2298 Iowa-Minnesota audiovisual associations to have joint convention
Public Relations News Release 1969:373, p.1
Donald Rieck is co-director of the spring audiovisual convention of the Upper Mississippi Media Conference being held in Rochester, Minnesota.
2299 Noted speakers to appear at drug symposium
Northern Iowan 66:37, p.4
List of speakers.
2300 Two UNI profs attending national conference in New York City
Public Relations News Release 1969:351, p.1
Professors Hantula and Newell are attending a national conference on the role of Asian Studies in American secondary education.