Conferences--Workshops--and Seminars

Displaying 2351 - 2400 of 3847 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
2351 Lab School group meets October 13 in Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 64:32, p.4
Forty-five will attend regional conference.
2352 UNI personnel workshop set for March 27
Northern Iowan 64:31, p.4
Fifth annual workshop scheduled.
2353 Interpretation workshop tomorrow
Northern Iowan 64:31, p.8
Professors McDavitt and Chapman will lead discussions.
2354 State marketing convention to be on campus today
Northern Iowan 64:24, p.1
Will give students opportunity to meet with industry leaders.
2355 Theatre conference to be today
Northern Iowan 64:20, p.12
Over three hundred will attend Tall Corn Music Theatre conference.
2356 Consortium is today
Northern Iowan 64:20, p.8
150 teachers will attend social science consortium.
2357 'Critic and writer can be one'--Rosenthal
Northern Iowan 64:18, p.9
M. L. Rosenthal speaks at Conference '68.
2358 UNI basketball clinic Nov. 18 with new twist
Northern Iowan 64:16, p.6
New coach Hogeland adds to clinic.
2359 Iowa school psychologists to meet today
Northern Iowan 64:14, p.8
First annual conference.
2360 Sales manager conference to meet at UNI
Northern Iowan 64:14, p.8
Will emphasize training, retention, and motivation.
2361 Conference for retarded children to meet at UNI
Northern Iowan 64:14, p.8
Second conference for parents.
2362 Iowa school psychologists to meet Friday
Northern Iowan 64:13, p.1
One hundred will attend.
2363 Education writer to speak at teaching conference
Northern Iowan 64:9, p.1
Elizabeth Hunter will speak on teacher education; photo.
2364 McDonald calls elementary teachers 'fellow scapegoats'
Northern Iowan 64:8, p.9
James McDonald featured at elementary education conference.
2365 Irene Hunt, author, speaks at conference
Northern Iowan 64:8, p.9
Speaks at elementary education conference.
2366 Education conference to be tomorrow
College Eye 64:6, p.3
Elementary education conference to be held.
2367 Donald Kaul to speak at newspaper conference
College Eye 64:6, p.4
Will speak to high school journalists; photo.
2368 Retail clinic to begin Monday
College Eye 64:5, p.5
Aimed at small town retailers.
2369 Program on education to be at UNI
College Eye 64:5, p.8
Aimed at making women aware of educational possibilities.
2370 Donald Kaul to speak at UNI conference
College Eye 64:2, p.1
Will speak to high school journalism group.
2371 80 students visiting campus for post-session seminar, workshops
College Eye 63:64, p.1
2372 91 participate in conferences
College Eye 63:64, p.2
Brief description of conferences.
2373 350 post-session students attending institutes, workshops
College Eye 63:63, p.1
A look at some of the special classes.
2374 Columbia prof gives lecture
College Eye 63:60, p.5
Mary Ellen Oliverio will speak in business education seminar series.
2375 SCI to offer marching band workshop
College Eye 63:55, p.8
2376 SCI to host high school administrators
College Eye 63:50, p.8
2377 Speech festival to be at SCI tomorrow
College Eye 63:50, p.8
2378 Regional SISEA representatives meet at SCI
College Eye 63:49, p.8
2379 SCI hosts convention, conference on campus
College Eye 63:46, p.5
Quick look at upcoming conferences.
2380 Business seminar to be Tuesday
College Eye 63:46, p.4
Will offer seminar on use of computers in business.
2381 Teachers meet to talk about primary students
College Eye 63:46, p.4
Highlights of Elementary Leaders Conference.
2382 Dr. M. Dawson will teach a reading course
College Eye 63:36, p.7
Developmental reading workshop will be offered this summer.
2383 Orff approach to be taught at workshop
College Eye 63:36, p.4
In summer session.
2384 'Man and his Environment' Science topic
College Eye 63:36, p.8
1000 high school students will come to campus.
2385 Tomorrow 600 musicians attend conference
College Eye 63:33, p.8
Highlights of Tallcorn Music Conference.
2386 High school debate tourney on campus
College Eye 63:23, p.5
22 schools will participate.
2387 Plan math conference at Lab School
College Eye 63:21, p.4
2388 Speaker today for consortium is Mehlinger
College Eye 63:19, p.6
Howard Mehlinger will speak at Social Studies Conference.
2389 Tallcorn Music Theatre conference here tomorrow
College Eye 63:19, p.6
Several SCI faculty will lead conference.
2390 News, feature writing seminar
College Eye 63:18, p.1
Anyone interested in writing for the College Eye is encouraged to attend.
2391 Education seminar on campus
College Eye 63:16, p.4
Dr. George W. Denemark, Dr. Henry Hermanowicz, and Dr. William Drake will speak at the Central States Colleges and Universities Professional Education Seminar.
2392 Iowa college history teachers meet here
College Eye 63:15, p.5
List of speakers for the Iowa College Teachers of History meeting.
2393 Dr. Lang will speak for Teachers Day
College Eye 63:14, p.1
Teachers Day provides high school students the chance to learn more about SCI.
2394 NAFSA Conference meets at Cedar Falls today
College Eye 63:13, p.5
Participants in the National Association for Foreign Student Affairs include people from North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Missouri, and Iowa.
2395 Dr. Lang will speak for Teachers Day
College Eye 63:10, p.4
Approximately 1400 high school students will be visiting SCI for Teachers Day.
2396 Forensic Squad hosts eight high schools
College Eye 63:9, p.5
Speech department and forensic squad are holding a Fall High School Discussion Conference.
2397 Music frat. hosts regional workshop
College Eye 63:9, p.7
Arnold Schatz and Thomas Fritz, musicians from the University of Nebraska, will perform as part of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia's regional convention workshop.
2398 Teaching supervisors will attend conference Sat.
College Eye 63:7, p.4
Price Lab School hosts a conference for supervising leaders from Iowa's four year colleges.
2399 300 attend guidance conference
College Eye 63:7, p.12
List of speakers for SCI's Guidance, Counseling, and Personnel Conference.
2400 Journalism conference is cancelled
College Eye 63:4, p.7