Cram--Fred Danford (Education Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 452 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Life in the Normal School community A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.175 |
The beginnings of extracurricular activities and groups at UNI including athletics and sports, oratory and debate, music, literary societies, and the Alumni Association; photo. | |
2 | Celebrating a half century of service A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.420 |
The Campanile project; the 50th commencement; services of the college to the state. | |
3 | Expanded co- and extra-curricular activities A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.448 |
Survey of activities of literary societies, drama, athletics, Greeks, debate, oratory, and college student publications; photo. | |
4 | Leaders from teaching tradition affect national education scene Alumnus 61:4, p.14 |
Professor Dreier's analysis of UNI's contribution to the national scene; photo. | |
5 | Fred D. Cram Alumnus 55:4, p.11 |
Died August 14, 1970. | |
6 | What became of the editors? Alumnus 54:3, p.6 |
Survey of yearbook and newspaper editors reveals interesting results; photo. | |
7 | Archives preserves treasures of the past Alumnus 53:3, p.11 |
Collections and services offered by University Archives; photo. | |
8 | 60th anniversary for Fred Cram and wife Alumnus 48:1, p.9 |
Celebrate with friends. | |
9 | Local educator joins professional fraternity Public Relations News Release 1960:537, p.1 |
Eleven new initiates are brought into the Phi Delta Kappa honorary fraternity for men in education. Professor Fred Cram speaks at the initiation ceremony, headed by Professor Caryl Middleton of the department of teaching. | |
10 | ISTC Phi Delta Kappa elects officers Public Relations News Release 1960:290, p.1 |
Phi Delta Kappa grants officer positions to Professors Caryl Middleton, Gordon Rhum, Cecil Phillips, Robert Paulson, Fred Cram, and Clifford Bishop. | |
11 | Four receive 60-year medals Alumnus 42:3, p.21 |
Association elects officers. | |
12 | A. C. Fuller dies at 80 Alumnus 42:3, p.20 |
Died May 4, 1958; photo. | |
13 | Classes of '98, '08, and '33 to be honored at alumni reunion Alumnus 42:2, p.14 |
Plans and highlights. | |
14 | Campus gets PDK chapter Alumnus 41:3, p.7 |
Forty-nine students initiated in Delta Beta chapter of Phi Delta Kappa. | |
15 | Van Engen and Cram resign Alumnus 41:3, p.13 |
Professor Fred Cram's resignation is effective August 1, 1957; Professor Van Engen's resignation is effective January 24, 1958. | |
16 | Fewer resign professorship this summer College Eye 48:38, p.1 |
Brief profiles of faculty changes. | |
17 | Department of Library and Library Science Old Gold 0:0, p.48 |
The Library furnishes books, periodicals, documents, and other references; the Department of Library Science prepares teacher-librarians for the schools of Iowa; improvements were made in the Library; Alpha Beta Alpha was created; photo. | |
18 | Library Science Old Gold 0:0, p.98 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
19 | Seventy third annual Alumni Reunion will present honors College Eye 47:32, p.7 |
Brief profiles of those who will be honored. | |
20 | Library Science Improves Facilities Old Gold 0:0, p.86 |
Description of the improvements made to the library, such as the card catalogues and new subscriptions to periodicals; photos. | |
21 | Fred D. Cram Old Gold 0:0, p.22 |
Administration; photo. | |
22 | Teachers College archivists maintain permanent records College Eye 44:42, p.3 |
Irving Hart and Fred Cram talk about their work and the archives collection; photo. | |
23 | All ISEA officers invited to lunch College Eye 44:34, p.3 |
Professor Brune extends invitation. | |
24 | Administration Old Gold 0:0, p.22 |
Administrators; photo. | |
25 | Honor Fred Crams at 50th anniversary Alumnus 37:1, p.18 |
Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Cram celebrated their golden wedding and Mr. Cram wrote a poem about it. | |
26 | Cram celebrates golden wedding College Eye 44:14, p.3 |
Brief profile of Fred Cram; poetic tribute to his marriage. | |
27 | Bell's 'impressions' defended College Eye 44:13, p.2 |
Speaker should be admired for his individuality and courage to speak his mind. | |
28 | Hart, TC author will be honored at tea in Commons College Eye 43:25, p.1 |
Faculty and student leaders will honor Irving Hart; description of the writing of "The First 75 Years"; photo. | |
29 | An informal author's tea honoring Irving H. Hart will be held in the Georgian Lounge of the Commons, April 16 Public Relations News Release 1951:611, p.1 |
Hart's book "The First 75 Years" is a history of ideas fundamental to the development of the college. Hart is college archivist and historian. Favors in the form of book marks will be presented to those attending. | |
30 | Twenty-nine members of the instructional and administrative staffs are listed in the 1952 edition of Who's Who in the Midwest Public Relations News Release 1952:498, p.1 |
According to the compilers those included in the publication are of significant reference interest nationally and sectionally, but are identified with the central and midwestern states. Biographical material is given for some of those listed. | |
31 | Four in attendance at Des Moines meet College Eye 43:16, p.7 |
Attend ISEA meeting. | |
32 | The ideas that built Teachers College Alumnus 35:4, p.2 |
Professor Aitchison reviews Professor Hart's history of ISTC; photo. | |
33 | Cram to speak on Seerley topic College Eye 42:35, p.4 |
Professor Cram will be interviewed on WOI; has been working on Seerley correspondence. | |
34 | Faculty Public Relations News Release 1950:402, p.1 |
Forty new faculty members joined the staff in the fall to replace those who took leave, gained emeritus status, or resigned to accept other positions. Faculty additions the previous year numbered 95. | |
35 | State officials explain legislation at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1950:242, p.1 |
Proposed and pending school legislation will be studies tonight in Gilchrist hall. Legislators Senator J. Kendall Lynes, and Representative Earl A. Miller will be on hand to explain and answer questions. | |
36 | 1950 Leaves Mark on ISTC Campus Public Relations News Release 1950:165, p.1 |
A presidential inauguration, the fifth in 74 years, was one of several major changes during 1950. Starting last June a minor in journalism was offered. Plans were approved for granting a major in library science starting next June. | |
37 | Fred Cram assumes emeritus status Alumnus 34:3, p.13 |
Professor Cram will work on Seerley correspondence; photo. | |
38 | Instructional Staff Old Gold 0:0, p.49 |
The photo roster of the instructional staff; photo. | |
39 | Cram's poem published in poetry magazine College Eye 39:19, p.5 |
40 | Bulletin board committee suggested College Eye 39:19, p.2 |
Discusses the possible usefulness of a bulletin board committee that would be in charge of hanging notices in the proper place and removing them when then become outdated. | |
41 | College Eye alumni tell advantages of staff training College Eye 38:32, p.5 |
Reports of a survey of former College Eye staff. | |
42 | Inquiring Reporter College Eye 38:30, p.6 |
Faculty members from the English Department comment on the question, "What is wrong with the attitude other departments take toward English as it is taught in the classroom?" | |
43 | Campus Commentary College Eye 38:9, p.3 |
Discusses the cheerleaders, the Harris concert, the cover of the Old Gold, and the veterans guidance centers; photo. | |
44 | Cowley portrays Russell on Monday 'Giants' program College Eye 37:16, p.3 |
On upcoming radio program. | |
45 | Faculty members present new KXEL radio program College Eye 37:13, p.3 |
A look at the programming; photo. | |
46 | Holst-Hill radio program planned for station KXEL College Eye 36:40, p.4 |
A look at other programming as well. | |
47 | Faculty has long-time record of service Alumnus 29:3, p.13 |
Average term of service of faculty member is eighteen years; roster of those with long service records. | |
48 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.47 |
Faculty; photo. | |
49 | Fred Cram taken Ill College Eye 36:12, p.3 |
Recovering, but will not return to work until January 1. | |
50 | Dial Dope College Eye 36:12, p.2 |
Events on KXEL radio. |