Cram--Fred Danford (Education Faculty)

Displaying 151 - 200 of 452 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 Faculty members plan to attend N. E. A. meeting
College Eye 27:47, p.1
Six faculty will attend.
152 Branch Briefs
College Eye 27:47, p.4
News from Branch summer school.
153 Ministers seek greater virility in church work
College Eye 26:43, p.1
Ministerial association meets on campus.
154 Campus This Week
College Eye 26:42, p.3
News from around the campus.
155 Faculty instructors to deliver addresses to Iowa graduates
College Eye 26:42, p.1
Many faculty will participate in high school graduation ceremonies.
156 "Blind Date", a new song with words by Eddie Cram, has been published by Radio Music Guild
Public Relations News Release 1934:1046, p.1
The song has been played frequently in Des Moines, and will be broadcast in the near future.
157 Fred D. Cram has been selected to make the speech nominating Agnes Samuelson
Public Relations News Release 1934:1048, p.1
Agnes Samuelson is running for president of the National Education Association.
158 Cram to attend Chicago meeting of N. E. A. Monday
College Eye 26:37, p.1
Professor Cram is Iowa NEA director.
159 Fred D. Cram will meet with Willard E. Givens, secretary of the N. E. A.
Public Relations News Release 1934:993, p.1
Mr. Givens called the meeting to bring co-ordination between state and national organizations.
160 Fred D. Cram will address the local Business and Professional Women's Club
Public Relations News Release 1934:992, p.1
Mr. Cram will discuss equal pay for equal work after a dinner reception.
161 Correction
College Eye 26:34, p.4
Was head of Iowa NEA delegation.
162 Nine faculty members will attend the convention of the department of superintendence
Public Relations News Release 1934:922, p.1
Fred Cram will lead the faculty members at the National Education Association convention.
163 Honors are being achieved by twenty-one students from Cerro Gordo county
Public Relations News Release 1934:910, p.2
Cerro Gordo county is also represented by three Teachers College faculty members.
164 Cram named on national education by-laws assembly
College Eye 26:22, p.3
Appointed to NEA committee.
165 Fred D. Cram was appointed as a committee member to harmonize the charter with by-laws of the National Education Association
Public Relations News Release 1934:678, p.1
Professor Cram was appointed by Dean Henry Lester Smith, president of the National Education Association.
166 Further school funds required; group urges continuance of federal aid to education
College Eye 26:19, p.1
Professors Hart and Cram attend meeting.
167 Faculty to attend state convention
College Eye 26:18, p.1
Many faculty will attend the ISTA meeting.
168 Seventeen staff members are scheduled for a part in the seventy-ninth annual Iowa State Teachers Association convention
Public Relations News Release 1934:653, p.2
Program for the event.
169 Frances Perkins will be the principal speaker at the seventy-ninth annual convention of the Iowa State Teachers Association
Public Relations News Release 1934:652, p.3
Program for the event.
170 Branch briefs
College Eye 26:10, p.3
News from Branch Summer Schools.
171 Branch briefs
College Eye 26:7, p.4
News from Branch Summer School.
172 Branch briefs
College Eye 26:6, p.3
News from the Branch Summer School.
173 1909'ers eat "tubera cauponia," but have good time
Alumnus 18:3, p.11
Description of reunion; list of those who attended.
174 College represented at Cleveland
Alumnus 18:3, p.18
Roster of ISTC faculty and alumni who attended national NEA meeting.
175 Branch Briefs
College Eye 26:4, p.3
News from Branch Summer School in Corning.
176 Cram leaves today for NEA assembly in nation's capitol
College Eye 26:3, p.1
Program highlights.
177 Cram will attend Washington meet as Iowa N. E. A. head
College Eye 26:1, p.5
178 Eight faculty men to speak; eighteen high schools ask T.C. professors for addresses
College Eye 25:43, p.1
For high school Commencement ceremonies.
179 Professors will soon be in high demand as speakers for high school commencement programs
Public Relations News Release 1934:485, p.1
Eight professors are scheduled for a total of eighteen talks.
180 What is a newspaper?
College Eye 25:35, p.2
Fred Cram reflects on his days as a journalist.
181 Faculty members attend convention
College Eye 25:33, p.1
Roster of those attending NEA meeting.
182 F. D. Cram honored by Mason City group
College Eye 25:29, p.4
High school journalism society named for Professor Cram.
183 New alumni constitution
Alumnus 18:1, p.13
Text of new constitution.
184 Revised constitution is approved by Iowa State Teachers alumni; changes provide for more closely knit group activities
College Eye 25:23, p.4
Text of the Alumni Association constitution.
185 New language tests devised; child's phone conversation and letter writing ability judged
College Eye 25:17, p.1
Tests designed by Professors Shepherd and Cram.
186 Opening matches of faculty golf tourney yield many surprises
College Eye 25:16, p.1
Professor Cram defeats Professor Charles; other results.
187 Child language tests issued
Alumnus 17:4, p.14
Professors Shepherd and Cram develop tests to measure children's language ability.
188 Alumni from far and wide gather at Chicago
Alumnus 17:4, p.15
160 alumni meet for dinner in Chicago in association with NEA meeting and Century of Progress exposition; list of those present.
189 Music festival opens on campus; faculty, students, alumni participate in anniversary celebration and festival; two college students are named queens
College Eye 25:10, p.1
Lengthy description of the Cedar Falls eightieth anniversary celebration and the part that ISTC will play in the event.
190 College Hill troop enters world friendship movement of scouts; each boy chooses country to which he wishes to write
College Eye 25:9, p.3
Correspondence organized for your scouts.
191 Sixteen faculty are in survey, Teachers College has most educational leaders in country
College Eye 25:8, p.1
Roster of those honored in Peabody survey.
192 Five faculty members give their impressions of Chicago Fair
College Eye 25:6, p.1
Professors report on visit to Fair.
193 Teachers College alumni celebrate first nation-wide reunion in Chicago; Chicago unit directs plans for national gathering
College Eye 25:6, p.1
About 160 will attend.
194 Cram is elected Iowa director; several faculty members attend association meeting
College Eye 25:5, p.1
195 World's Fair lures many T. C. students
College Eye 25:5, p.3
Many students and faculty are visiting the Fair.
196 Six hundred gather for graduation dinner
Alumnus 17:3, p.9
Description of program; summary of addresses.
197 Twenty-five year class celebrates anniversary
Alumnus 17:3, p.15
Description of celebration; list of attendees.
198 Interest in newspaper work seems to 'run In Cram family'; father was editor, son is reporter on same publication
College Eye 25:4, p.1
Fred and Edwin Cram both have served on the student newspaper; Fred Cram looks back on the Normal Eyte.
199 Cram is nominated for Iowa Education Association office
College Eye 25:3, p.1
Nominated for Iowa directorship.
200 One hundred forty seven are enrolled at branch school
College Eye 25:2, p.1
At Atlantic.