Cram--Fred Danford (Education Faculty)

Displaying 101 - 150 of 452 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Extension news
College Eye 29:42, p.3
Quick look at some of the work of Extension faculty.
102 Extension Service faculty active this summer
College Eye 29:40, p.3
Quick description of summer activities.
103 Fred D. Cram
Alumnus 22:3, p.23
Associate professor of education of the Extension Division; wrote an article and attended the Conference of Congregational Christian Churches of Iowa in Sioux City, Iowa.
104 Alumnae find service here
College Eye 29:36, p.3
Several members of the faculty participate in consultative service.
105 Ruralists confer here
College Eye 29:29, p.1
Rural Life Conference to be held.
106 Instructors write for education monthly
College Eye 29:16, p.3
Several faculty write articles for Midland Monthly.
107 Campusites pause for education and peace; two convocations to observe Horace Mann and Armistice
College Eye 29:9, p.1
Faculty will present Mann convocation; American Legion will assist with Armistice convocation.
108 Faculty members speak at annual teacher's convention
College Eye 29:8, p.1
Roster of those who will participate in ISTA meeting.
109 Teachers' meet
College Eye 29:5, p.3
Professors Cram, Shepherd, and Goetch will attend.
110 Educational troublemen await your word
Alumnus 21:4, p.8
Extension Division has seven staff members who provide consulting service to schools.
111 Teachers, this service will help you
College Eye 38:0, p.1
Irving Hart talks about the consultative service offered by Extension.
112 Branch summer school news
College Eye 28:39, p.3
News from Denison.
113 Fred D. Cram
Alumnus 21:3, p.11
Publishes spelling book; delivers addresses.
114 School opens at Denison
College Eye 28:35, p.1
Nine faculty will teach at the branch summer school there.
115 School opens at Denison
College Eye 28:34, p.1
Nine faculty members are at the Branch Summer School there.
116 Paul, Cram speak at dinner tonight
College Eye 28:30, p.3
For Phi Delta Kappa.
117 Activities of faculty
College Eye 28:26, p.3
News notes about faculty activities.
118 Campus is host to rural meet here on Monday
College Eye 28:26, p.1
Will discuss rural churches and communities; first of five programs.
119 Fred D. Cram
Alumnus 21:2, p.9
Attends series of meetings.
120 Mr. Fred D. Cram
College Eye 28:22, p.3
Attended meeting in New Orleans.
121 Faculty, singers will represent college at teachers meeting
College Eye 28:9, p.3
Several faculty will participate in ISTA meeting.
122 Faculty cooperates to plan celebration
College Eye 28:5, p.3
Roster of committee members.
123 N. E. A. delegates attend reunion
Alumnus 20:4, p.14
Roster of alumni and faculty who attended.
124 Cram reports on N. E. A. convention held at Portland
College Eye 27:7, p.1
Presented addressed and met other Iowans there.
125 Iowa educators are attending convention at Portland, Oregon
College Eye 27:6, p.1
Professor Cram is attending NEA meeting.
126 Branch briefs
College Eye 27:6, p.3
News from the Branch Summer School.
127 Polk County unit picnicks at Des Moines; Fearing presides
Alumnus 20:3, p.14
Group hopes to reorganize.
128 Faculty members to attend N. E. A. meeting
College Eye 27:2, p.1
Professors Cram and Divelbess attend Oregon meeting.
129 International Relations committee plans meet
College Eye 27:41, p.1
Discuss plans for June meeting.
130 National relationships committee will meet on campus April 24
College Eye 27:39, p.5
Several faculty will participate.
131 Annual conference on Iowa rural life will assemble here
College Eye 27:39, p.1
132 Untitled
College Eye 27:38, p.4
Professor Cram will discuss academic freedom on the radio.
133 Death claims former Iowa superintendent
College Eye 27:37, p.5
Frank T. Vasey died.
134 Aitchison first geography prexy . . . .
Alumnus 20:2, p.8
Roster of faculty recently appointed or elected to boards or associations, on leave, or teaching elsewhere.
135 Faculty members are chosen for extension school
College Eye 27:36, p.1
List of faculty for the school in Council Bluffs.
136 F. Cram receives new appointment
College Eye 27:33, p.1
Will be consultant for NEA.
137 Mathematicians to meet here; faculty members will lead discussion group on March 14
College Eye 27:33, p.1
Conference highlights.
138 The Educational Policies Commission announced that Fred Cram has been appointed
Public Relations News Release 1935:648, p.1
Cram has been appointed as consultant ex officio for the Commission.
139 Thirteen faculty members and administrative officers will attend various organization meetings
Public Relations News Release 1935:630, p.1
Schedule of events.
140 Mrs. Samuelson honored guest Tuesday night; Commons banquet attended by faculty members, wives, guests
College Eye 27:25, p.1
Talks about her experiences with the NEA.
141 Faculty members to be on program at Teachers meet
College Eye 27:19, p.1
Several will give papers or panel discussions.
142 Success stories of students requested
College Eye 27:18, p.1
Hopes to show courage and vision despite the economic difficulties.
143 Alumni break bread with faculty at N. E. A. in Denver
Alumnus 19:4, p.11
Group enjoys dinner.
144 Institute Work
Public Relations News Release 1934:35, p.1
Faculty members will visit several institutions.
145 Branch Briefs
College Eye 27:53, p.3
News from the Branch Summer School.
146 Faculty of branch school to broadcast
College Eye 27:52, p.3
Will offer series of educational talks.
147 Faculty members of the summer school at Shenandoah will give a series of radio talks
Public Relations News Release 1934:1135, p.1
Program schedule.
148 Branch Briefs
College Eye 27:50, p.3
News from the Branch Summer School.
149 Branch Briefs
College Eye 27:49, p.3
News from the Branch Summer School.
150 Group commemorates founding of school
College Eye 27:48, p.3
In Mason City.