
Displaying 601 - 650 of 1425 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
601 Urban Dynamics Institute to be Offered at UNI This Summer
Public Relations News Release 1971:472, p.1
"Urban Dynamics Institute" wil be taught on an interdisciplinary basis involving the behavioral sciences and education and will enable grad students the opportunity to earn eight credit hours.
602 Art department offers new "films" course
Northern Iowan 67:36, p.8
Will study the history and technique of the film.
603 "Justice" college may be located at UNI
Northern Iowan 67:26, p.1
General Assembly considering establishment of a College of Criminal Justice.
604 UNI 1970 Year-End Story
Public Relations News Release 1970:274, p.1
Summary of 1970: faculty, budget, course and curriculum changes, students and fees, special academic programs, visiting artists and lecturers, general events and projects, minority group education, and building programs.
605 Black religions course offered
Northern Iowan 67:23, p.9
Harold Burris will teach class; outline of course.
606 UNI to Offer New Course: "Religion in Black America"
Public Relations News Release 1970:251, p.1
"Religion in Black America" will be offered by the department of philosophy and religion at UNI in the spring.
607 College of Criminal Justice receives new support
Northern Iowan 67:21, p.7
Endorsed by Black Hawk County supervisors.
608 Music and art
Northern Iowan 67:17, p.16
Will combine Man and Materials with Exploring Music course in experimental offering.
609 Senators discuss pass-no credit
Northern Iowan 67:13, p.1
Raises number of pass/fail hours to twenty hours; limits majors to fifty-five hours.
610 Faculty approves six new majors
Northern Iowan 67:13, p.1
Approve new majors in Asian Studies, Journalism, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religion, and Social Work.
611 Repression not the answer for campus discontent
Public Relations News Release 67:3, p.3
Believes repression will aggravate situation; urges curricular reform.
612 Ecology seminar to be offered
Public Relations News Release 67:1, p.8
Description of new course.
613 Twenty years of accomplishment
Alumnus 55:2, p.4
Essay illustrating President Maucker's achievements in the growth of the university, especially in the areas of enrollment, staff, programs, and facilities; photo.
614 College of Natural Sciences
Alumnus 55:2, p.6
Brief history of organization of college; aims, objectives, opportunities, challenges; photo.
615 Disagrees with Haupt on gen. ed..
Northern Iowan 66:46, p.2
Professor Hallberg believes that there are programmable parts of general education; believes faculty are best equipped to design curriculum.
616 General Ed. is only theoretically sound
Northern Iowan 66:42, p.3
Professor Fox admits shortcomings of program, but maintains that curricular modification is faculty job.
617 University Forum
Northern Iowan 66:39, p.1
Will discuss Black Studies.
618 New degree OK'd by Regents
Northern Iowan 66:30, p.8
Approve specialist degree in science education.
619 Behind the scenes
UNI Quarterly 1:2, p.4
Campus news wrap-up consisting of short articles about many people and events; photo.
620 Student senate makes request for voting privileges in UCC
Northern Iowan 66:26, p.8
Wants two students appointed to Curriculum Committee.
621 Is the curriculum irrelevant?
Alumnus 54:4, p.7
Professor Fox examines object and value of what is learned in college.
622 Introduce concept of cluster college
Northern Iowan 66:20, p.6
Professor Quirk explains concept which includes innovation, flexibility, and greater student involvement.
623 Higher education course offered
Northern Iowan 66:7, p.3
Three-course sequence available for those who wish to teach in higher education.
624 BA comps eliminated
Northern Iowan 66:1, p.8
Regents approve discontinuation of BA comprehensive exams; approve addition of Bachelor of Music as well as several new majors, minors, and emphases.
625 College of Humanities and Fine Arts
Alumnus 54:3, p.3
Explains reasons for college structure; program strengths; curriculum and programs; photo.
626 Curricular changes finalized
Northern Iowan 65:63, p.1
Regents agree to drop BA comprehensive exam; authorize majors in earth science, French, home economics education, library science, and sociology at master's level.
627 Proposes Senate open credit; join NSA
Northern Iowan 65:59, p.1
Would earn credit for participating in student government.
628 Creativity course
Northern Iowan 65:58, p.6
Professor Earls will prepare for course to be offered in fall.
629 New course
Northern Iowan 65:55, p.6
Will offer problem-solving course.
630 Ombudsman
Northern Iowan 65:53, p.4
Questions about majors, course credit, and going barefoot.
631 Major constitutes fraud; sense of uneasiness
Northern Iowan 65:49, p.2
Professor Fox talks about the expansion of majors at the expense of general education; considers possibility of expanding undergraduate degree to five years.
632 Fox opposes too much specialization
Northern Iowan 65:46, p.3
Professor Fox decries specialized undergraduate degrees.
633 Open credit approved
Northern Iowan 65:46, p.8
Students would be able to put together a project and then submit it to a committee of three faculty members.
634 The problem of communication
Northern Iowan 65:29, p.2
Professor Fox believes that it may be necessary to restructure standard literature to include African-American work, but that literature courses should not include such work only because it is African-American.
635 Facts on Black Literature course
Northern Iowan 65:27, p.2
Professor Lindberg briefly outlines his course.
636 Education sequence study to be made
Northern Iowan 65:26, p.7
Most recent previous study had been in 1957.
637 Dr. Guillaume explains art curriculum
Northern Iowan 65:22, p.12
All art majors invited.
638 Black course
Northern Iowan 65:20, p.12
English Department will offer course on African-American literature.
639 In defense of Dr. Fox
Northern Iowan 65:20, p.3
Believes Professor Fox has been in vanguard of including black literature in his courses.
640 Dr. Fox remains unconvinced
Northern Iowan 65:20, p.2
Professor Fox believes that African-American literature should be integrated into existing courses of study and be judged by standards used to judge any other literature.
641 Proposes A-V education
Northern Iowan 65:20, p.4
Believes that all future teachers will need to understand audiovisual methods of instruction.
642 Courses in Afro-American Lit.; perspective
Northern Iowan 65:17, p.2
Department of English will offer experimental course.
643 Supports general ed. revision and additional electives
Northern Iowan 65:15, p.2
Letter expresses support for Howard J. Thompson's desire for revision of general education program, but disagrees with Thompson's stand against black history and literature courses.
644 'Myth of Negro past'
Northern Iowan 65:15, p.2
Letter suggests creation of an Afro-American Humanities course as a stopgap measure until Black history and culture can be fully integrated into general survey courses.
645 Man and materials gives artist's insight
Northern Iowan 65:14, p.8
Overview of art appreciation course Man and Materials; drawing.
646 'No to electives: must reconstruct general ed.'
Northern Iowan 65:14, p.3
Letter argues against course on history of Black America and offers alternatives.
647 'Dr. Fox has selective view of literature'
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.3
Letter attempts to show that Professor Fox is mistaken in his claim that Black literature is not significant enough to be studied as a separate genre.
648 'Dr. Fox argued wrongly against them'
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.3
Letter attempts to show that Professor Fox used improper reasoning and bad logic to defend his objections to Black history and Black literature courses in his 10/11/68 letter.
649 Alvin Loving discusses education for minorities
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.6
Alvin Loving discussed race relations and minority education; disagreed with 10/11/68 column by Josef Fox on black history and black literature courses; was featured speaker at workshop of Midwest Laboratory School Administrators Association.
650 Objects to 'black' courses
Northern Iowan 65:10, p.2
Column expresses concern that black history and black literature courses may be counterproductive, and calls for worthwhile black works to be studied in the standard courses.