
Displaying 401 - 450 of 1425 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 Two new courses to be added spring semester
Northern Iowan 75:24, p.9
Professor Lu will teach "Geography of the Bible" and Professor Klinkowitz will teach "Hawthorne and Melville".
402 Students' math efficiency dips; options outlined
Northern Iowan 75:22, p.1
Faculty Senate endorses concept of math competency requirement.
403 Industrial tech program fills a need for personnel
Northern Iowan 75:21, p.6

Professor Swanson and graduate students talks about the new DIT.

404 "Dance for the actor"
Northern Iowan 75:18, p.4
Students enjoying new dance course; photo.
405 Myths of aging explored at UNI; new program offered in gerontology
Northern Iowan 75:16, p.1
Professor Wallace talks about gerontology; UNI will offer "Introduction to Aging".
406 Community health education requires full-semester internship
Northern Iowan 75:16, p.12
Dennis Cryer talks about the new curriculum.
407 Math competency proposal considered by UNI Faculty Senate
Northern Iowan 75:14, p.1
Professor Odell originates proposal to require students to demonstrate competence in math.
408 Women's studies offered here; open to men and women
Northern Iowan 75:5, p.11
Minor in Women's Studies available; brief description of the program.
409 Gen. Ed. proposal: only a "cosmetic improvement?"
Northern Iowan 75:2, p.2
Current proposal for the general education program discussed.
410 Three new majors approved
Alumnus 63:3, p.5
Majors approved in community health education, chemistry-marketing, and speech/public relations; minors approved in organizational management and criminology and corrections.
411 UNI student criticizes School of Business
Northern Iowan 75:1, p.2
Several business classes were cancelled due to lack of professors to teach the courses.
412 Gen. ed. class added
Northern Iowan 74:60, p.4
Professor Hill will offer course on North American Indians.
413 Compliment on Vorman's story
Northern Iowan 74:56, p.3
Believed that the feature "Major Inflation" by Julie Vorman was important.
414 President complains about Senate decision on ed classes
Northern Iowan 74:56, p.2
Feels that the class, Values Seminar: Interpersonal Influence Preferences, should not be dropped as a required course.
415 Major Inflation; a problem for education majors?
Northern Iowan 74:55, p.6
Detailed look at the difficulties faced by teacher education students as length of major courses of study grows.
416 Ed. majors--check your hours against those on this list provided by the State Department of Public Instruction
Northern Iowan 74:55, p.8
A look at major course requirements.
417 Doctoral level degree approved for industrial tech
Alumnus 63:2, p.6
Regents approve Doctor of Industrial Technology in March; description of degree.
418 Earth Science good chance for field trips
Northern Iowan 74:53, p.5
Professor Anderson talks about the earth science curriculum.
419 "Future" course
Northern Iowan 74:51, p.7
Murray Austin talks about his course, "Conceiving the Future".
420 Hard to believe the changes!
Northern Iowan 74:50, p.4
Professor Eblen talks about the dramatic changes in the Speech and Hearing Clinic facilities in the new Speech/Art Complex.
421 New course
Northern Iowan 74:49, p.3
Carol Cooper and Virginia Hash will teach "Leisure Counseling".
422 New plans for P. E.
Northern Iowan 74:49, p.5
Professor Yager talks about the merging of the curriculum in the physical education departments.
423 Advanced logic
Northern Iowan 74:49, p.3
Professor Morgan will teach class.
424 Seminar
Northern Iowan 74:48, p.10
Professor Vajpeyi will teach "Women in the developing countries".
425 New course
Northern Iowan 74:48, p.16
Library Science will offer "The Media Program and the Teacher".
426 Reduced hours, combined sexes are improvements in P. E. dept.
Northern Iowan 74:46, p.6
Professors Thrall and Crawford talk about the revised curriculum.
427 New course
Northern Iowan 74:46, p.5
O. R. Schmidt will teach course on women in journalism.
428 New gallery adds to department
Northern Iowan 74:44, p.10
Professor Ruffo talks about the curriculum of the Department of Art; photo.
429 Dealing with Death
Northern Iowan 74:44, p.8
A look at Professor Pribbenow's class.
430 Industrial tech doctorate proposed as UNI's first
UNI Century 6:2, p.7
DIT referred to Regents interinstitutional committee.
431 Chemistry taking up marketing? On the move
Northern Iowan 74:39, p.5
Professor McGrew talks about the potential development of a chemistry marketing degree; photo.
432 UNI's Home Ec. major--more than cooking and sewing: modern laboratory added
Northern Iowan 74:37, p.4
James Canada talks about the curriculum; photo.
433 Department of Speech: expanding with the times: degrees added
Northern Iowan 74:33, p.6
Professor Hall talks about potential changes in the department's curriculum including a public relations major.
434 Oh, rats!
Northern Iowan 74:31, p.4
Professor Gilgen talks about facilities and curriculum in the Department of Psychology; photo.
435 P. E. departments have joint reorganization
Northern Iowan 74:29, p.3
Men's and Women's Physical Education Departments get together to redesign physical education major; division coordinators named..
436 Chinese thought class, Taoism, is offered this semester
Northern Iowan 74:29, p.8
Professor Hsu talks about the class.
437 New psych courses to be offered
Northern Iowan 74:25, p.5
Will offer Community Psychology and Psychology and the Law.
438 People are dying to get into our coffins
Northern Iowan 74:24, p.4
Roy Gerritsen encourages students to be creative in his radio/TV writing course; photo.
439 Work class explores possible career options
Northern Iowan 74:24, p.8
Professor Whitsett talks about the "Work and Leisure" class.
440 Class examines urban problems and aspects
Northern Iowan 74:23, p.2
Brief description of "Perspectives on Urban Life".
441 New courses offered
Northern Iowan 74:19, p.3
Professor Lu will teach Geography of the Bible; Professor Hash will teach Topics in Values Education.
442 Learn by doing: gathering news for broadcast
Northern Iowan 74:19, p.7
Description of Charles Scholz class on electronic news-gathering.
443 Major inflation pressing problem, says prof
Northern Iowan 74:16, p.2
Professor Skaine believes that the length of major courses of study is expanding at the expense of other worthwhile college courses.
444 Ed Media--the career message
UNI Century 5:4, p.7
Instructors and students describe growing demand for educational media curriculum; photo.
445 Early Childhood major, B.F.A. approved
UNI Century 5:4, p.6
Regents approve graduate major in early childhood education; B.F.A. for those who do not wish to teach art; computer science minor; and interdisciplinary minor in humanities; turn down M.F.A. request..
446 Math department adds computer science minor
Northern Iowan 74:9, p.6
Professor Walljasper talks briefly about the new minor.
447 Science dept. lands $250,000 grant
Northern Iowan 74:3, p.7
Professor Ward discusses the development of new general education, computer instruction, and other courses.
448 Something in it for everyone: New Humanities Course
Northern Iowan 74:2, p.6
New course entitled "Work and Leisure" is offered this semester.
449 Social work
Northern Iowan 73:56, p.15
Will offer "Seminar in Advanced Direct Practice".
450 Sees problems in biology dept
Northern Iowan 73:56, p.3
Points out curricular sequencing problem and potential threats to equipment in the Biology Department.