Displaying 151 - 200 of 1425 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
151 | Public relations department predicts growth of master's program Northern Iowan 88:28, p.6 |
Faculty talk about potential value of graduate study in public relations. | |
152 | Curris recommends elimination of three academic majors due to 'the budget mess in the state capital' Northern Iowan 88:27, p.1 |
President Curris reluctantly makes recommendations in home economics, industrial technology, and business education. | |
153 | University of Northern Iowa to recommend elimination of three academic majors; budget "mess" forces other program eliminations and reductions Public Relations News Release 1991:266, p.1 |
President Curris has recommended to the Board of Regents that following majors be dropped: vocational home economics, graduate program in industrial technology education, and the business education graduate program. Other cuts are listed. | |
154 | Marlin proposes cuts in seven academic majors Northern Iowan 88:24, p.1 |
Would also cut summer session program. | |
155 | Program offered for leadership Northern Iowan 88:20, p.10 |
Description of curriculum in leadership studies program. | |
156 | Political Science Department announces new classes Northern Iowan 88:19, p.1 |
New courses are part of curricular revision. | |
157 | CROW Forum Series continues at the University of Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 1991:111, p.1 |
Current Research on Women Series will hear presentation on inclusion of women of color into the curriculum. | |
158 | Gay/lesbian course offered for spring: class will discuss theories, literature and roles Northern Iowan 88:7, p.1 |
Will be taught by several faculty on team basis. | |
159 | Class combines art forms Northern Iowan 88:4, p.7 |
Survey of Professor Cawelti's "Film and Literature" class; photo. | |
160 | University of Northern Iowa professors participating in environmental literacy institute at Tufts University Public Relations News Release 1990:594, p.1 |
UNI professors learn how to include environmental knowledge into all parts of the University's curriculum. | |
161 | Time for equal time Northern Iowan 87:56, p.2 |
Dislikes emphasis of "Women, Men, and Society" course. | |
162 | Iowa-known science educator teaching at University of Northern Iowa's Price Laboratory School this year. Public Relations News Release 1990:432, p.1 |
David Fagle has come out of retirement to teach at Price Laboratory School. | |
163 | Update: gay/lesbian studies at UNI Campus News Network 1:14, p.4 |
Twenty faculty meet to formulate plans for program. | |
164 | Master's programs receive accreditation; one is first in the nation Northern Iowan 87:33, p.4 |
Master's programs in school, community agency, and mental health counseling received accreditation. | |
165 | Environmental course offered Northern Iowan 87:32, p.6 |
"Environmental Issues Instruction" course will be offered this spring for prospective teachers. Course will focus on tropical rain forests. | |
166 | Creative drama builds thinking, social skills at University of Northern Iowa's Price Laboratory School Public Relations News Release 1990:234, p.1 |
Plays provide fourth graders opportunities to plan, play, work in groups, perform, and evaluate their work. | |
167 | Professor designs course to fit his expectations Northern Iowan 87:13, p.11 |
Scott Cawelti co-wrote book "Introduction to College Writing" as a textbook for the UNI writing course; photo. | |
168 | University of Northern Iowa construction management program expanding: Seeks 1991 William A. Klinger memorial award Public Relations News Release 1990:73, p.1 |
UNI construction management program quadruples enrollment since changing emphasis from technology to management two years ago. | |
169 | UNI breaks ground with real estate program Northern Iowan 87:1, p.6 |
Students may now earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration and finance with an emphasis in real estate. | |
170 | Innovative master's programs begin this fall Northern Iowa Today 74:1, p.26 |
UNI offers new degrees in youth/human service agency administration and public policy. | |
171 | Through troubled times (1909-1920) A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.268 |
The unified Board of Education gets organized; faculty and curricular changes; photo. | |
172 | Academic and administrative changes; physical expansion A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.393 |
Survey of changes in curriculum, faculty, and facilities; the Seerley Hall murals; the acquisition of the west forty acres; photo. | |
173 | New and expanded curricula and services (1913 through April, 1917); the Claxton Commission A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.318 |
The college expands its services to include extension, rural education, Bible study, student health, and dormitories; a close look at the Claxton Commission Report and the Inside Survey; photo. | |
174 | Institutional growth; transfer of governance to the State Board of Education (1906 through June, 1909) A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.255 |
Organization of the school into formal departments; Dean of Women Walker develops guidelines for rooming houses; photo. | |
175 | The Normal School moves toward collegiate status A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.223 |
Changes in faculty, development of the curriculum, and new construction financed by the millage levy bring the Normal School to a new level; photo. | |
176 | Meeting educational needs, 1890-1902 A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.141 |
Organization of academic departments, military studies, the Training School; expansion of the curriculum; photo. | |
177 | The new administration begins its work A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.95 |
Principal Seerley realigns relations with high schools and colleges; assumes new title of President; photo. | |
178 | Administering the Normal School A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.71 |
Duties of the Principal and the Board with regard to appointments and curriculum; continuing difficulties with the Model School; salary controversies; photo. | |
179 | Student life A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.52 |
Account of student life, organizations, recreation, discipline, and curriculum in the first ten years of the Normal School; photo. | |
180 | Construction management curriculum expanded Northern Iowan 86:56, p.1 |
Professor Egger talks about the program. | |
181 | Regents approve Master of Public Policy degree Northern Iowan 86:56, p.5 |
Brief description of program. | |
182 | Board of Regents to discuss rate increases, new graduate program Northern Iowan 86:53, p.1 |
Room and board would increase about 4%; will consider public policy degree proposal. | |
183 | PR curriculum expanded; students have 'competitive edge' Northern Iowan 86:51, p.4 |
Professor Kruckeberg talks about additions to the course offerings. | |
184 | Programs lost due to study results Northern Iowan 86:36, p.5 |
Graduate program in home economics and program in linguistics lost. | |
185 | Financial 'villain' causes cuts; lack of funding Northern Iowan 86:34, p.1 |
Five journalism courses dropped due to lack of funds and lack of qualified faculty. | |
186 | University of Northern Iowa to offer teacher education course in Manchester Public Relations News Release 1989:351, p.1 |
Professor Jeanne Harms instructs a course for middle and elementary school teachers and librarians in Manchester. The course covers the development of quality literature curricula. | |
187 | Peat Marwick recommends cuts; UNI programs spared Northern Iowa Today 73:2, p.29 |
Despite recommendations, Home Economics and the Ed. D. degree will remain. | |
188 | Need for contractors indicated Northern Iowan 86:13, p.6 |
Professor Egger talks about the construction management program. | |
189 | Ethics course being offered at UNI Northern Iowan 86:6, p.14 |
Professor Clohesy talks about his ethics course. | |
190 | Class urges students to raise questions when they need to be Northern Iowan 86:3, p.3 |
Department of Philosophy and Religion offers course on biomedical ethics. | |
191 | Northern Iowa receives continued legislative support Northern Iowa Today 17:2, p.6 |
UNI will implement real estate education program and put addition on Library. | |
192 | Regents will study 10 programs Northern Iowan 85:65, p.1 |
Will be in addition to Peat Marwick recommendations. | |
193 | UNI scheduled to start new real estate program Northern Iowan 85:59, p.2 |
Support for program would be financed by licensing fees. | |
194 | Consulting firm recommends changes at state universities Northern Iowan 85:59, p.1 |
Peat Marwick report recommends dropping of Ed. D. degree, close study on value of Price Lab School, and other curricular changes. | |
195 | Risk awareness, standards for driver education are among topics at the 31st annual UNI safety education conference April 21 (Friday.) Public Relations News Release 1988:414, p.1 |
Topics include "Risk Awareness," "Your Profession at Stake?," "New Accreditation Standards for Schools and School Districts," "Compliance Procedures," "Course Guide Development," "Legislative Update." | |
196 | Change for better Northern Iowan 85:41, p.3 |
Sympathizes with student caught in middle of curricular change, but defends department head. | |
197 | Double standard Northern Iowan 85:39, p.2 |
Explains difficulties with recent changes in business class. | |
198 | UNI PR department celebrates birthday Northern Iowan 85:36, p.6 |
Faculty talk briefly about the program on its tenth anniversary. | |
199 | Construction major builds opportunity Northern Iowan 85:32, p.4 |
Students and faculty talk about the benefits of the program. | |
200 | Regents OK name change Northern Iowan 85:30, p.3 |
Department of Information Management will become Department of Finance; energy conservation study will be conducted; Marilyn Mercado will be head of library Cataloguing Department. |