Displaying 501 - 550 of 2342 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
501 | Delta sigma rho Old Gold 0:0, p.151 |
Joan Welle and Bob Davis serve as officers in the Delta Sigma Rho debate society; photo. | |
502 | Anderson wins superior award College Eye 44:22, p.1 |
Results of Nebraska meet. | |
503 | Debaters attend SUI conference College Eye 44:22, p.7 |
504 | Students attend Nebraska debate College Eye 44:21, p.1 |
List of speakers and topics. | |
505 | Three students win Brindley scholarships College Eye 44:18, p.6 |
Brief look at the activities. | |
506 | College Eye Bulletin Board College Eye 44:17, p.3 |
News from campus organizations. | |
507 | Debate head says contest biggest ever College Eye 44:17, p.1 |
Ninety-six students will participate in Brindley Debate. | |
508 | Davis earns superior rating in tournament College Eye 44:16, p.1 |
A look at ISTC student performances. | |
509 | Debate meet now underway College Eye 44:12, p.1 |
120 students from 20 colleges now on campus for debate and discussion. | |
510 | Debaters compete at Minnesota College Eye 43:26, p.7 |
Two teams will head north. | |
511 | Debate teams in varied activities College Eye 43:21, p.5 |
512 | Debate teams win superiors at Nebraska College Eye 43:20, p.1 |
513 | Welle, Davis win 3-5 College Eye 43:19, p.6 |
In Denver debate. | |
514 | Debate squad attends Nebraska tournament College Eye 43:19, p.6 |
515 | Speech students get excellent ratings College Eye 43:19, p.3 |
Results of recent meet at Eau Claire. | |
516 | Fifteen speech students leave for two day Wisconsin forensic meet College Eye 43:18, p.1 |
517 | Debaters to attend Denver's forensic meet College Eye 43:18, p.6 |
Joan Welle and Bob Davis will attend. | |
518 | Seventeen student debaters face a busy weekend in debate tournaments at Eau Claire, Wisconsin and Denver, Colorado Public Relations News Release 1952:433, p.1 |
The students will be accompanied by Lillian Wagner, of the English and speech department and the college debate coach; Oliver Skalbeck, English and speech department, and Jean Hughes, assistant in charge of public school relations. | |
519 | Group of college debaters and faculty members all set for competition at Eau Claire, Wisconsin and Denver, Colorado Public Relations News Release 1952:434, p.1 |
Faculty an members listed: H. W. Reninger, head of the english and speech department; Lillian Wagner, debate coach at the college. | |
520 | Contemporary affairs has class debates College Eye 43:16, p.6 |
Hear debate on wage and price controls. | |
521 | U High students first in Brindley College Eye 43:16, p.8 |
Results of Brindley competition. | |
522 | 100 Iowa debaters here College Eye 43:15, p.1 |
For Brindley Debate. | |
523 | Brindley tourney will be here next weekend College Eye 43:14, p.1 |
524 | Two get perfect records in debates College Eye 43:11, p.8 |
Lavon Burrichter and Ken Andersen win their competition; results of other events. | |
525 | Debaters to tourney College Eye 43:11, p.6 |
Will travel to Kirksville. | |
526 | Speech meet will attract 100 students College Eye 43:10, p.1 |
North Central debate to be held on campus. | |
527 | Pruis announces debate schedule College Eye 43:9, p.6 |
Season schedule. | |
528 | Sixth discussion, debate to begin College Eye 43:9, p.3 |
Description of the upcoming tournament. | |
529 | Wagner announces debate opening College Eye 43:7, p.7 |
Will travel to University of South Dakota. | |
530 | Extracurricular activities First 75 Years 0:0, p.146 |
Broad survey of the history of literary societies, campus publications, music and athletics, Greek organizations, and religious groups on campus. | |
531 | Debate Old Gold 0:0, p.124 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
532 | Speech Activities Club to hold coffee hour College Eye 42:28, p.3 |
Will thank those who helped with debate this year. | |
533 | Discussion conference plans set College Eye 42:28, p.1 |
Shamaldhare Lall will speak; photo. | |
534 | Debaters will travel to Midwest tourney College Eye 42:24, p.8 |
List of participants. | |
535 | Contemporary affairs class schedules debate College Eye 42:24, p.5 |
Will hear debate instead of lecture. | |
536 | Debate group makes good showing at two tournaments last week College Eye 42:23, p.1 |
Lengthy account of recent debates. | |
537 | Iowa City debate planned for team College Eye 42:21, p.3 |
538 | Debaters will attend tourney at Nebraska College Eye 42:20, p.6 |
List of those who will participate. | |
539 | ISTC debaters to compete at Nebraska University Public Relations News Release 1950:224, p.1 |
Speech Instructor Richard Bergstrom, who will accompany four members of the debate squad, said the debate topic is: Resolved: That the non-Communistic nations should form a new international organization. | |
540 | Four to attend speech tourney College Eye 42:19, p.7 |
541 | Speech Activities Club to attend debate tourney College Eye 42:18, p.8 |
List of nine students who will attend Eau Claire debate. | |
542 | In spite of snowstorms Alumnus 35:1, p.2 |
Twenty-two colleges participate in debate tournament. | |
543 | The Iowa State Teachers College chapter Alumnus 35:1, p.2 |
Forensic honorary Delta Sigma Rho reactivated in December 1950; originally organized in 1913; had been inactive since 1948. | |
544 | Brindley debate winners revealed College Eye 42:16, p.3 |
Three win partial fee exemptions. | |
545 | Brindley tournament winners to receive $300 scholarships College Eye 42:15, p.1 |
Description of the program; photo. | |
546 | Brindley debate to be held here College Eye 42:14, p.1 |
About 25 high schools will attend. | |
547 | Announce Winners in ISTC Debate Tourney Public Relations News Release 1950:155, p.1 |
A Eau Claire Teachers College in Wisconsin, Iowa State College, and Iowa State Teachers College shared top honors in the annual debate and discussion tourney. | |
548 | New international organization is topic of debate tourney College Eye 42:12, p.1 |
Will debate formation of organization of non-communist nations. | |
549 | Invitational debate tourney scheduled on campus Dec. 8-9 College Eye 42:11, p.1 |
At least 41 colleges planning to attend. | |
550 | Teachers College debaters achieve second place tie in annual tourney College Eye 42:11, p.8 |
Results of debate. |