Displaying 1401 - 1450 of 2342 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1401 | Debate with Independence cancelled College Eye 16:27, p.7 |
1402 | Women arguers to clash with Huron College Friday; Tutor negative five will uphold Jap Exclusion Act in first open forum contest of season College Eye 16:27, p.1 |
First ever debate with Huron College to take place in college auditorium. | |
1403 | Tutors humbled in Parsons debate on Jap Exclusion Act; negative team stayed home College Eye 16:27, p.1 |
Both negative and affirmative Tutor teams are defeated by Parsons College. | |
1404 | Tutor arguers win from Simpson and Parsons Monday; cop both sides of Japanese Exclusion question in triangular contest College Eye 16:26, p.1 |
Recap of the debate. | |
1405 | The Inquiring Reporter College Eye 16:25, p.3 |
Students asked if yells should be used at intercollegiate debates. | |
1406 | Pedagog-Simpson debate Monday; triangular contest takes affirmative trio to Parsons College Eye 16:25, p.1 |
All teams preparing for match. | |
1407 | Japanese exclusion week for men and women arguers; men's triangular debate March 16--women's dual meet March 20 College Eye 16:24, p.1 |
Preparing for debate with Simpson and Parsons Colleges. | |
1408 | Men's triangular debate to be held March 12 College Eye 16:23, p.8 |
Will debate Japanese Exclusion Act. | |
1409 | No debate with Coe College Eye 16:23, p.8 |
Could not find mutually acceptable date. | |
1410 | Bulletin of events College Eye 16:23, p.1 |
Schedule of campus activities. | |
1411 | Prof. Robinson defends Upper Iowa arguers College Eye 16:21, p.2 |
Behavior during a recent debate between Teachers College and Upper Iowa due to content discussed as well as controversy that stemmed from the event. | |
1412 | Debaters getting in stride for clash with Coe College; will occur latter part of month on same question argued with Upper Iowa College Eye 16:21, p.1 |
1413 | Fish's arguers defeat Peacocks; Upper Iowa tries to trick Pedagogs here College Eye 16:20, p.1 |
An account of the match. | |
1414 | Little Tutors College Eye 16:19, p.2 |
Training School news. | |
1415 | Boost our debaters College Eye 16:19, p.4 |
Students urged to support the debate team and attend debates with spirit. | |
1416 | Pedagog-Peacock debate Friday; purple arguers all set for hot contest with Upper Iowa U. College Eye 16:19, p.1 |
Will debate issue of Congressional ability to over-ride a Supreme Court decision. | |
1417 | Winter debate team now in training for triangular meet; women arguers to clash with Parsons March 20 on Japanese Exclusion Act College Eye 16:18, p.1 |
Men will debate Simpson and Parsons Colleges. | |
1418 | Tutor arguers will clash with Peacocks in near future; men have developed into a powerful debating unit since beginning of year College Eye 16:17, p.1 |
Team has been working hard. | |
1419 | Annual Philo-Aristo debate ends in tie; Dr. Sage trophy to remain with Philos College Eye 16:17, p.1 |
Summary of debate. | |
1420 | Hats off College Eye 16:17, p.4 |
Basketball players and debaters praised for attending practices during Christmas break; students urged to attend all games and debates in support of the competitors. | |
1421 | All set for intersociety debate; Philos and Aristos to clash next Monday evening College Eye 16:16, p.1 |
Will debate condition of Iowa roads. | |
1422 | Zeta Kappa Psi reception College Eye 16:15, p.5 |
Entertained the inter-society debating teams. | |
1423 | Zetas win women's big inter-society debate tournament; presented Marion McFarland Walker Trophy College Eye 16:14, p.1 |
Zetas defeat Clios, 3-0. | |
1424 | The inter-society debate tournament will close Friday; final contest to be held in chapel, three judges to give decision College Eye 16:13, p.1 |
Results of the contest so far. | |
1425 | Pedagogue arguers plan clash with Upper Iowa soon; triangular debate to follow with Morningside and Simpson on Japanese Exclusion Act College Eye 16:13, p.1 |
Will debate constitutionality of Supreme Court decisions. | |
1426 | Societies working hard on debate College Eye 16:11, p.7 |
Will consider matter of Iowa roads. | |
1427 | T. C. arguers are now in swing for winter debate; intersociety contests are also being planned for the winter term College Eye 16:10, p.1 |
A look at the preparations and the questions that they will debate. | |
1428 | Zeta Kappa Psi dinner College Eye 16:5, p.5 |
Entertained at a dinner in honor of Professor Fish, the new debate coach. | |
1429 | T. C. debaters now diligently training for coming battle; will possibly debate Grinnell and Morningside College Eye 16:5, p.1 |
Debate question still to be decided. | |
1430 | War of words College Eye 16:4, p.4 |
Encourages students to join debate team. | |
1431 | Summons issued for fall debaters; Fish--new debate coach College Eye 16:2, p.1 |
Will feature two courses of study. | |
1432 | Forensic League; Iowa University-Teachers College Old Gold 0:0, p.199 |
Summary of Forensic League work and photo of students. | |
1433 | Dubuque-Teachers College Debate Old Gold 0:0, p.200 |
Names and photos of student teams. | |
1434 | Simpson-Teachers College Debate Old Gold 0:0, p.201 |
Names and photos of student teams. | |
1435 | Parsons-Teachers College Debate Old Gold 0:0, p.202 |
Names and photos of student teams. | |
1436 | T. C. orators leave for interstate contest College Eye 15:33, p.1 |
Will compete in Wisconsin. | |
1437 | Women debaters get medals in recognition College Eye 15:31, p.1 |
Roster of those who won awards. | |
1438 | Open forum women's debate proves popular; members in audience join in open discussion; Univ. of Ia. And T. C. debate St. Lawrence waterway College Eye 15:29, p.1 |
Play-by-play account of the debate over a St. Lawrence Seaway. | |
1439 | Editorially speaking; intercollegiate debate possibilities College Eye 15:29, p.4 |
Wants more debate opportunities so students can use their information in more than one instance. | |
1440 | Teachers win and lose in Parsons debate; T. C. wins at Cedar Falls and loses at Fairfield; affirmative from both schools get judges' decisions College Eye 15:28, p.1 |
Review of results. | |
1441 | University of Iowa meets State Teachers in debate; to discuss St. Lawrence Waterway from Chicago to Atlantic; will be open forum, parliamentary type o College Eye 15:28, p.1 |
Preview of the new scoring format. | |
1442 | Teachers-Parsons women's debate here Friday; rival institutions will discuss U. S. entry in League; U. of Iowa and T. C. to clash next week College Eye 15:27, p.1 |
Prospects for the debate. | |
1443 | Teachers College loses in triangular debate; debaters lose decision to Cornell and Nebraska; Cornell wins first and Nebraska places second College Eye 15:26, p.1 |
Review of the competition. | |
1444 | Let us all turn out College Eye 15:26, p.8 |
Women's debate team should be supported. | |
1445 | Editorially speaking; several words about--debate College Eye 15:26, p.4 |
Even though the debate teams lost, they performed well. | |
1446 | Triangular debate Friday; Nebraska Wes. here--Teachers at Cornell; will be big forensic event of the year; will debate entrance of US in World Court College Eye 15:25, p.1 |
Teams ready to perform. | |
1447 | Philos win dual debate from Aristos; both teams win unanimous decision of judges College Eye 15:25, p.1 |
Philos win both negative and affirmative sides of immigration restriction question. | |
1448 | Teachers College wins honors in state oratorical; next year's contest at T. C. College Eye 15:23, p.1 |
Description of the competition at Penn College. | |
1449 | Teams for dual debate are chosen College Eye 15:23, p.1 |
Will debate League of Nations topic with Parsons College. | |
1450 | State Teachers will debate Univ. of Iowa; is first dual debate between two schools for several years; will discuss expediency of waterway from Chicago College Eye 15:22, p.1 |
Women will debate. |