
Displaying 1401 - 1450 of 2342 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1401 Debate with Independence cancelled
College Eye 16:27, p.7
1402 Women arguers to clash with Huron College Friday; Tutor negative five will uphold Jap Exclusion Act in first open forum contest of season
College Eye 16:27, p.1
First ever debate with Huron College to take place in college auditorium.
1403 Tutors humbled in Parsons debate on Jap Exclusion Act; negative team stayed home
College Eye 16:27, p.1
Both negative and affirmative Tutor teams are defeated by Parsons College.
1404 Tutor arguers win from Simpson and Parsons Monday; cop both sides of Japanese Exclusion question in triangular contest
College Eye 16:26, p.1
Recap of the debate.
1405 The Inquiring Reporter
College Eye 16:25, p.3
Students asked if yells should be used at intercollegiate debates.
1406 Pedagog-Simpson debate Monday; triangular contest takes affirmative trio to Parsons
College Eye 16:25, p.1
All teams preparing for match.
1407 Japanese exclusion week for men and women arguers; men's triangular debate March 16--women's dual meet March 20
College Eye 16:24, p.1
Preparing for debate with Simpson and Parsons Colleges.
1408 Men's triangular debate to be held March 12
College Eye 16:23, p.8
Will debate Japanese Exclusion Act.
1409 No debate with Coe
College Eye 16:23, p.8
Could not find mutually acceptable date.
1410 Bulletin of events
College Eye 16:23, p.1
Schedule of campus activities.
1411 Prof. Robinson defends Upper Iowa arguers
College Eye 16:21, p.2
Behavior during a recent debate between Teachers College and Upper Iowa due to content discussed as well as controversy that stemmed from the event.
1412 Debaters getting in stride for clash with Coe College; will occur latter part of month on same question argued with Upper Iowa
College Eye 16:21, p.1
1413 Fish's arguers defeat Peacocks; Upper Iowa tries to trick Pedagogs here
College Eye 16:20, p.1
An account of the match.
1414 Little Tutors
College Eye 16:19, p.2
Training School news.
1415 Boost our debaters
College Eye 16:19, p.4
Students urged to support the debate team and attend debates with spirit.
1416 Pedagog-Peacock debate Friday; purple arguers all set for hot contest with Upper Iowa U.
College Eye 16:19, p.1
Will debate issue of Congressional ability to over-ride a Supreme Court decision.
1417 Winter debate team now in training for triangular meet; women arguers to clash with Parsons March 20 on Japanese Exclusion Act
College Eye 16:18, p.1
Men will debate Simpson and Parsons Colleges.
1418 Tutor arguers will clash with Peacocks in near future; men have developed into a powerful debating unit since beginning of year
College Eye 16:17, p.1
Team has been working hard.
1419 Annual Philo-Aristo debate ends in tie; Dr. Sage trophy to remain with Philos
College Eye 16:17, p.1
Summary of debate.
1420 Hats off
College Eye 16:17, p.4
Basketball players and debaters praised for attending practices during Christmas break; students urged to attend all games and debates in support of the competitors.
1421 All set for intersociety debate; Philos and Aristos to clash next Monday evening
College Eye 16:16, p.1
Will debate condition of Iowa roads.
1422 Zeta Kappa Psi reception
College Eye 16:15, p.5
Entertained the inter-society debating teams.
1423 Zetas win women's big inter-society debate tournament; presented Marion McFarland Walker Trophy
College Eye 16:14, p.1
Zetas defeat Clios, 3-0.
1424 The inter-society debate tournament will close Friday; final contest to be held in chapel, three judges to give decision
College Eye 16:13, p.1
Results of the contest so far.
1425 Pedagogue arguers plan clash with Upper Iowa soon; triangular debate to follow with Morningside and Simpson on Japanese Exclusion Act
College Eye 16:13, p.1
Will debate constitutionality of Supreme Court decisions.
1426 Societies working hard on debate
College Eye 16:11, p.7
Will consider matter of Iowa roads.
1427 T. C. arguers are now in swing for winter debate; intersociety contests are also being planned for the winter term
College Eye 16:10, p.1
A look at the preparations and the questions that they will debate.
1428 Zeta Kappa Psi dinner
College Eye 16:5, p.5
Entertained at a dinner in honor of Professor Fish, the new debate coach.
1429 T. C. debaters now diligently training for coming battle; will possibly debate Grinnell and Morningside
College Eye 16:5, p.1
Debate question still to be decided.
1430 War of words
College Eye 16:4, p.4
Encourages students to join debate team.
1431 Summons issued for fall debaters; Fish--new debate coach
College Eye 16:2, p.1
Will feature two courses of study.
1432 Forensic League; Iowa University-Teachers College
Old Gold 0:0, p.199
Summary of Forensic League work and photo of students.
1433 Dubuque-Teachers College Debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.200
Names and photos of student teams.
1434 Simpson-Teachers College Debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.201
Names and photos of student teams.
1435 Parsons-Teachers College Debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.202
Names and photos of student teams.
1436 T. C. orators leave for interstate contest
College Eye 15:33, p.1
Will compete in Wisconsin.
1437 Women debaters get medals in recognition
College Eye 15:31, p.1
Roster of those who won awards.
1438 Open forum women's debate proves popular; members in audience join in open discussion; Univ. of Ia. And T. C. debate St. Lawrence waterway
College Eye 15:29, p.1
Play-by-play account of the debate over a St. Lawrence Seaway.
1439 Editorially speaking; intercollegiate debate possibilities
College Eye 15:29, p.4
Wants more debate opportunities so students can use their information in more than one instance.
1440 Teachers win and lose in Parsons debate; T. C. wins at Cedar Falls and loses at Fairfield; affirmative from both schools get judges' decisions
College Eye 15:28, p.1
Review of results.
1441 University of Iowa meets State Teachers in debate; to discuss St. Lawrence Waterway from Chicago to Atlantic; will be open forum, parliamentary type o
College Eye 15:28, p.1
Preview of the new scoring format.
1442 Teachers-Parsons women's debate here Friday; rival institutions will discuss U. S. entry in League; U. of Iowa and T. C. to clash next week
College Eye 15:27, p.1
Prospects for the debate.
1443 Teachers College loses in triangular debate; debaters lose decision to Cornell and Nebraska; Cornell wins first and Nebraska places second
College Eye 15:26, p.1
Review of the competition.
1444 Let us all turn out
College Eye 15:26, p.8
Women's debate team should be supported.
1445 Editorially speaking; several words about--debate
College Eye 15:26, p.4
Even though the debate teams lost, they performed well.
1446 Triangular debate Friday; Nebraska Wes. here--Teachers at Cornell; will be big forensic event of the year; will debate entrance of US in World Court
College Eye 15:25, p.1
Teams ready to perform.
1447 Philos win dual debate from Aristos; both teams win unanimous decision of judges
College Eye 15:25, p.1
Philos win both negative and affirmative sides of immigration restriction question.
1448 Teachers College wins honors in state oratorical; next year's contest at T. C.
College Eye 15:23, p.1
Description of the competition at Penn College.
1449 Teams for dual debate are chosen
College Eye 15:23, p.1
Will debate League of Nations topic with Parsons College.
1450 State Teachers will debate Univ. of Iowa; is first dual debate between two schools for several years; will discuss expediency of waterway from Chicago
College Eye 15:22, p.1
Women will debate.