Department of Art

Displaying 501 - 550 of 667 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
501 Statewide art fair to be held at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:167, p.1
The department of art hosts the Sixth Annual Art Fair. Chairmen on the Art Fair Committee are Paul Smith, Marjorie Campbell, Clifford Herrold, and Professor Ralph Haskell.
502 Finegan to teach community ceramics course at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:161, p.1
Donald G. Finegan instructs a community ceramics course in the ceramics annex west of the Arts and Industries Building. The course will cover wheel spun and hand built pottery, as well as firing and glazing.
503 Pottery shop suffers extensive fire damage
College Eye 52:12, p.1
Fire damages ceramics workshop west of the Arts and Industries Building; blamed on overheated kiln; damage estimated at $3500; photo.
504 T. C. art professor to speak at Kiwanis Club
Public Relations News Release 1960:146, p.1
Professor Harry G. Guillaume, head of the department of art, speaks at the Kiwanis Club in Cedar Falls on the understanding of art in common terms.
505 Art exhibit to open at ISTC Sunday
Public Relations News Release 1960:116, p.1
Thirty-two works from seven area artists and members of the department of art are displayed at the Artists Equity Association Incorporated annual exhibit.
506 Mauricio Lasansky retrospective exhibition will open at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:80, p.1
The Gallery of Art hosts a retrospective exhibition of prints by Mauricio Lasanksy. The thirty-six works were organized by the American Federation of Arts under a grant from the Ford Foundation.
507 ISTC to exhibit art works
Public Relations News Release 1960:62, p.1
The permanent art collection is displayed at the exhibit galleries of the Arts and Industries building. The exhibit includes paintings, sculpture, drawings, prints, ceramics, and glass.
508 Prominent Chinese artist-educator here for summer
College Eye 51:32, p.1
Ginpoh Y. King will be here.
509 Exhibits Highlight Art Year
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Two student shows, nine specially scheduled exhibits, a special invitational sculpture show, and the International Graphic Arts Experimental Exhibits highlighted the year's activities. The Art Club and Kappa Pi were sponsored by the Art Department; photo.
510 ISTC summer art tour opportunities now available
College Eye 50:25, p.4
Will provide opportunity to tour leading museums and galleries.
511 Art Department to experiment with 'lend-lease' program
College Eye 50:2, p.1
Will rent prints to community.
512 Art Department Adds to Collection
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Description of the department and news of 700 3-D slides and other additions; photos.
513 Arts and Industries
Old Gold 0:0, p.12
The Arts and Industries Building holds the Little Theatre which is used for lectures, audio-visual instruction, and club meetings; it also includes the Department of Industrial Arts and the Department of Art; photo.
514 Department of Art
Old Gold 0:0, p.42
The Department of Art had new additions made to the permanent art collection through purchases and donors; the Second Annual Art Fair was held in April; various art exhibits were sponsored throughout the year; photo.
515 Visiting painter to lecture at ISTC's summer session
College Eye 48:31, p.3
Philip Evergood will be on campus; photo.
516 450 attend secondary education conference
Alumnus 41:2, p.5
Eighty students compete for art scholarship, too.
517 Departments
Old Gold 0:0, p.92
Brief description of the art department; photo.
518 Stimulation by art faculty creates vista of experience
College Eye 47:23, p.7
A look at the faculty in the Department of Art.
519 Original art to be bought for Commons
College Eye 47:17, p.1
Art students attempting to raise money to purchase work.
520 There's all kinds of electives so you may take your pick
College Eye 47:10, p.6
A look at some good courses to take as electives.
521 Art students visit Walker Art Museum
College Eye 47:10, p.5
522 Art Presents Various Exhibits
Old Gold 0:0, p.80
Description of the Art Department and photos of the faculty; photos.
523 Senior Students Exhibit Art
Old Gold 0:0, p.130
A brief description of the art show each art major is required to hold before graduating from Teachers College, giving the student practical experience inplanning an art show; photos.
524 Art instructors view college art
College Eye 46:25, p.4
Will visit Coe College; Marvin Cone will lead tour.
525 Man and materials class goes to Chicago
College Eye 46:12, p.6
526 Freshman art class lands Chicago trip
College Eye 46:11, p.3
Will visit Art Institute.
527 News in brief
College Eye 45:40, p.3
Quick notes from around campus.
528 Art department offers summer graduate work
College Eye 45:33, p.1
Offering graduate work for first time this summer.
529 art
Old Gold 0:0, p.232
Brief description of the department; photo.
530 Explains purpose of senior exhibits
College Eye 45:27, p.9
Paul Smith talks about displaying work by seniors.
531 Art
Old Gold 0:0, p.35
The Department of Art presents several exhibits on Swedish paintings, Japanese prints, and California crafts. A workshop is held on the importance of art in the elementary education setting.
532 Pottery to be moved
College Eye 44:33, p.3
Students must pick up work.
533 Board turns down SCRA
College Eye 44:23, p.1
Denies SCRA a voting membership; fine arts committee disbanded.
534 Art department plans workshop
College Eye 44:3, p.1
Part of elementary education conference.
535 Films to be shown at A. and I. Building Thurs.
College Eye 43:37, p.4
By Department of Art.
536 Art
Old Gold 0:0, p.132
Description of the Art Department and photo of the faculty; photo.
537 Art majors and minors have meeting Monday
College Eye 43:27, p.3
Will discuss courses and curriculum.
538 Art majors asked to make plans for exhibit
College Eye 43:26, p.8
539 Special To: Clear Lake Reporter
Public Relations News Release 1951:606, p.1
Dean Myhr, Clean Lake, and Jo Swenson, Lyons, Illinois, will present their senior art exhibit in the Commons. Included in the exhibit will be: ceramics, sculpture, jewelery, wood, art metal work, puppetry, water and oil painting, etching, and printing.
540 Special To: Clear Lake Mirror
Public Relations News Release 1951:607, p.1
Dean Myhr, Clear Lake, and Jo Swenson, Lyons, Illinois will present their senior art exhibit in the Commons. Included will be: ceramics, sculpture, jewelery, wood, art metal work, puppetry, water and oil painting, etching, printing, and textiles.
541 Special To: Mason City Globe Gazette
Public Relations News Release 1951:608, p.1
Dean Myhr, Clear Lake, and Jo Swenson, Lyons, Illinois will present their senior art exhibit in the Commons. Included will be: ceramics, sculpture, jewelery, wood, art metal work, puppetry, water and oil painting, etching, printing, and textiles.
542 Special To: Waterloo Daily Courier
Public Relations News Release 1952:466, p.1
Three Waterloo students have been elected to offices in Pi Phi Omega, local social sorority. Jeann Carroll was elected president; LaNelle Harvey, secretary, and Gladys Gray, historian. Carroll is a senior art major.
543 Man and Materials art class learns to work with wood, metal
College Eye 43:20, p.3
Students learning to work with various media.
544 Art students observe SUI art collections
College Eye 43:19, p.3
545 Art department performs experiment; class members plan courses
College Eye 43:17, p.5
Students take over planning for course.
546 Art group to sponsor discussion on Tuesday
College Eye 43:14, p.5
547 Art department open house and exhibit to be held Sunday, December 9
Public Relations News Release 1951:205, p.1
A one-man art show by student Dassine Melcher, Waterloo, will also be featured. It is an art department requirement that every art major present a one-man art show before graduation.
548 Open house and exhibit scheduled by the art department Sunday, December 9
Public Relations News Release 1951:202, p.1
The open house-exhibit will be held in the college arts and industries building.
549 Special to: The Courier
Public Relations News Release 1951:203, p.1
An open house and exhibit scheduled by the art department Sunday, Dec. 9, will afford visitors an opportunity to view student, faculty, and commercial work.
550 Harry Guillaume announced a two-hour art department open house and exhibit Sunday, Dec. 9
Public Relations News Release 1951:204, p.1
The exhibit will include student, faculty and commercial work which will be displayed in the art department rooms and halls. Features will include art metal work; pottery; paintings; furniture; sculpture work in wood, metal, wire, ceramics; and etchings.