Department of Art
Displaying 501 - 550 of 667 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
501 | Statewide art fair to be held at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:167, p.1 |
The department of art hosts the Sixth Annual Art Fair. Chairmen on the Art Fair Committee are Paul Smith, Marjorie Campbell, Clifford Herrold, and Professor Ralph Haskell. | |
502 | Finegan to teach community ceramics course at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:161, p.1 |
Donald G. Finegan instructs a community ceramics course in the ceramics annex west of the Arts and Industries Building. The course will cover wheel spun and hand built pottery, as well as firing and glazing. | |
503 | Pottery shop suffers extensive fire damage College Eye 52:12, p.1 |
Fire damages ceramics workshop west of the Arts and Industries Building; blamed on overheated kiln; damage estimated at $3500; photo. | |
504 | T. C. art professor to speak at Kiwanis Club Public Relations News Release 1960:146, p.1 |
Professor Harry G. Guillaume, head of the department of art, speaks at the Kiwanis Club in Cedar Falls on the understanding of art in common terms. | |
505 | Art exhibit to open at ISTC Sunday Public Relations News Release 1960:116, p.1 |
Thirty-two works from seven area artists and members of the department of art are displayed at the Artists Equity Association Incorporated annual exhibit. | |
506 | Mauricio Lasansky retrospective exhibition will open at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:80, p.1 |
The Gallery of Art hosts a retrospective exhibition of prints by Mauricio Lasanksy. The thirty-six works were organized by the American Federation of Arts under a grant from the Ford Foundation. | |
507 | ISTC to exhibit art works Public Relations News Release 1960:62, p.1 |
The permanent art collection is displayed at the exhibit galleries of the Arts and Industries building. The exhibit includes paintings, sculpture, drawings, prints, ceramics, and glass. | |
508 | Prominent Chinese artist-educator here for summer College Eye 51:32, p.1 |
Ginpoh Y. King will be here. | |
509 | Exhibits Highlight Art Year Old Gold 0:0, p.100 |
Two student shows, nine specially scheduled exhibits, a special invitational sculpture show, and the International Graphic Arts Experimental Exhibits highlighted the year's activities. The Art Club and Kappa Pi were sponsored by the Art Department; photo. | |
510 | ISTC summer art tour opportunities now available College Eye 50:25, p.4 |
Will provide opportunity to tour leading museums and galleries. | |
511 | Art Department to experiment with 'lend-lease' program College Eye 50:2, p.1 |
Will rent prints to community. | |
512 | Art Department Adds to Collection Old Gold 0:0, p.100 |
Description of the department and news of 700 3-D slides and other additions; photos. | |
513 | Arts and Industries Old Gold 0:0, p.12 |
The Arts and Industries Building holds the Little Theatre which is used for lectures, audio-visual instruction, and club meetings; it also includes the Department of Industrial Arts and the Department of Art; photo. | |
514 | Department of Art Old Gold 0:0, p.42 |
The Department of Art had new additions made to the permanent art collection through purchases and donors; the Second Annual Art Fair was held in April; various art exhibits were sponsored throughout the year; photo. | |
515 | Visiting painter to lecture at ISTC's summer session College Eye 48:31, p.3 |
Philip Evergood will be on campus; photo. | |
516 | 450 attend secondary education conference Alumnus 41:2, p.5 |
Eighty students compete for art scholarship, too. | |
517 | Departments Old Gold 0:0, p.92 |
Brief description of the art department; photo. | |
518 | Stimulation by art faculty creates vista of experience College Eye 47:23, p.7 |
A look at the faculty in the Department of Art. | |
519 | Original art to be bought for Commons College Eye 47:17, p.1 |
Art students attempting to raise money to purchase work. | |
520 | There's all kinds of electives so you may take your pick College Eye 47:10, p.6 |
A look at some good courses to take as electives. | |
521 | Art students visit Walker Art Museum College Eye 47:10, p.5 |
522 | Art Presents Various Exhibits Old Gold 0:0, p.80 |
Description of the Art Department and photos of the faculty; photos. | |
523 | Senior Students Exhibit Art Old Gold 0:0, p.130 |
A brief description of the art show each art major is required to hold before graduating from Teachers College, giving the student practical experience inplanning an art show; photos. | |
524 | Art instructors view college art College Eye 46:25, p.4 |
Will visit Coe College; Marvin Cone will lead tour. | |
525 | Man and materials class goes to Chicago College Eye 46:12, p.6 |
526 | Freshman art class lands Chicago trip College Eye 46:11, p.3 |
Will visit Art Institute. | |
527 | News in brief College Eye 45:40, p.3 |
Quick notes from around campus. | |
528 | Art department offers summer graduate work College Eye 45:33, p.1 |
Offering graduate work for first time this summer. | |
529 | art Old Gold 0:0, p.232 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
530 | Explains purpose of senior exhibits College Eye 45:27, p.9 |
Paul Smith talks about displaying work by seniors. | |
531 | Art Old Gold 0:0, p.35 |
The Department of Art presents several exhibits on Swedish paintings, Japanese prints, and California crafts. A workshop is held on the importance of art in the elementary education setting. | |
532 | Pottery to be moved College Eye 44:33, p.3 |
Students must pick up work. | |
533 | Board turns down SCRA College Eye 44:23, p.1 |
Denies SCRA a voting membership; fine arts committee disbanded. | |
534 | Art department plans workshop College Eye 44:3, p.1 |
Part of elementary education conference. | |
535 | Films to be shown at A. and I. Building Thurs. College Eye 43:37, p.4 |
By Department of Art. | |
536 | Art Old Gold 0:0, p.132 |
Description of the Art Department and photo of the faculty; photo. | |
537 | Art majors and minors have meeting Monday College Eye 43:27, p.3 |
Will discuss courses and curriculum. | |
538 | Art majors asked to make plans for exhibit College Eye 43:26, p.8 |
539 | Special To: Clear Lake Reporter Public Relations News Release 1951:606, p.1 |
Dean Myhr, Clean Lake, and Jo Swenson, Lyons, Illinois, will present their senior art exhibit in the Commons. Included in the exhibit will be: ceramics, sculpture, jewelery, wood, art metal work, puppetry, water and oil painting, etching, and printing. | |
540 | Special To: Clear Lake Mirror Public Relations News Release 1951:607, p.1 |
Dean Myhr, Clear Lake, and Jo Swenson, Lyons, Illinois will present their senior art exhibit in the Commons. Included will be: ceramics, sculpture, jewelery, wood, art metal work, puppetry, water and oil painting, etching, printing, and textiles. | |
541 | Special To: Mason City Globe Gazette Public Relations News Release 1951:608, p.1 |
Dean Myhr, Clear Lake, and Jo Swenson, Lyons, Illinois will present their senior art exhibit in the Commons. Included will be: ceramics, sculpture, jewelery, wood, art metal work, puppetry, water and oil painting, etching, printing, and textiles. | |
542 | Special To: Waterloo Daily Courier Public Relations News Release 1952:466, p.1 |
Three Waterloo students have been elected to offices in Pi Phi Omega, local social sorority. Jeann Carroll was elected president; LaNelle Harvey, secretary, and Gladys Gray, historian. Carroll is a senior art major. | |
543 | Man and Materials art class learns to work with wood, metal College Eye 43:20, p.3 |
Students learning to work with various media. | |
544 | Art students observe SUI art collections College Eye 43:19, p.3 |
545 | Art department performs experiment; class members plan courses College Eye 43:17, p.5 |
Students take over planning for course. | |
546 | Art group to sponsor discussion on Tuesday College Eye 43:14, p.5 |
547 | Art department open house and exhibit to be held Sunday, December 9 Public Relations News Release 1951:205, p.1 |
A one-man art show by student Dassine Melcher, Waterloo, will also be featured. It is an art department requirement that every art major present a one-man art show before graduation. | |
548 | Open house and exhibit scheduled by the art department Sunday, December 9 Public Relations News Release 1951:202, p.1 |
The open house-exhibit will be held in the college arts and industries building. | |
549 | Special to: The Courier Public Relations News Release 1951:203, p.1 |
An open house and exhibit scheduled by the art department Sunday, Dec. 9, will afford visitors an opportunity to view student, faculty, and commercial work. | |
550 | Harry Guillaume announced a two-hour art department open house and exhibit Sunday, Dec. 9 Public Relations News Release 1951:204, p.1 |
The exhibit will include student, faculty and commercial work which will be displayed in the art department rooms and halls. Features will include art metal work; pottery; paintings; furniture; sculpture work in wood, metal, wire, ceramics; and etchings. |