Department of Home Economics

Displaying 551 - 595 of 595 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
551 Junior Home Economics class
Old Gold 0:0, p.128
552 Junior Home Economics class
Old Gold 0:0, p.129
553 On the evening of May 9
College Eye 7:29, p.7
Olive Young spoke to the Eight Weeks Club about Domestic Science.
554 C. F. H. S.--T. C. H. S. basketball banquet
College Eye 7:23, p.7
Freshman Home Economics club served four-course meal to thirty people.
555 Clarksville dedicates new school
College Eye 7:17, p.2
Home Economics women serve refreshments at dedication; Cedar Falls teachers at the district for the year are listed.
556 Untitled
College Eye 7:15, p.5
Men of the Department of Rural Education to write bulletin on progress of rural education; Edith Allen visiting rural schools in order to coordinate their efforts with those of the department; demand is increasing for vocational instruction.
557 Untitled
College Eye 7:14, p.5
Membership banquet to be held in conjunction with Jubilee celebration.
558 Home Economics party big success
College Eye 7:7, p.5
The seniors of the Home Economics Club held a party in honor of the Juniors.
559 New manual arts building
College Eye 7:7, p.1
Describes architecture of building; should be completed for summer or fall term next year.
560 The Senior Home Economics Department
College Eye 7:6, p.7
Halloween party will be given.
561 Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.269
Illustration of woman baking; photos of students and faculty, formal and informal; humorous inside jokes; photo.
562 Senior home economics luncheon
College Eye 7:1, p.2
Juniors entertain graduates.
563 Miss Julia L. Hurd
College Eye 4:29, p.3
Julia L. Hurd will host home economics faculty along with seniors from the department.
564 For the next three weeks
College Eye 4:25, p.6
Home Economics students will give public demonstrations.
565 Miss Cool
College Eye 4:21, p.10
Visited ISTC.
566 Prof. and Mrs. J. B. Knoepfler
College Eye 4:19, p.1
Professor and Mrs. J. B. Knoepfler hosted friends for dinner in the home economics dining room.
567 The Junior Home Economics girls
College Eye 4:18, p.8
Entertained the seniors.
568 Plans for new building; work on new manual arts building will commence soon
College Eye 4:13, p.3
New Vocational Building has been planned; Proudfoot, Bird and Rawson will design it; will be located on southwest corner of quadrangle.
569 Miss Young
College Eye 4:11, p.9
Entertained Home Economics Department.
570 Home Economics students organize; give breakfast Saturday morning in old gymnasium
College Eye 4:6, p.1
Home Economics students enjoyed breakfast together; officers elected.
571 Teachers of the home economics department
College Eye 4:1, p.8
Entertained the seniors of the department.
572 Miss Olive Young
College Eye 4:1, p.8
Attended conference for home economics teachers in Des Moines.
573 Faculty gives senior reception
College Eye 4:1, p.1
Class prophecies were read at reception for the senior class.
574 Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.113

Illustration of woman baking; roster and photos of Home Economic students, including their home addresses, chief virtues, and "pet" expressions; sample luncheon menu; photo.

575 Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.47
Photos of faculty members.
576 On last Saturday evening
College Eye 3:20, p.342
The Junior Home Economics students entertained the Seniors.
577 President Seerley's co-operation proposition received favorably
College Eye 3:17, p.283
Rural schools within a few miles of Cedar Falls will be supervised by ISTC; plan for assisting with rural education.
578 The Senior class of the Home Economics department
College Eye 3:10, p.178
Entertained the Juniors at a Halloween party.
579 New course organized
College Eye 3:5, p.88
Home Economics will use the South Hall for classes in sewing and cooking; enrollment growing.
580 Official Notes
College Eye 3:4, p.72
News notes of important faculty and school matters; Professor Loughridge is in Germany; new classes in home economics organized; library crowded; enrollment is over 1300; Professor Campbell studying rural schools.
581 Instructors
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
Domestic Science department, student pictures; photo.
582 The Seniors of the Home Economics department
College Eye 2:29, p.7
The seniors entertained the juniors of the Home Economics department.
583 The faculty of the Home Economics department
College Eye 2:17, p.6
Entertained all the students of the department in the Gymnasium.
584 Home economics department is entertained
College Eye 2:17, p.4
Elects officers and enjoys entertainment.
585 A large increase in the enrollment
College Eye 2:3, p.7
Department of Home Economics has added an additional teacher.
586 Domestic Science Seniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.236
Photo of seniors.
587 Domestic Science Seniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.237
Study in domestic science involves meal planning, nutrition, and hygiene and sanitation.
588 Domestic Science Juniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.238
Photo of students.
589 Domestic Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.235
Illustration of man at window sill and woman holding rolling pin.
590 Senior cooks banquets
College Eye 2:33, p.5
Senior home economics students enjoy special meal.
591 Official Notes
College Eye 1:1, p.2
Commercial education course available; enrollment strong in domestic science; teacher education courses are effective; faculty and staff changes.
592 Beginnings in our school history
Old Gold 0:0, p.10
Brief history of the Iowa State Normal School; photos.
593 Domestic Science--Seniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.127
Praise for the department and the seniors; photo.
594 Domestic Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.148
Brief history of the department, poem, student photos; photo.
595 The demonstration given
Normal Eyte 18:1, p.13
The cooking school demonstration featured grape sponge and peanut cookies.