Department of Home Economics
Displaying 401 - 450 of 595 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
401 | Ellen Richards Club sponsors conference for Iowa senior girls College Eye 27:37, p.4 |
Will feature style show and exhibits. | |
402 | Campus this week College Eye 27:21, p.3 |
403 | Students see modes in window drapery College Eye 27:21, p.4 |
At Waterloo store. | |
404 | Association board plans year's work College Eye 27:15, p.4 |
State home economics group meets on campus. | |
405 | Weaving class will display samples at crossroads exhibit College Eye 27:52, p.1 |
406 | Weaving exhibit includes variety of looms and fabrics College Eye 27:47, p.1 |
Department of Home Economics has material on display. | |
407 | Home Economics Old Gold 0:0, p.21 |
Description of classes and organizations; photos. | |
408 | 'Home making' topic of vocational talk College Eye 26:40, p.3 |
Florence Smith will speak. | |
409 | Bulletins! Bulletins! Alumnus 19:2, p.12 |
Four special picture booklet editions of the Bulletin will cover a general view of college life, coaching and athletics, home economics, and commercial education. | |
410 | Coeds can dress smartly on nothing College Eye 26:31, p.3 |
Offers course in clothing selection. | |
411 | "Turkey Strut" saves campus from pre-holiday doldrums College Eye 26:22, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
412 | Personal Finance is new winter course College Eye 26:21, p.1 |
To be offered by Department of Home Economics. | |
413 | Seventeen co-eds go to convention College Eye 26:18, p.3 |
State home economics meeting. | |
414 | School teaching or marriage, students will be prepared; courses in home economics will teach women how to manage the family pocketbook Alumnus 18:4, p.6 |
Home economics courses prepare women to be smart consumers. | |
415 | Home Economics department to add 7 courses; enlarged curriculum will include new service studies College Eye 26:8, p.1 |
Courses will be aimed at non-majors; follows administrative aim to make useful information available to all women students. | |
416 | Women students will prepare for marriage as well as school teaching Public Relations News Release 1934:548, p.2 |
Seven new home economics courses will be taught this year. | |
417 | Home Economics Old Gold 0:0, p.37 |
Purpose and aims of the department; photos. | |
418 | Home Economics Alumnus 18:1, p.7 |
Profile of department and its head, Beatrice Geiger; photo. | |
419 | Dr. Geiger to teach Waterloo night classes College Eye 25:22, p.3 |
Free home economics class will be offered to local women. | |
420 | Use of evaporated milk demonstrated College Eye 25:20, p.3 |
In Home Economics Cooking Laboratory. | |
421 | Home Economics Old Gold 0:0, p.30 |
History and purpose of the department; photos. | |
422 | And can they cook? Even dinner parties do not baffle these youths; six high school boys serve banquet for their mothers College Eye 24:18, p.1 |
Six men complete home economics course; decide to host mothers with four course dinner to include food preparation etiquette, family relationships, and the use of leisure time as well. | |
423 | Significant changes made in curriculums Alumnus 17:1, p.9 |
Drop two year programs in art, home economics, manual arts, and commercial education and three year program in music in favor of four year programs; programs in kindergarten and elementary teaching are only remaining two year programs. | |
424 | New economics head announced Alumnus 16:3, p.14 |
Beatrice J. Geiger will succeed Anna L. Leggett as head of the Department of Home Economics. | |
425 | College names successor to Anna L. Leggett; Beatrice Geiger will head Department of Home Economics in fall College Eye 23:46, p.1 |
Department will also shift focus from training home economics teachers to exposing more women to home-making skills; photo. | |
426 | President O. R. Latham announced today Public Relations News Release 1931:419, p.1 |
Anna Leggett retires, Beatrice Geiger takes over as head of the home economics department; biographical profile of Professor Geiger included; department will aim at serving all women students instead of just prospective home economics teachers. | |
427 | Department of Home Economics Old Gold 0:0, p.29 |
Description of the Department of Home Economics; photo of department head. | |
428 | Home Ec department to inform freshmen women in matter of nutrition College Eye 23:15, p.4 |
Results of posture examination are available. | |
429 | College exhibit at Cattle Congress will show school work; A. C. Fuller, extension professor, is chairman of committee planning the display College Eye 23:14, p.6 |
430 | Bertha Stockard will teach home ec in fall College Eye 23:11, p.3 |
Will replace Louella Overn. | |
431 | Department of Home Economics Old Gold 0:0, p.29 |
Aims of the department; photos. | |
432 | Home economics department has exhibit today College Eye 22:32, p.1 |
Will exhibit material prepared by food and clothing classes. | |
433 | Untitled College Eye 22:32, p.5 |
School Lunch class will offer exhibit. | |
434 | Which, when, and how of tea tables shown Monday College Eye 21:41, p.1 |
Lou Dillon will present short play on social graces. | |
435 | Faculty impersonated in playlet Monday College Eye 21:39, p.6 |
Students will put on short play. | |
436 | Students who look and act like faculty members are wanted College Eye 21:39, p.1 |
Department of Home Economics putting on play featuring ISTC faculty. | |
437 | Department of Home Economics Old Gold 0:0, p.33 |
Five aims of the department; photos. | |
438 | More than five hundred are in June class College Eye 21:33, p.1 |
Roster of the Class of 1930. | |
439 | Whether they become housewives or teachers Public Relations News Release 1929:68, p.1 |
Home Economics students are becoming more efficient. | |
440 | Proper college etiquette and collegiate garb Public Relations News Release 1929:64, p.1 |
The home economics department production of "Fashions of 1929" will be performed tonight; roster of performers | |
441 | Housewives now use big business methods College Eye 21:10, p.1 |
Students do a lot of walking in Home Management House. | |
442 | Style display will show co-eds and guests in dance etiquette College Eye 21:10, p.1 |
Department of Home Economics will present style show in dramatic fashion. | |
443 | The Home Economics Department College Eye 21:9, p.1 |
Home Economics Department will hold style show. | |
444 | Home Economics party College Eye 21:8, p.5 |
A masquerade party was held. | |
445 | Home Economics party College Eye 21:8, p.5 |
Details about the party; roster of honored guests. | |
446 | Mrs. Leggett tells of her European trip; speaks at home economics department party College Eye 20:43, p.1 |
447 | Home Economics Department Old Gold 0:0, p.33 |
Aims of the department; photos. | |
448 | What the departments are doing College Eye 19:43, p.5 |
Updates on public speaking, home economics, and physical education. | |
449 | Department of Home Economics Old Gold 0:0, p.36 |
Department roster; photos. | |
450 | Notice! Exhibit! College Eye 19:37, p.5 |
Home Economics to have exhibit of their work. |