Department of Home Economics

Displaying 401 - 450 of 595 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
401 Ellen Richards Club sponsors conference for Iowa senior girls
College Eye 27:37, p.4
Will feature style show and exhibits.
402 Campus this week
College Eye 27:21, p.3
403 Students see modes in window drapery
College Eye 27:21, p.4
At Waterloo store.
404 Association board plans year's work
College Eye 27:15, p.4
State home economics group meets on campus.
405 Weaving class will display samples at crossroads exhibit
College Eye 27:52, p.1
406 Weaving exhibit includes variety of looms and fabrics
College Eye 27:47, p.1
Department of Home Economics has material on display.
407 Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.21
Description of classes and organizations; photos.
408 'Home making' topic of vocational talk
College Eye 26:40, p.3
Florence Smith will speak.
409 Bulletins! Bulletins!
Alumnus 19:2, p.12
Four special picture booklet editions of the Bulletin will cover a general view of college life, coaching and athletics, home economics, and commercial education.
410 Coeds can dress smartly on nothing
College Eye 26:31, p.3
Offers course in clothing selection.
411 "Turkey Strut" saves campus from pre-holiday doldrums
College Eye 26:22, p.3
Campus social calendar.
412 Personal Finance is new winter course
College Eye 26:21, p.1
To be offered by Department of Home Economics.
413 Seventeen co-eds go to convention
College Eye 26:18, p.3
State home economics meeting.
414 School teaching or marriage, students will be prepared; courses in home economics will teach women how to manage the family pocketbook
Alumnus 18:4, p.6
Home economics courses prepare women to be smart consumers.
415 Home Economics department to add 7 courses; enlarged curriculum will include new service studies
College Eye 26:8, p.1
Courses will be aimed at non-majors; follows administrative aim to make useful information available to all women students.
416 Women students will prepare for marriage as well as school teaching
Public Relations News Release 1934:548, p.2
Seven new home economics courses will be taught this year.
417 Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.37
Purpose and aims of the department; photos.
418 Home Economics
Alumnus 18:1, p.7
Profile of department and its head, Beatrice Geiger; photo.
419 Dr. Geiger to teach Waterloo night classes
College Eye 25:22, p.3
Free home economics class will be offered to local women.
420 Use of evaporated milk demonstrated
College Eye 25:20, p.3
In Home Economics Cooking Laboratory.
421 Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.30
History and purpose of the department; photos.
422 And can they cook? Even dinner parties do not baffle these youths; six high school boys serve banquet for their mothers
College Eye 24:18, p.1
Six men complete home economics course; decide to host mothers with four course dinner to include food preparation etiquette, family relationships, and the use of leisure time as well.
423 Significant changes made in curriculums
Alumnus 17:1, p.9
Drop two year programs in art, home economics, manual arts, and commercial education and three year program in music in favor of four year programs; programs in kindergarten and elementary teaching are only remaining two year programs.
424 New economics head announced
Alumnus 16:3, p.14
Beatrice J. Geiger will succeed Anna L. Leggett as head of the Department of Home Economics.
425 College names successor to Anna L. Leggett; Beatrice Geiger will head Department of Home Economics in fall
College Eye 23:46, p.1
Department will also shift focus from training home economics teachers to exposing more women to home-making skills; photo.
426 President O. R. Latham announced today
Public Relations News Release 1931:419, p.1
Anna Leggett retires, Beatrice Geiger takes over as head of the home economics department; biographical profile of Professor Geiger included; department will aim at serving all women students instead of just prospective home economics teachers.
427 Department of Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.29
Description of the Department of Home Economics; photo of department head.
428 Home Ec department to inform freshmen women in matter of nutrition
College Eye 23:15, p.4
Results of posture examination are available.
429 College exhibit at Cattle Congress will show school work; A. C. Fuller, extension professor, is chairman of committee planning the display
College Eye 23:14, p.6
430 Bertha Stockard will teach home ec in fall
College Eye 23:11, p.3
Will replace Louella Overn.
431 Department of Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.29
Aims of the department; photos.
432 Home economics department has exhibit today
College Eye 22:32, p.1
Will exhibit material prepared by food and clothing classes.
433 Untitled
College Eye 22:32, p.5
School Lunch class will offer exhibit.
434 Which, when, and how of tea tables shown Monday
College Eye 21:41, p.1
Lou Dillon will present short play on social graces.
435 Faculty impersonated in playlet Monday
College Eye 21:39, p.6
Students will put on short play.
436 Students who look and act like faculty members are wanted
College Eye 21:39, p.1
Department of Home Economics putting on play featuring ISTC faculty.
437 Department of Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
Five aims of the department; photos.
438 More than five hundred are in June class
College Eye 21:33, p.1
Roster of the Class of 1930.
439 Whether they become housewives or teachers
Public Relations News Release 1929:68, p.1
Home Economics students are becoming more efficient.
440 Proper college etiquette and collegiate garb
Public Relations News Release 1929:64, p.1
The home economics department production of "Fashions of 1929" will be performed tonight; roster of performers
441 Housewives now use big business methods
College Eye 21:10, p.1
Students do a lot of walking in Home Management House.
442 Style display will show co-eds and guests in dance etiquette
College Eye 21:10, p.1
Department of Home Economics will present style show in dramatic fashion.
443 The Home Economics Department
College Eye 21:9, p.1
Home Economics Department will hold style show.
444 Home Economics party
College Eye 21:8, p.5
A masquerade party was held.
445 Home Economics party
College Eye 21:8, p.5
Details about the party; roster of honored guests.
446 Mrs. Leggett tells of her European trip; speaks at home economics department party
College Eye 20:43, p.1
447 Home Economics Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
Aims of the department; photos.
448 What the departments are doing
College Eye 19:43, p.5
Updates on public speaking, home economics, and physical education.
449 Department of Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.36
Department roster; photos.
450 Notice! Exhibit!
College Eye 19:37, p.5
Home Economics to have exhibit of their work.