Department of Music

Displaying 101 - 150 of 547 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 SCI campus busy before fall
Public Relations News Release 1960:564, p.1
The physical plant department resurfaces the tennis courts, moves the student health services, links the department of music to heating and electrical facilities, converts Gilchrist Chapel to a lecture hall, and renovates the Men's and Women's Gymnasiums.
102 Outdoor arts festival to be held this week at SCI
Public Relations News Release 1960:530, p.1
The State College of Iowa Arts Festival is held in the south lawn of the Commons, where attendees will enjoy live band concerts, art demonstrations and exhibits, and performances by the summer chorus and dance groups.
103 Student recitals set at SCI
Public Relations News Release 1960:534, p.1
The senior student recitals of James Burr, Louann Pilipchuk, and Loran Eckroth are performed at the Gilchrist chapel. The students are to be accompanied by Eleanor Brindle and Lee Morsing.
104 SCI sets music workshop
Public Relations News Release 1960:511, p.1
Professor Donald J. Shetler conducts a two-day workshop for elementary classroom teachers in Central Hall. The workshop will include the use of song materials and audio-visual aids.
105 SCI schedules music workshops
Public Relations News Release 1960:495, p.1
The department of music sponsors two music workshops titled "Music in the Classroom" and "Making Use of the Piano Keyboard" for grade school teachers. The workshops are presented by American Music Conference consultants.
106 SCI schedules faculty music recital
Public Relations News Release 1960:491, p.1
Professors Philip Hahn, William P. Latham, Harald Holst, Myron Russell, Jane Birkhead, and Russell Baum perform in a music faculty recital held in the auditorium. The program includes an ensemble of Walter Coleman, Donald Wendt, Hahn, and Russell.
107 Music concerts scheduled here
College Eye 52:36, p.3
Quick look at summer concerts.
108 ISTC schedules music workshop
Public Relations News Release 1960:466, p.1
The department of music sponsors a two-day workshop on music education in the elementary school setting. The workshop is to be held in Central Hall, with Cecelia R. Nelson of Oregon acting as featured speaker.
109 Next year's ISTC Band tour to feature Sigurd Rascher
Public Relations News Release 1960:444, p.1
Renowned Swiss saxophonist, Sigurd Rascher, is set to join the Concert Band in their annual spring tour. He is to direct saxophone clinics at the Teachers College following the tour.
110 ISTC students to appear in recital
Public Relations News Release 1960:422, p.1
Eleanor Brindle and Dennis Mintle give a recital in the Gilchrist Hall chapel. Brindle and Mintle are students of Jvone Maxwell and Jane Birkhead.
111 Local student pledges music honorary
Public Relations News Release 1960:411, p.1
The Sigma Alpha Iota women's music fraternity takes a new wave of pledges for the 1960-61 year. Students are required to give a musical audition, and an original composition. Pledges are listed by hometown.
112 Philip Rash begins professional music career
Public Relations News Release 1960:397, p.1
Philip Rash makes his final performance as student in Gilchrist Hall. Professor Myron Russell, Margaret Russell, Charles Olson, and Ruth Russell will join him in his recital. Rash is a student of Jane Birkhead.
113 ISTC bands to appear in high schools
Public Relations News Release 1960:383, p.1
Professor Karl Holvik directs the College Concert and Chamber Bands in two concerts to be held at Malcolm Price Laboratory School. Soloist for the Chamber Band concert will be Mrs. Suzanne Conklin-Happ.
114 ISTC Band to offer premiere performance
Public Relations News Release 1960:379, p.1
Professor Karl Holvik directs the College Band in their performance of the Beethoven Concerto No. 1 in C Major in the auditorium. Mrs. Suzanne Conklin-Happ gives a solo performance. Upcoming concerts listed.
115 Senior recital scheduled at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:377, p.1
Karen Knapp and Dorothy Hansen give their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall with accompaniment by Elizabeth Calhoun and Judith Henriksen. Knapp and Hansen are students of Jane Birkhead and Mary Beckman.
116 Piano presented to ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:372, p.1
W. W. Clover of Lohrville gifts a piano, violin, and collection of music books to the department of music in memory of his late wife, Ethel Horn Clover. Professor Myron Russell announces that the piano is to be placed in the Music Education building.
117 Annual Spring Music Festival at ISTC next week
Public Relations News Release 1960:369, p.1
The Concert Band, A Cappella Choir, Women's and Men's Choruses, Symphony Orchestra, Student Composers, and Faculty Ensemble perform at the department of music's annual Spring Music Festival.
118 Senior recital at ISTC Tuesday (April 18)
Public Relations News Release 1960:352, p.1
Charles Steinmetz and Richard Sorenson give their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall. Steinmetz and Sorenson are students of Charles Matheson and Russell Baum. Julianne States accompanies the students.
119 Senior recital at ISTC Thursday (April 20)
Public Relations News Release 1960:353, p.1
Joan Brown and Charles Olson give their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall. Brown and Olson are students of Professor Emil Bock, and Mr. Russell Baum. Accompaniment is provided by Elizabeth Calhoun.
120 ISTC American composers concert set for Tuesday
Public Relations News Release 1960:331, p.1
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and Sigma Alpha Iota sponsor the annual American Composers Concert, featuring performances by students of the department of music. Works of Professors William Latham and Karl Holvik will highlight the event. Performers listed.
121 ISTC music students to give recital
Public Relations News Release 1960:314, p.1
Janet Bohlander and Vernon Hockett give their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall Chapel. Bohlander and Hockett are students of professors David Kennedy and Karl Holvik, and will be accompanied by Elizabeth Calhoun.
122 Music festival scheduled at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:308, p.1
The department of music sponsors the fourth annual Spring Music Festival. The festival will consists of concerts from the Men's and Women's Choruses, the A Cappella Choir, and College Band.
123 ISTC students to play in Intercollegiate Band
Public Relations News Release 1960:300, p.1
Ten students are selected to perform in the Mid-American Intercollegiate Band at their annual concert in the auditorium of Wartburg College. The band consists of seventy members from Wartburg, Cornell, Drake, Luther, Iowa State, and St. Olaf.
124 Intercollegiate band concert set
Public Relations News Release 1960:296, p.1
Professor Karl Holvik makes program selections for the first annual Mid-American Intercollegiate Band concert to be held at the Wartburg College auditorium.
125 ISTC music students to give senior recital
Public Relations News Release 1960:273, p.1
Dee Silver and James Crowder perform their senior recitals alongside Charles Olson and Elizabeth Calhoun. Silver and Crowder are students of Professors Karl Holvik and David Kennedy. Professor William Latham's "Sonata" is among the scheduled works.
126 Upper Iowa-ISTC opera postponed
Public Relations News Release 1960:259, p.1
The Upper Iowa-Teachers College joint production of "Dido and Aeneas", the senior recital, and the Bob Newhart concert are postponed due to inclement weather.
127 ISTC students to present recital
Public Relations News Release 1960:250, p.1
Myrna Norland and Richard Dean Duffy give their senior recitals in the Gilchrist Chapel. The performers are students of Charles Matheson and Professor Karl M. Holvik, and are accompanied by Elizabeth Calhoun and Richard Scott.
128 Faculty ensemble concert cancelled
Public Relations News Release 1960:251, p.1
The faculty ensemble concert is cancelled due to the illness of a family member of one of the performers.
129 ISTC to aid in Upper Iowa opera production
Public Relations News Release 1960:252, p.1
Nine students and faculty members perform in the Upper Iowa University production of "Dido and Aeneas". Department of music faculty performers include Emil Bock, Frank Hill, and Donald Wendt.
130 ISTC choir to appear Sunday
Public Relations News Release 1960:241, p.1
Charles Matheson directs the A Cappella Choir in their three-day tour across nine Iowa towns.
131 Two ISTC music students to present senior recitals
Public Relations News Release 1960:239, p.1
Leona Folkers and Rhonda Demien perform their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall with piano accompaniment provided by Ms. Elizbaeth Calhoun.
132 Local student to present senior recital at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:238, p.1
Rhonda Demien and Leone Folkers perform their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall. Folkers and Demien are students of Ms. Jane Mauck and David Kennedy. Elizabeth Calhoun will provide piano accompaniment.
133 Local student to present senior recital at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:237, p.1
Leona Folkers and Rhonda Demien perform their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall, accompanied by Elizabeth Calhoun on piano.
134 ISTC to host annual Tallcorn Conference this weekend
Public Relations News Release 1960:224, p.1
Professor Myron E. Russell announces plans for the annual Tallcorn Music Conference. The conference includes performances by the Concert Band, a violin recital, and rehearsals with a Hollywood composer.
135 Local student to tour with ISTC A Cappella Choir
Public Relations News Release 1960:223, p.1
Charles Matheson directs the A Cappella Choir in their annual tour. The choir consists of sixty students, and will perform in communities from across Iowa. Choir members listed.
136 Local students tour with ISTC band
Public Relations News Release 1960:201, p.1
Professor Karl Holvik directs the Concert Band in their tour of eight Iowa communities. The program includes performances by Professor William Latham, trumpet and horn solos, and a trombone quintet. Performers listed by hometown.
137 St. Olaf Concert Band to appear at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:200, p.1
The department of music sponsors a performance by the St. Olaf Concert Band in the auditorium. Tickets are made available in the music office.
138 Music Department saluted in trade magazine
Alumnus 46:1, p.8
Includes articles by four members of department.
139 Renowned musician visits ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:195, p.1
Sigurd Rascher visits the department of music as a guest of Professor Karl Holvik. During his stay, Rascher aids students Richard Duffy and Richard Scott in preparing for their premiere saxophone performances.
140 ISTC band to present concert here
Public Relations News Release 1960:193, p.1
Professor Karl Holvik directs the Concert Band in their three-day tour. The show will be highlighted by performances of Professor William Latham, and the final performance of both Jon Hanson and Richard Thompson. Concert locations listed.
141 Students learn foreign culture in opera production
Public Relations News Release 1960:180, p.1
The cast of the department of music's production of "The Student Prince" invites the department of language, speech, and literature's Professor Josef Schaefer to discuss German fraternity life.
142 Reserve lessons
College Eye 52:14, p.1
Students should make arrangements for private music lessons.
143 'Fanfare' lauds music dept.
College Eye 52:14, p.3
Trade magazine features work by music faculty.
144 ISTC to present Romberg opera
Public Relations News Release 1960:165, p.1
Jane Birkhead and Harald Holst direct the music department's production of "The Student Prince". Set design is headed by David Delafield, and costumes are provided by the St. Louis Municipal Opera Company.
145 ISTC music department saluted in magazine
Public Relations News Release 1960:163, p.1
The department of music is recognized in an issue of "The Holton Fanfare" magazine. The publication includes articles by four music faculty members as well as five graduates.
146 Christmas music to be featured in convo Monday
College Eye 52:12, p.1
Program for performance of Department of Music Christmas Convocation.
147 World premiere of work by ISTC music professor
Public Relations News Release 1960:148, p.1
Professor William P. Latham's "Concerto Grosso" is performed at the National Conference of College Band Directors National Association. Latham's work has earned first place at the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia National Composition Contest.
148 Holiday events at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:147, p.1
Holiday activities begin with the "Crystal Forest" dance in the Commons. Professor David Bluhm delivers a sermon in the auditorium, Charles Matheson directs community carols with the brass choir and women's chorus.
149 Local student to appear on college TV Christmas show
Public Relations News Release 1960:143, p.1
Herbert Hake serves as announcer for the annual Christmas program broadcast by KWWL. The program will consist of performances by the Women's Chorus, directed by Jane Mauck of the music department. Performers listed.
150 Tallcorn Conference slated for February at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:142, p.1
The sixth annual Tallcorn Music Conference is held on campus, featuring lectures and recitals from Louis Persinger, Professor Lucien Cailliet, and Larry Day. The two-day program is sponsored by the department of music.