Department of Music

Displaying 251 - 300 of 547 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
251 ISTC concerts April 4-5
Public Relations News Release 1950:282, p.1
On Wednesday (April 4) the 60-piece orchestra will play a morning concert directed by Roland Searight. The 62-voice college choir will sing its home concert Thursday (April 5) conducted by Assistant Professor Maurice Gerow.
252 The metronome (beating out the time) and the do-re-mi pitch scale were standard music teaching aids centuries ago--and still going strong
Public Relations News Release 1950:278, p.1
But many other aids and techniques have been developed and will be demonstrated at the one-day music workshop Saturday (March 31). Dinstinguished speakers will include Beatrice Krone, and Evalene Bell.
253 Legends about "long-hair" composers getting inspirations for master compositions "are probably a lot of bunk"
Public Relations News Release 1950:265, p.1
Composer William P. Latham says, "Most of the old masters like Bach, Beethoven, Brahms were emotionally normal persons." Latham is a June candidate for the degree of doctor of philosophy from Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester. Works listed.
254 1951 Spring Concert tour of the College Band
Public Relations News Release 1950:260, p.1
The complete repertoire is printed on the program. Conductor David Kennedy said the band will play about 11 selections at morning and afternoon concerts and about 13 at evening concerts. Kennedy joined the music staff in September, 1948. Tours listed.
255 A music workshop, with emphasis on the junior high level, will be held Saturday, March 31
Public Relations News Release 1950:259, p.1
Maurice Gerow, assistant professor of music education, announced the program which will feature two famous music educators. Beatrice Krone of the University of Southern California faculty will conduct the morning session.
256 The entertainment calendar for the next week at Iowa State Teachers college is pretty heavily booked
Here's what's coming up:

Public Relations News Release 1950:244, p.1
Feb. 28, Jazz concert, Commons; March. 1-2, "The Count and the Coed, campus school auditorium;" Mar. 2, Folk Festival, Women's gym; Mar. 3, Soc Hop, Commons; Recital, Pianist Jean Casadesus, auditorium.
257 Altogether there are 117 pupils cast in the operetta, a musical comedy. Most of them are in the choruses.
Public Relations News Release 1950:239, p.1
The acting roles will be played by (in the order in which they speak), they are listed. Marilyn Russell will be the accompanist. Cast understudies are listed.
258 Disguised count...prexy's daughter
Public Relations News Release 1950:239, p.1
"The Count and the Coed," is jointly presented by the drama and music departments in the campus high school auditorium. Drama directors are Margaret Divelbess and Howard VanderBeek. Mildred Luce is the music director
259 Three seniors will present a recital Thursday, March 8, at 8 p.m. in Gilchrist chapel.
Public Relations News Release 1950:236, p.1
Roland Swale, West Union, will play three flute numbers¿ Tenor Henry Bruns, Waterloo, will sing six solos.. Robert Steele, Washington, will play two tuba solos.
260 Paris-born pianist to close ISTC concert course
Public Relations News Release 1950:222, p.1
Jean Casadesus, only 23 years old, a descendent of a musically famous French family, will wind up the 1950-51 concert course. Born in Paris, Casadesus entered the Paris Conservatoire when only 10 years old and emerged with the First Medal.
261 ISTC student music recitals
Public Relations News Release 1950:200, p.1
Nine soloists and a clarinet quartette will participate in a student music recital in the Gilchrist hall chapel. Soloists and quartette members are listed.
262 ISTC Concert Band to play Sunday
Public Relations News Release 1950:181, p.1
The annual winter home concert of the college concert band will be played in the college auditorium.Director David Kennedy and his 75-musician band will play compositions of such famous composers as Bach, Brahms, Gillette, Gliere, and Tschaikowski.
263 Famed Violinist at ISTC Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1950:172, p.1
Violinist Henri Temianka will be featured at a music conference for string teachers and students.Temianka will fly here from Houston, Texas, where he is on tour with the renowned Paganini violin quartet. He is the quartet's first violinist.
264 Pianist Henry Harris to play Sunday, January 7
Public Relations News Release 1950:166, p.1
Henry Harris, popular assistant professor of piano, will play in the college auditorium. Before coming to the college in 1941, Harris was a faculty member of the Philadelphia Conservatory of Music. He graduated from Germany's Leipzig conservatory in 1932.
265 1950 Leaves Mark on ISTC Campus
Public Relations News Release 1950:165, p.1
A presidential inauguration, the fifth in 74 years, was one of several major changes during 1950. Starting last June a minor in journalism was offered. Plans were approved for granting a major in library science starting next June.
266 Harris to play with Missouri Symphony
Public Relations News Release 1950:144, p.1
Pianist Henry Harris of the College music department faculty will appear as soloist Sunday at Independence, Missouri with that city's symphone orchestra. On Monday he will play a recital at Graceland junior college, Lamoni.
267 A symphony, performed for the first time only last Sunday (Nov. 19), will be the feature of a concert by the Symphony Orchestra Nov. 27
Public Relations News Release 1950:129, p.1
The new work is "Symphony No. 5 in G Major," composed by Conductor Edward Kurtz, head of the music department. It was first played at the annual fall concert lsat Sunday night.
268 Coach, Band Instructor "Equally Important"
Public Relations News Release 1950:94, p.1
If beginning teacher salaries are any index they both rank equally and both rank higher than science teachers. Coaches and instrumentalists had the same range of pay, from $2,900 to $3,600 while science teachers settled for $2,700 to $3,100.
269 TC Musicians to give 1-hour program at Hudson
Public Relations News Release 1950:82, p.1
David Kennedy, director of bands, said the group would include a wood wind quintet; a brass ensemble quartet; flute, violin and piano solos, and a jazz band. One vocalist, Sonia Scholl, Boone, will sing with the instrumentalists.
270 Over five-hundred hear Warren concert
Public Relations News Release 1950:72, p.1
The performance of the Metropolitan Opera star, Baritone Leonard Warren, was the first of four distinguished concerts by nationally famous musicians on the college's concert series this year.
271 Student pianists to give recital
Public Relations News Release 1950:47, p.1
The five musicians are students (listed) of Russell N. Baum and Henry Harris.
272 Jane Birkhead of the College music department will present this fall's first faculty recital in the auditorium on September 28 (Thursday)
Public Relations News Release 1950:22, p.1
Birkhead, a soprano, since joining the College faculty in 1941, has traveled extensively with the college's music groups including the college quartette. She has sung often over Iowa radio stations and is a regular performer over station KXEL, Waterloo.
273 Three new faculty members were added to the music department recently, according to an announcement made this week by Dr. Edward Kurtz
Public Relations News Release 1950:10, p.1
Arthur Christmann has taught for the past 16 years at the Julliard School of Music in New York, will teach woodwind instruments. Miss LaVerne Hodges, will teach music theory and harp. Lester Rumbaugh, will teach music education.
274 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:38, p.2
News about musical events on campus.
275 Music Department's aim--best
College Eye 41:37, p.2
Informs students that Music Department has been criticized for using not yet matured voices of students for operas and uses faculty members for orchestra positions only when needed.
276 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:37, p.3
News about musical events on campus.
277 Strings are difficult; graduate student answers
College Eye 41:37, p.2
Faculty are used for string positions in the orchestra because not enough students are being trained in those area in the elementary and high schools.
278 Hilltopics; can't students sing?
College Eye 41:37, p.2
Believes students should be given the leads in the musical productions rather than the faculty performing them.
279 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:36, p.2
News about musical events on campus.
280 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:35, p.4
News about musical activities on campus.
281 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:34, p.3
News about music on campus.
282 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:33, p.4
News about musical activities on campus.
283 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:32, p.6
News from the Department of Music.
284 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:31, p.6
News from the Department of Music.
285 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.47
Brief description of the department; photo.
286 Opera satirizes British customs
College Eye 41:30, p.1
Preview of "The Mikado"; photo.
287 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:30, p.8
News from the Department of Music.
288 Music department presents first opera in twenty years
College Eye 41:29, p.1
Will be presenting "The Mikado"; list of cast members; photo.
289 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:29, p.8
News from the Department of Music.
290 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:28, p.8
News from the Department of Music.
291 Music Department presents Mikado
College Eye 41:28, p.3
292 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:27, p.8
News from the Department of Music.
293 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:26, p.6
Events occurring within the Department of Music.
294 Summer school will take nine from music staff
College Eye 41:25, p.6
List of faculty who will be taking classes this summer and the schools they will be attending.
295 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:25, p.8
News from the Department of Music.
296 The college music department
Alumnus 34:2, p.1
Will present "The Mikado".
297 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:24, p.8
News from the Department of Music.
298 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:23, p.6
News from the Department of Music.
299 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:22, p.4
News from the Department of Music.
300 Sweet and Lowdown
College Eye 41:21, p.8
News from the Department of Music.