Driver Education
Displaying 151 - 200 of 214 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
151 | Safety Ed. course opens tomorrow College Eye 39:22, p.7 |
Saturday short course for in-service teachers. | |
152 | Drivers; College Eye 39:19, p.1 |
Students may test for drivers license. | |
153 | Bert Woodcock guest on WMT quiz show College Eye 39:18, p.3 |
154 | Will open highway safety course Mar. 13 College Eye 39:16, p.3 |
Will offer series of Saturday classes. | |
155 | Driving students: College Eye 39:14, p.1 |
May take examination at driving range. | |
156 | "Highway Safety" title for course College Eye 39:13, p.6 |
To be offered in Iowa high schools. | |
157 | Student drivers College Eye 39:12, p.1 |
Still time to sign up for driver education class. | |
158 | Woodcock stresses safe driving; makes plans for driving range College Eye 39:8, p.2 |
Profile of Professor Woodcock. | |
159 | Woodcock speaks at Des Moines College Eye 39:8, p.1 |
Will speak on safety education in the curriculum. | |
160 | Stoner designs safety plan Alumnus 31:4, p.10 |
Clarence Stoner develops teaching aids for driver safety education. | |
161 | Iowa State Teachers College pioneers in highway safety Alumnus 31:4, p.14 |
Description of new driver education program; driving range; photo. | |
162 | From college driving course come calm, cool candidates College Eye 38:43, p.3 |
A look at the methods used in the college driver training program. | |
163 | Former phys ed man here gets promotion College Eye 38:40, p.4 |
N. O. Schneider is director of safety education in New Jersey. | |
164 | Stack lectures on road safety here last week College Eye 38:40, p.6 |
Herbert J. Stack speaks. | |
165 | Woodcock speaks at safety meet College Eye 38:39, p.1 |
Speaks at institute in Ames. | |
166 | Dr. Stack to lecture on 'safety education' College Eye 38:39, p.1 |
Herbert J. Stack will give series of lectures. | |
167 | 30 complete safety course Alumnus 31:3, p.8 |
First class graduates. | |
168 | Driving awards given students, instructors College Eye 38:33, p.1 |
Receive certificates of merit at dinner. | |
169 | Appoint safety education supervisor Alumnus 31:1, p.14 |
Bert L. Woodcock resigns position with state program to head new driver training and safety education curriculum | |
170 | Course to be ready for use upon return from vacation College Eye 38:14, p.1 |
Lengthy description of the driver training range located south of Sunset Village. | |
171 | Safety instructor lives on campus in trailer Old Gold 38:3, p.7 |
Professor Woodcock still has a house in Des Moines where his family lives; working on plans for driver training range south of Sunset Village. | |
172 | First classes held in Safety Education at Teacher College College Eye 38:1, p.5 |
Professors Palmer and Woodcock will supervise program; driver training range planned for area south of campus. | |
173 | Teachers College inaugurates safety course Alumnus 30:3, p.8 |
Safety education will be offered as a teaching minor; driving course will be developed south of campus. | |
174 | Safety education program endorsed College Eye 37:34, p.3 |
Will offer minor course of study this fall. | |
175 | Highway safety meeting will be held Public Relations News Release 1946:165, p.1 |
Fifteen experts to meet to discuss plans for training of teachers for driver education. The possibility of constructing a driving range; including curves, intersections, signals, and signs. | |
176 | Dr. Wiles at T. C. branch schools College Eye 36:41, p.3 |
Kimball Wiles speaks on safety education; news from the branch summer schools. | |
177 | Untitled College Eye 36:41, p.3 |
Frank B. Ulish speaks with students about safety education; photo. | |
178 | Safety consultant on campus today College Eye 36:40, p.1 |
Frank Ulish will be here. | |
179 | Safety education topic July 16 of 5 Aud speakers College Eye 36:39, p.1 |
Will address convocation. | |
180 | Schools can promote safety College Eye 36:28, p.2 |
Advocate for more thorough safety instruction in schools. | |
181 | Active in safety education Alumnus 29:1, p.9 |
Professor Palmer receives award after Cedar Falls has no traffic fatalities for the year. | |
182 | Dr. Schneider to New York Alumnus 27:4, p.4 |
Will direct driver training program in New York. | |
183 | Wartime driving course stresses operation of civilian, military cars College Eye 34:32, p.3 |
Classes have special wartime orientation. | |
184 | 1941 traffic toll sets record College Eye 33:22, p.2 |
40,000 people were killed in car accidents; nation cannot afford it. | |
185 | Safe driving tests will be offered College Eye 33:21, p.5 |
Bert Woodcock will visit campus; photo. | |
186 | Safety education experts to talk at Davenport College Eye 33:18, p.1 |
Group of ISTC faculty puts on program. | |
187 | Can you drive without spilling the milk?; drivers face tight situation Alumnus 25:4, p.10 |
Students receive driver education classes on campus using two dual control cars; photo. | |
188 | Teachers College must do its part to stop 'murder' College Eye 33:3, p.2 |
Believes that students should be rewarded for taking the Safe Driving course. | |
189 | Child's safety education vital; Dr. Stack leads institute College Eye 32:40, p.1 |
Safety expert offers advice; photo. | |
190 | Safety education conference here College Eye 32:38, p.1 |
This is one of series of seminars offered across the country. | |
191 | Forty students meet for driving instruction College Eye 32:37, p.1 |
Taking driver education training course. | |
192 | Driving courses scheduled College Eye 32:36, p.1 |
A look at the course and the procedures for taking it; photo. | |
193 | Students learn all about driving in duo-control car College Eye 32:19, p.1 |
Professor Schneider talks about what he teachers in the driver education course; photo. | |
194 | Dual control car obtained for safety course College Eye 32:12, p.1 |
Will be used in safety education course taught by N. O. Schneider. | |
195 | Teachers College continues lead in safety education Alumnus 24:2, p.4 |
Twenty-five teachers take second intensive short course on safety education. | |
196 | Palmer speaks at dinner celebration College Eye 31:24, p.1 |
Speaks to Alpha Phi Omega on safety education; list of initiates. | |
197 | Fischer outlines purpose of safety educators here College Eye 31:20, p.1 |
Hold second school safety meeting. | |
198 | These six boost safety education College Eye 31:19, p.1 |
Prominent speakers will appear for short course; photo. | |
199 | Safety course starts Monday; plan a week of classes College Eye 31:19, p.1 |
Description of the short course on safety education; photo. | |
200 | Collegians have more accidents! College Eye 31:6, p.7 |
Professor Schneider believes that safety education should start early. |