Driver Education

Displaying 201 - 214 of 214 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
201 Ratio is reverse in two classes
College Eye 30:37, p.4
One woman and thirteen men are in the highway safety class.
202 Second annual safety convention held at Ames
College Eye 30:37, p.1
Professor Palmer and his students attend.
203 Palmer discusses safety at Ames
College Eye 30:36, p.1
At safety education conference.
204 Automobile safety short course gains state-wide attention
Alumnus 22:2, p.12
Thirty attend six day course; photo.
205 "Cocky" drivers cause of many accidents
College Eye 29:18, p.1
Amos Neyhart has been on campus for a six day course for Iowa high school teachers.
206 Iowa schools hold automobile safety course on campus
College Eye 29:16, p.1
207 Here's the winner
College Eye 28:24, p.2
Essay on safety education.
208 Charles says speed is cause of accidents
College Eye 28:6, p.4
Serving as member of state safety committee.
209 Untitled
College Eye 27:40, p.3
TCHS sophomores present driver safety program.
210 Dr. Charles named on safety committee
College Eye 27:39, p.5
Will help plan state curriculum.
211 Accidents lead causes of death, speaker says
College Eye 23:53, p.1
Marian Telford speaks on accidents.
212 H. L. Eells, professor of education
Public Relations News Release 1931:291, p.1
Will be on state advisory committee regarding highway safety.
213 Superintendent places H. L. Eells on committee
College Eye 23:37, p.1
Will be on state advisory committee on highway safety.
214 A pageant in the interest of safer highways
College Eye 13:26, p.3
Presented at Training School.