
Displaying 301 - 334 of 334 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
301 Get out to vote; UNISA urges
Northern Iowan 68:62, p.3
Urges students to vote in primary elections.
302 Candidate Tapscott calls for coalition of all
Northern Iowan 68:27, p.4
John Tapscott outlines views.
303 Iowan endorses candidates
Northern Iowan 67:13, p.2
Outlines positions on candidates.
304 Fulton proposes state financing solutions
Northern Iowan 67:12, p.1
Interview with gubernatorial candidate Robert Fulton; photo.
305 Favor lower voting age; Stanley, Franzenburg
Northern Iowan 65:14, p.1
State Senator David Stanley and State Treasurer Paul Franzenburg spoke on Wednesday about voting age, Vietnam, and other topics; photo.
306 Political awareness
Northern Iowan 65:13, p.2
Editorial urges students to be aware and involved in the American political system.
307 Speaking this week
Northern Iowan 65:13, p.4
Governor Harold Hughes will speak today; State Treasurer Paul Franzenburg and David Stanley will speak tomorrow; photo.
308 Franzenburg, Stanley to speak
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.8
Paul Franzenburg and David Stanley will speak Wednesday as part of Awareness '68, a new program designed to make students more politically aware.
309 Poll of faculty shows Humphrey as favorite
Northern Iowan 65:10, p.8
Results of a poll of UNI faculty by a Price Laboratory School class.
310 Representative candidate to support Northern Iowa
Northern Iowan 65:10, p.5
Speaking Monday night, Willard Hansen, candidate for state representative, told the Young Republicans that he would seek more funding for UNI if elected.
311 Students pick Hughes in campus straw vote
College Eye 57:8, p.3
Republicans sweep other elections; vote tallies.
312 Straw vote in Crossroads for general election
College Eye 57:7, p.1
313 Fagan withdraws candidacy for Iowa Governor
College Eye 56:29, p.6
Professor Fagan cites health as reason.
314 Untitled
College Eye 56:15, p.3
Professor W. B. Fagan, who plans to run for the governorship, is congratulated by Governor Erbe for his years of service at SCI; photo
315 Fagan considering candidacy for next Iowa governorship
College Eye 56:11, p.1
Professor Fagan outlines his views including establishing a lottery and six technical schools.
316 College Eye to sponsor straw vote in Crossroads Mon.
College Eye 52:4, p.1
Results will be published.
317 Obiter Scripta
College Eye 51:17, p.8
Discusses the next election for state legislature; considers that there might be a case for a different kind of representative democracy.
318 Hilltopics
College Eye 40:8, p.2
Discusses the 1948 state and national elections.
319 Social Science group hears election returns
College Eye 40:8, p.8
Custom to meet every two years to hear results.
320 . . . Defeated candidate rests
College Eye 38:11, p.1
Bob Ireland and his family after his recent defeat as state representative; photo.
321 Clues to the News
College Eye 36:11, p.2
Announces results of recent national elections.
322 Landon leads Roosevelt in College Eye poll; Roosevelt follows Kansan by small margin; Thomas and Lemke draw scant vote
College Eye 28:8, p.1
Landon defeats Roosevelt, 756-606, in campus poll; Wilson defeats Kraschel for Governor, 810-548.
323 College Eye to conduct straw vote
College Eye 28:7, p.1
Will express preferences for President and Governor.
324 Hoover carries College Eye poll; Roosevelt lags in second place; Field leads Brookhart by small margin; Murphy runs poor third
College Eye 24:9, p.1
Vote tallies for mock election.
325 College Eye will conduct election poll; six students will speak on merits of various nominees
College Eye 24:8, p.1
Students will listen to speeches and then mark ballots.
326 College Eye will take straw vote; ballots will be distributed to all students at assembly
College Eye 24:6, p.1
Students will speak on national and state candidates.
327 Prof. Wallace discusses the primary in Iowa in National Municipal Review
College Eye 16:18, p.3
Writes on direct primary elections.
328 Tutor Democrats stage big rally for Davis; Dan Steck, Democratic senatorial nominee, speaks
College Eye 16:10, p.1
Finds candidate worthy of support.
329 Thorne a candidate
College Eye 13:32, p.7
Clifford Thorne will run for US Senate.
330 Advocates educational change; proposed re-organization of the State Educational Institutions urged by Clyde L. Herring
College Eye 12:9, p.5
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Clyde Herring backs education.
331 Clio
College Eye 12:7, p.8
Held public session and regular meeting.
332 Large crowd greets Kendall
College Eye 12:6, p.1
Excerpts from address by Nate Kendall.
333 Iowa Club has political rally; platform of both parties discussed
College Eye 8:9, p.1
Speeches given supporting each candidate for U. S. President and Governor of Iowa at Iowa Club meeting.
334 E. G. Dunn opposed to change; democratic candidate for governor declared himself in opposition to action of state board
College Eye 2:8, p.4
Opposes recommendations of Board of Education that would reduce ISTC to junior college status.