
Displaying 101 - 150 of 198 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Job market roller coaster upward bound for 2004
Northern Iowan 100:25, p.1
Employers are planning to hire thirteen percent more college graduates in 2004.
102 Tight market may lead job seekers to alternate careers
Public Relations News Release 2002:584, p.1
Strategies for job seekers in a declining job market are discussed.
103 UNI students seek out-of-state employment
Northern Iowan 99:56, p.1
Due to lack of employment options in Iowa, students seek jobs outside the state.
104 University of Northern Iowa to host National Educator Expo Saturday
Public Relations News Release 2002:399, p.1
Ninety-one school districts will be present at the national Educator Expo to recruit new teachers.
105 Dating in the workplace
Public Relations News Release 2002:373, p.1
Restrictions and norms about dating co-workers will be explored.
106 Interviewing skills a must in job hunt
Northern Iowan 99:37, p.9
Marilyn Shaw offers suggestions for interviewing for a job.
107 Abandon Iowa? Think again
Northern Iowan 99:32, p.5
Commends those graduates who choose to stay in Iowa after graduation.
108 Student voices
Northern Iowan 99:32, p.9
Students respond to the question: Do you plan on staying in Iowa after you graduate?; photo.
109 Graduates face job market
Northern Iowan 99:27, p.7
Encourages students to attend the job fair at Hawkeye Community College, since joblessness is increasing in today's economy.
110 Long hours may lower GPA
Public Relations News Release 2001:460, p.1
The correlation between working long hours and academic performance will be discussed.
111 Summertime is the time to bring in the green; . . . how to search for and obtain that "perfect" summer job!
Northern Iowan 98:50, p.13
Students talk about where they will be working this summer, and suggestions are offered about how to find a good summer job.
112 Graduates look for jobs in scarce market
Northern Iowan 98:46, p.1
Students are encouraged to use more than just the Internet to do their job searches; human contact is just as important.
113 Serendipity Safari
Northern Iowan 98:20, p.6
Comments on the job market available to students after graduation.
114 Job market crashes and burns
Northern Iowan 98:17, p.1
Susan Schwieger, associate director of the Career Center, encourages students not to worry about finding a job after graduation.
115 Changing face of layoffs in the workplace
Public Relations News Release 2000:0, p.1
Fred Abraham talks about how businesses face the problem of laying off workers.
116 Bear today, bull tomorrow
Northern Iowan 97:50, p.1
A national recession could keep UNI graduates from finding jobs.
117 Student voices
Northern Iowan 97:50, p.10
Students respond to the question, "Are you worried about the economic slow-down affecting your future job opportunities?"; photo.
118 Improving lives of employed Iowans
Public Relations News Release 2000:263, p.1
Lowell Norland claims new training program is different because it focuses on current employees.
119 Improving lives of employed Iowans object of Iowa Training Opportunity Program at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2000:193, p.1
The Iowa Training Opportunity Program is an eighteen month pilot project aimed at current employees.
120 McLeod comes to campus
Northern Iowan 97:18, p.1
McLeodUSA Day will allow students to talk to representatives from McLeodUSA on possible employment.
121 This is not your father's resume
Public Relations News Release 1999:142, p.1
Muriel Stone talks about the effects of the Internet on locating jobs; tells how job searchers can put it to use.
122 Chemistry majors move into diverse careers
Public Relations News Release 1999:0, p.1
Professor Duane Bartak discusses the many jobs a chemistry major can find.
123 Help wanted
Public Relations News Release 1999:53, p.1
Discussion with Professor Janet Rives about competition among employers for new employees.
124 University of Northern Iowa students take part in professional preview days in Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1998:357, p.1
UNI students took part in 'Professional Preview Days', a job-shadowing program held in Des Moines. A list of those participating is given.
125 Job satisfaction outranks salary in student's criteria; love outweighs money for '99 grads
Northern Iowan 95:48, p.1
Survey reports 84% of Class of '99 said salary was at top of their employment considerations; average job search lasts four months.
126 CareerLink connects students with employment opportunities
Northern Iowan 95:32, p.1
CareerLink replaces the DASIS disk and assists students in finding a job over the Internet; photo.
127 (Net) Work your way to success
Northern Iowan 95:31, p.12
Students should begin building a network of contacts in their field.
128 Closed minds run rampant on UNI campus
Northern Iowan 95:28, p.7
Students choose majors and careers depending on their interests; society also benefits from fine arts majors.
129 Future promising for class of '99, study reports
Northern Iowan 95:28, p.1
Job market is predicted to be good for those graduating next year.
130 Area teachers learn about local labor market at UNI workshop
Public Relations News Release 1997:400, p.1
Summer workshop being held for area teachers, called "The Local Labor Market", will focus on qualifications potential employers look for in the hiring process.
131 They're getting a diploma--but will they get a job?
Public Relations News Release 1997:333, p.1
1460 seniors graduate on Saturday, but it is uncertain if all will be able to locate a job.
132 National trends create greater demand for education majors
Northern Iowan 94:33, p.4
Growing school enrollments outside Iowa and reduced class sizes mean more open positions for UNI graduates.
133 Survive and succeed in the 90's
Public Relations News Release 1997:189, p.1
Former "Omni" magazine editor Gurney Williams will speak at UNI regarding the job market.
134 Employers screening job applicants with pre-employment tests
Public Relations News Release 1997:29, p.1
Michael Gasser, UNI assistant professor of pschology, reports that some employment tests gauging honesty or skills are accurate, while others are not.
135 Many summer job opportunities
Northern Iowan 93:52, p.9
Tips for preparing to find summer employment.
136 Spring: sittin' on the couch, veggin' out, wonderin' why
Northern Iowan 93:44, p.6
Comments on spring break and finding a job after graduation.
137 Celebrating Employee Appreciation Day
Campus News Network 7:14, p.2
Tips for showing your appreciation to your employee March 14.
138 How about a career in parade float design, saddle making?
Northern Iowan 93:24, p.5
Columnist explores interesting careers.
139 Web site lists job opportunities geared toward college students
Northern Iowan 93:2, p.6
StudentCenter web site provides tips on resumes, interviewing, and finding a job.
140 Help for student entrepreneurs
Campus News Network 6:21, p.5
Entrepreneurial Advisory Resource Network met at UNI this spring to assist those interested in becoming entrepreneurs.
141 Jobs where being anal retentive pays
Northern Iowan 92:43, p.7
Humorous look at various occupations.
142 Hiring minorities
Public Relations News Release 1994:504, p.1
Minorities have a good chance to enter the job force.
143 Pepsi driver causes flashback to time spent in trenches; more to driving distribution truck than pulling through in clutch
Northern Iowan 91:41, p.5
Recounts experiences of driving a Pepsi truck.
144 Red, white and-green; what people do for money
Northern Iowan 91:31, p.13
Considers ways to make money, including selling plasma.
145 The joy of bartending
Northern Edition 2:13, p.2
Why he enjoys his job.
146 New job trends reshape career choices
Northern Iowan 90:42, p.8
Notes promising jobs of future.
147 Behind the Bar; the price that should be paid
Northern Edition 2:6, p.2
Says that people in service businesses deserve tips.
148 University of Northern Iowa student radio station KCRS accepting applications for management positions for next year
Public Relations News Release 1987:304, p.1
Professor Jonathan Hall announces that KCRS is accepting applications for several positions, including program director, general manager, production supervisor, and chief engineer. Applications are available in Maucker Union, CAC, and the Auditorium.
149 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:180, p.1
James Albrecht explains how school districts are avoiding consolidation. Doctor Bruce Plakke speaks on hearing aids. The Offices of Financial Aid and Cooperative Education create one-hundred community jobs. Jane Asimus gives winter weather precautions.
150 Professional masks can cause 'numbness' in work, personal relationships, says Northern Iowa professor
Public Relations News Release 1987:175, p.1
Professor Pamela Jones-Edwards speaks on individuals masking their thoughts and feelings in the workplace, leading them to lose touch with their emotions both at work and in personal relationships.