
Displaying 1 - 50 of 111 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Students explore the WRC's "Free Week"
Northern Iowan 119:31, p.1
The Wellness and Recreation Center (WRC) is hosting its annual "Free Week" where UNI students can attend fitness classes for free to test them out. Lauren McGuill interviews Director of Recreation Services Christopher B. Denison about new classes and equipment available to students; photo.
2 Vox Pop: What would you say in today's society is the biggest factor on college students' mental health?
Northern Iowan 119:18, p.5
Jordan Simon asks students "What would you say in today's society is the biggest factor on college students' mental health?" Caylee Hermsen, Grant Rickertsen, Danielle Goedken, Caden Easter, and Maya McDermott give their opinions on the matter; photo.
3 In pursuit of good health from daily stressors
Northern Iowan 118:15, p.3
Opinion columnist Diego Solorio discusses his belief that exercise helps both body and mind with relieving stress during school; photo.
4 Wellness Services: Join the "Joyful Mover" Movement
Northern Iowan 116:29, p.3
Student Wellness Services (SWS) encourages students to focus on "Joyful Movement," a mindset where participants engage in physical activity that ignites interest, fueled by intrinsic motivation. They discuss how physical activity can impact spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual, emotional, social, and financial wellness; photo.
5 'Let's Get Physical' with CAB
Northern Iowan 112:31, p.1

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) hosted the event Let's Get Physical on January 28; photos.

6 CrossFit: Growing opportunity to get moving
Northern Iowan 112:20, p.8

Herring discusses the growing popularity of CrossFit, an exercise regimen; photo.

7 Time to get steamy with hot yoga
Northern Iowan 111:18, p.4
Student Dylan Hillyer reviews Balance Yoga, a hot yoga studio on the hill; photo.
8 Get your outdoor fix in the Cedar Valley
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.
Describes the many fun things that are available for outdoors enthusiasts in the Cedar Valley.
9 Let's get physical
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.
To avoid the dreaded "freshman 15", new and current students should maintain their health by going to the Wellness and Recreation Center; photo.
10 Play here, you'll feel better in the morning!
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.
The Wellness and Recreation Center is featured. The advertisement pictures the many different activities the WRC has to offer.
11 New course offered as alternative to Personal Wellness
Northern Iowan 110:20, p.1
UNI is now offering an alternative to the Personal Wellness class. Students are now given the option to take, Dimensions of Well-Being, including both lecture and lab portions. Some students feel that including a lab will enhance their education.
12 UNI helps further 'Healthiest State' initiative
Public Relations News Release 2013:82, p.1
UNI is joining the movement to make Iowa the healthiest state in the nation. There will be several walks held on October 9 to get people out and moving. President Ruud, Mrs. Ruud, and Mayor Crews will be participating in the walk.
13 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:51, p.7
Author gives readers a few tips on how to lose those extra pounds before summer.
14 Cedar Falls Blue Zones hosts UNI campus kickoff
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.3
Blue Zone Project is promoted on campus to foster healthy living and environments. Event offered information on getting involved and joining the project.
15 Tae Kwon-Do Club marks 42nd year at UNI
Northern Iowan 108:53, p.6
Club teaches traditional Korean martial arts techniques to students and the community. Confidence and self protection are common goals of members.
16 Elevator Aversion
Northern Iowan 108:37, p.4
Living in a country with the highest rate of obesity in the world is not surprising. Lines of students waiting at elevators, instead of using the stairs, is certainly an indicator of the problem.
17 UNI to host health walk
Public Relations News Release 2011:69, p.1
UNI will be part of the state wide initiative "Start Somewhere Walk" headed by Governor Terry Branstad to make Iowa one of the top five healthiest states in the country.
18 UNI hosts triathlon clinic
Northern Iowan 107:47, p.1
Those interested in participating in a triathlon were given information during a clinic sponsored by Peregrine Charities. Aspects of the training needed were explained. Tim Klatt spoke on his experiences.
19 Childhood obesity
Northern Iowan 107:40, p.7
Schools need to revise school lunches, enhance nutrition education, and increase physical activity among children. Children are exposed to more sedentary activities than children of previous decades.
20 I almost looked like 'The Situation'
Northern Iowan 107:22, p.12
Advantages of the P90X program evaluated. The program does seem to work, but it is not recommended for people who have not participated in sports or workouts in the past; photo.
21 In one ear, out the other
Northern Iowan 107:18, p.5
Benefits of exercising stated. Finding the time to exercise between classes, working, and studying can be problematic.
22 Barmuda takes part in Find A Dream
Northern Iowan 107:7, p.1
Find A Dream, a nonprofit organization, seeks a safe and supportive environment for children of diverse backgrounds. They are trying to raise self esteem and scholastic levels, using after school study areas, computer labs, and exercise programs.
23 Don't stress out
Northern Iowan 107:3, p.8
Suggestions for relieving stress caused by balancing school, work, clubs, and friends.
24 Freshman 15: A myth?
Northern Iowan 107:2, p.5
Gaining weight during the first year of college is common, but the freshman 15 concept has been blown out of proportion. The weight gain is closer to five pounds, according to Joan Thompson; photo.
25 It's trail time
Northern Iowan 106:50, p.4
A guide to the bicycle, walking, and canoeing trails in the Cedar Valley.
26 New Year's resolutions full up the WRC
Northern Iowan 2010:29, p.5
Daily use of the WRC has increased from 1800 per day to 2200 per day since students returned from Christmas break. The WRC is the kind of place that other universities wish to build.
27 Get busy or die
Northern Iowan 2010:29, p.4
Students urged to take advantage of the health facilities on campus. At least add extra movement in your life; whether it be walking, standing, or light exercise. Movement is one of the keys to better health.
28 Midterm suggestions
Northern Iowan 106:12, p.5
The semester is nearly half over. Next week midterms rear their ugly head. Remember to exercise and always give one hundred per cent effort. Drink water, try diet soda, and cut down on alcohol, especially during Homecoming.
29 Nothing beats a morning run
Northern Iowan 105:36, p.7
Running is not only a healthy pastime, but allows for some time to think or let your mind enjoy the scenery.
30 Ironman Triathlon Challenge returns to UNI
Northern Iowan 105:31, p.1
Campus triathlon is not a race because it is not a one day event. The event is meant to help students continue exercising during the winter. Variations are available in the programs; photo.
31 The bright side of rising oil and food costs
Northern Iowan 104:53, p.7
Rising costs do make us look for alternatives, whether it be in transportation or the way we eat. Appreciation of nature is enhanced by a slower pace of living.
32 Response to Brittney Baxter's letter
Northern Iowan 104:14, p.8
Increased exercise seen as an aid in controlling weight gain in college students.
33 Advice we wish we'd taken as freshman
Northern Iowan 104:8, p.7
Activities to consider to aid in a student's education.
34 Working out is cool, really cool
Northern Iowan 103:53, p.5
Sarcastoc look at exercise in a gym setting.
35 New club brings safe sword play to UNI
Northern Iowan 103:3, p.11
Medieval style combat using foam-padded weapons is now available to UNI students; photo.
36 Quit hatin' on personal wellness
Northern Iowan 102:38, p.7
Points out positive aspects of personal wellness.
37 Be respectful when using Healthbeat
Northern Iowan 102:31, p.8
Georgia Henry asks that people follow time limits on exercise machines when there is a waiting list
38 Personal training is beneficial in fitness program
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Personal trainers can help clients set both short-term and long-term goals.
39 UNI's Ironman Fitness program challenges people to get fit
Northern Iowan 101:30, p.4
In an effort to promote physical fitness, the WRS is offering the third annual Ironman Fitness Incentive Program.
40 Americans crave fast diet results
Northern Iowan 100:62, p.5
Encourages students to eat healthful food and to exercise.
41 Health Beat puts Union patrons in good shape
Northern Iowan 100:29, p.1
Health Beat fitness facility has reopened as part of new Union modifications.
42 Ironman Triathalon for students back at UNI
Northern Iowan 100:29, p.8
Swimming, non-swimming, and double distance options for the endurance contest are available; sponsored by Wellness & Recreation Services.
43 Weight loss attempts by children and adolescents may result in weight gain
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Explanation of how diets fail provided.
44 WRC riding new wave of fitness trends
Northern Iowan 99:60, p.7
Cardio cycling classes are being offered; caters to all fitness levels.
45 Working out in the great outdoors
Public Relations News Release 2002:563, p.1
Tips for working out in the summer heat.
46 Personal trainers--not just for Hollywood
Public Relations News Release 2002:587, p.1
Benefits of exercising under the guidance of a personal trainer will be discussed.
47 Exercising in the summer heat
Public Relations News Release 2002:9, p.1
Tips are given on how to exercise inside and staying cool.
48 The myth about six-pack abs
Public Relations News Release 0:490, p.1
Electronic ab devices proven to be ineffective.
49 The skinny on getting that summer body you desire
Northern Iowan 98:52, p.17
Students discuss and offer suggestions for those wanting to lose extra pounds before summer arrives.
50 How to keep New Year's resolutions
Northern Iowan 98:31, p.12
The WRC offers ways for students who want to keep their New Year's resolutions to exercise.