
Displaying 1351 - 1400 of 1644 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1351 College Club
College Eye 14:26, p.5
Organization of women faculty members held its first formal meeting
1352 E. A. Steiner
College Eye 14:24, p.8
Spoke at a faculty luncheon.
1353 Favorites
College Eye 14:23, p.3
Students cast large number of votes for favorite faculty; Professors Homan and Campbell win.
1354 The trouble with teachers
College Eye 14:22, p.6
Believes that teachers should relax and act foolishly on occasion.
1355 Anyhow many of the professors
College Eye 14:17, p.8
Eulalians gave free shoe shines.
1356 Monday evening
College Eye 14:17, p.8
Women faculty held first swimming class.
1357 Untitled
College Eye 14:16, p.4
Criticizes editor for statements made concerning the acceptable actions of professors.
1358 Summer term faculty
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.1
Number of summer faculty members listed by department.
1359 Solving the chapel problem
College Eye 14:15, p.4
Looks at ways in which chapel exercises could be improved.
1360 On holding a chair
College Eye 14:15, p.1
Continues advice for faculty members.
1361 To think about
College Eye 14:14, p.1
Offers opportunity for other groups to edit an issue of the College Eye.
1362 On holding a chair
College Eye 14:14, p.1
Gives advice for faculty members; finds teaching to be a daunting profession.
1363 Men's faculty program
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.1
The men of the faculty present Professor Ernest Zechiel's "She Flaps to Conquer" as a benefit for the Student Loan Fund. The performance filled the auditorium, bringing in $943.
1364 Men of faculty stage play with unusual success; seats were all taken and may standing; Ernest Zechiel author
College Eye 13:30, p.1
Description of the presentations.
1365 Student loan fund
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.3
The Teachers College Faculty organize a student loan fund under the direction of the State Board of Education. The executive committee consists of Professors Winfield Scott, Alison Aitchison, and Charles H. Bailey.
1366 Dinner
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.2
The Cedar Falls Commercial Club is invited to dinner at Bartlett Hall by the Men's Faculty Club. Speakers include the Professors John Barnes, T. B. Homan, W. E. Hays, C. A. Fullerton, C. H. Bailey, and the Commercial Club's President Faye Bennison.
1367 Gay old men as chorus girls; faculty men stage two plays Mon.
College Eye 13:28, p.1
Hope to raise more money for Student Loan Fund.
1368 What's the matter with college faculties
College Eye 13:23, p.4
Lee Campbell says that faculty members need to teach students how to prepare for the future.
1369 Play given by faculty women great success; all seats were taken and many were standing; nearly 800 dollars raised
College Eye 13:22, p.1
Large audience appreciates show put on by faculty women for benefit of Student Loan Fund.
1370 Cure for Cupid's sting coming; operetta will be staged here by instructors
College Eye 13:20, p.1
Faculty women will put on show to benefit Student Loan Fund.
1371 Faculty women amuse students February ninth; this entertainment is for benefit of Student Loan Fund
College Eye 13:18, p.1
Performance preview.
1372 Faculty-senior teas
College Eye 13:17, p.1
Opportunity for faculty and seniors to become better acquainted.
1373 Student loan fund
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.3
The Student Loan Fund Committee announces that the faculty are to perform in the auditorium for the benefit of the fund.
1374 Faculty entertains
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.3
The Faculty-Senior Class Teas are held over the first two months of the new year.
1375 Faculty Committee
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.6
New appointees to the faculty are listed.
1376 Faculty women will make fun for everybody; proceeds will go to Student Loan Fund
College Eye 13:16, p.1
Will present evening of short plays and stunts.
1377 President and Mrs. Seerley
College Eye 13:15, p.8
Hosted a social afternoon for faculty.
1378 Pages from T. C. diaries
College Eye 13:8, p.4
Humorous look at a professor's week.
1379 Vacation
Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.3
Many members of the summer faculty spend their two weeks of vacation out of town.
1380 Student loan fund was unanimously passed by faculty; this will be a great aid to students having difficulty going to college
College Eye 13:5, p.1
Text of recommendations made by faculty committee.
1381 W. R. Boyd
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.
Boyd discusses monetary compensation and teaching.
1382 Miss Myra Call's Report
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.2
Miss Myra Call collects the personal notes on former students and faculty.
1383 Faculty wives
Old Gold 0:0, p.276
Gallery of photos.
1384 The faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.20
Poem praising the faculty; photo.
1385 No doubt about the standing of our speakers
College Eye 12:24, p.5
No faculty member has accepted money for speaking engagements.
1386 The faculty ladies
College Eye 12:22, p.8
Faculty women who live downtown entertained faculty women who live on College Hill.
1387 Seniors entertained; first faculty tea greatly enjoyed
College Eye 12:18, p.1
Encourages men to attend; hosted by Department of Physical Education.
1388 First faculty tea this P. M.
College Eye 12:17, p.1
For senior students; different academic departments will host weekly teas..
1389 Student Council dealing with momentous problems
College Eye 12:13, p.5
Discussed conditions in cafeteria and remuneration among faculty.
1390 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.19
Drawing of a bald man seated at a desk with pen in hand. Huge globe in the background; photo.
1391 Volleyball
College Eye 11:32, p.3
Observations about men's faculty volleyball competition.
1392 Prof. Fagan to be editor; College Eye special next issue
College Eye 11:31, p.1
Faculty will produce next issue.
1393 Editorially Speaking
College Eye 11:31, p.4
Comments on Homecoming preparations, the faculty edition of the College Eye, and recent events on campus.
1394 Faculty plans for next year
College Eye 11:28, p.1
Faculty will not be given leaves of absence for next year, nor will any new faculty be hired until after students have enrolled.
1395 The analysis
College Eye 11:27, p.6
Editor responds to letter that supports literary societies on campus.
1396 New ruling on society work
College Eye 11:26, p.1
Faculty announces revised rules for required literary society participation.
1397 Grade point system adopted; new scholarship standards
College Eye 11:26, p.1
Effective June 1, 1920, students will be subject to new grade point system adopted by faculty; explanation of the meaning of the grades.
1398 The faculty volleyball team
College Eye 11:15, p.8
Notes about the team's practices.
1399 Faculty volleyball team
College Eye 11:9, p.8
Should show up for practice.
1400 Volleyball cures Bolshevism
College Eye 11:8, p.5
Invitation to play Tuesday and Thursday.