
Displaying 1401 - 1450 of 1644 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1401 Faculty volleyball
College Eye 11:5, p.5
Organized faculty league.
1402 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.23
President Seerley; photo.
1403 Our advisory board
College Eye 10:27, p.2
Thank the advisory board of the College Eye.
1404 Student critique; dedicated to whom it may concern
College Eye 10:27, p.4
Believes that most chapel exercises consist of boring announcements that no one cares about.
1405 Business men offer pay-up inducements
College Eye 10:1, p.1
Everyone encouraged to pay off debts.
1406 The special issues
College Eye 10:1, p.2
The four special issues of the College Eye were a success.
1407 Bartlett Hall girls hold reception for faculty
College Eye 10:25, p.6
Enjoy musical presentations.
1408 Editor of faculty issue doubts ethics of his position
College Eye 10:24, p.6
Professor Samson has thoughts about editing the College Eye.
1409 Our social functions
College Eye 10:24, p.2
Conflicts with the issue of having school dances.
1410 Editorially speaking
College Eye 10:23, p.2
Faculty present their issue of the College Eye and their views; oppose compulsory ROTC; urges students to be interested in the history of their own institution.
1411 Social life at Iowa State Teachers College
College Eye 10:23, p.2
Believes that the social life at Iowa State Teachers College is not very exciting.
1412 Next year's staff
College Eye 10:22, p.2
The faculty advisory board needs to be selected by the staff.
1413 Women's issue! Faculty issue? Men's issue?
College Eye 10:22, p.2
The special issues of the College Eye are free and were very good.
1414 "Paddle party" Wednesday has howling effect; one hundred men, students, and faculty take delight in exacting cruel torture upon all comers.
College Eye 10:21, p.1
Men enjoy hazing, food, and lecture.
1415 What will the faculty and men do?
College Eye 10:21, p.2
There will be a men's issue of the College Eye.
1416 Fussing laboratory
College Eye 10:21, p.2
Spring is almost here and students are getting restless and tired of studying.
1417 New social function regulations approved by faculty; dancing is allowed; committee of seven in charge
College Eye 10:19, p.1
Passes faculty by 2-1 majority; dancing to be allowed on campus.
1418 General Wood speaks here; sends reply to Seerley's telegram
College Eye 10:19, p.1
General Leonard Wood agrees to speak at Commencement, always with the caveat that military matters might come up.
1419 What the Teachers College has done for Cedar Falls
College Eye 10:18, p.2
Believes ISTC has made many significant contributions to the community including street railway, water works, sewage system, and faculty investments
1420 This issue dedicated to advertisers; advertisers need co-operation of students
College Eye 10:18, p.1
Urges students to support advertisers.
1421 Staffs for special numbers elected; staffs for three special numbers provided for
College Eye 10:18, p.1
Staffs announced for men's, women's, and faculty issues of the College Eye.
1422 Faculty defeated in volleyball game
College Eye 10:17, p.4
Close game between faculty men and the men's basketball team; the students won.
1423 Special issue candidates should apply now--try your luck!
College Eye 10:16, p.5
For women's and men's issues of the College Eye.
1424 Where do you stand?
College Eye 10:16, p.2
Should the college hold dances for the students?
1425 The weekly faculty tea
College Eye 10:16, p.5
Departments host tea for seniors and faculty. Good time enjoyed by all.
1426 Faculty votes to secure crayon portraits; late Major W. A. Dinwiddie and Reverend Albert Loughridge are honored
College Eye 10:15, p.6
Will have portraits made of Major Dinwiddie and Professor Loughridge to hang in Library gallery.
1427 Campanile proposed as memorial to war efforts; every alumnus, student, teacher, and friend should rally to support of college
College Eye 10:15, p.1
Ready to launch major fundraising campaign; site will be north of President's House; description of the project; will cost $12,000.
1428 Referendum petition allowed by faculty; vote to remove present status of social functions. Petition made by Student Council
College Eye 10:14, p.1
Dancing at formal social functions will now be allowed; President Seerley organizes Committee on Social Activities.
1429 Faculty number part of College Eye plans; issue of April 2 will be given over to our "profs"
College Eye 10:10, p.1
Faculty will edit April 2 issue.
1430 The Second Faculty Meeting of the Fall Term
College Eye 10:4, p.4
Meeting to be held Monday November 19.
1431 Army service for men of faculty
College Eye 10:3, p.1
Seeking men to work in rehabilitation services.
1432 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.29
Silhouette of man.
1433 Military Column
College Eye 9:20, p.3
Military band played for Soldiers Banquet; college faculty encourages purchasing War Service Stamps; D. A. R. celebrated Washington's birthday.
1434 The traditions of I. S. T. C.
College Eye 9:15, p.5
Praises teachers at T. C.
1435 Faculty frolic; professors indulge in real merriment; curtain rises at 5:30 Wed. evening
College Eye 9:11, p.1
Program schedule.
1436 The fifth of December
College Eye 9:10, p.8
Faculty will have a gathering in the Gym.
1437 Faculty reception to seniors and alumni; Training School scene of festivities
College Eye 9:1, p.1
Faculty and guests enjoy the party.
1438 College calendar
College Eye 8:31, p.8
Meetings and events planned.
1439 Last Saturday evening
College Eye 8:30, p.6
President Seerley entertains members of the senior class and the faculty.
1440 Faculty for fall, 1917
College Eye 8:30, p.5
The budget is undecided due to war concerns, but some faculty will be returning from leaves of absence.
1441 On Wednesday evening
College Eye 8:29, p.8
The faculty entertained visiting superintendents.
1442 Student and faculty absent because of accepting military service with the government
College Eye 8:28, p.5
State Board of Education grants allowances for students and faculty entering military service.
1443 Untitled
College Eye 8:26, p.4
Addresses walking off sidewalks, faculty course descriptions in the catalog, and social graces.
1444 Music faculty gives recital; work of very high order
College Eye 8:22, p.1
Description of recital and pieces performed by various faculty members.
1445 College days
College Eye 8:19, p.4
Reflection on time spent in college and what it stands for.
1446 The long winter's dream of our profs
College Eye 8:17, p.1
Pictures faculty member dreaming of a round of golf.
1447 Chapel exercises
College Eye 8:15, p.4
Praises students for excellent administration of the chapel services; hopes that faculty will continue high standard while in charge.
1448 What is school spirit?
College Eye 8:15, p.4
Contemplates the nature of school spirit and how it works at Teachers College.
1449 Philosophy that failed
College Eye 8:13, p.4
Story about faculty members hunting rabbits with a ferret.
1450 Course of study by Training School faculty
College Eye 8:13, p.7
Training School faculty issues statement on relationship between study and social needs.