Frampton--John Ross (Music Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 199 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Through troubled times (1909-1920) A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.268 |
The unified Board of Education gets organized; faculty and curricular changes; photo. | |
2 | John Ross Frampton Alumnus 17:3, p.23 |
Teaches piano at Lawrence Conservatory in Appleton, Wisconsin. | |
3 | Neotrophian Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.249 |
Roster of officers, members and honorary members; individual photos. | |
4 | Neo Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.246 |
Members, officers, motto; photo. | |
5 | Celebrated Oberlin Quartet to sing next Sunday; to appear at college vesper Sunday afternoon College Eye 15:29, p.1 |
Professor Frampton helps to bring them to campus. | |
6 | Gilchrist Hall; this week's feature story portrays the history of one of the oldest buildings on the campus College Eye 15:4, p.1 |
Recounts history of building, including current and original uses of rooms; photo. | |
7 | Mr. George W. Samson, Jr. College Eye 15:3, p.8 |
Will be teaching pope organ here. | |
8 | Prof. Frampton goes to Oberlin College Eye 15:2, p.7 |
Will teach piano at Oberlin College Conservatory. | |
9 | There are a great many changes College Eye 15:2, p.8 |
New music faculty. | |
10 | Summer Commencement exercises College Eye 14:56, p.1 |
Activities program. | |
11 | Memorial service in honor of Dr. Gist College Eye 14:48, p.1 |
Brief description of the service. | |
12 | Music Old Gold 0:0, p.41 |
Photos of the current faculty members; photo. | |
13 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.266 |
Officers, honorary members, members, motto, flower, and colors of Neotrophian Literary Society; photo. | |
14 | Vesper music sure to please College Eye 14:43, p.1 |
Music program for religious services announced. | |
15 | January 9, a party of 30 students and a few others College Eye 14:29, p.8 |
Went to Cedar Rapids to hear Alfred Cortet, a famous French pianist, perform. | |
16 | Messiah draws capacity house College Eye 14:27, p.1 |
Review of vocal performances during "Messiah" program. | |
17 | Summer term commencement Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.1 |
Professor John Ross Frampton performs the processional for the summer commencement ceremony on the pipe organ. | |
18 | Memorial service; for Miss Sara Findlay Rice College Eye 14:15, p.1 |
Lengthy account of the memorial service; many faculty pay tribute. | |
19 | Neotrophian society Old Gold 0:0, p.188 |
Members, motto, flower, colors; photo. | |
20 | Department of Music Old Gold 0:0, p.29 |
Description of department, faculty; photo. | |
21 | Changes in the music faculty for the winter term College Eye 13:14, p.1 |
Professor Welles will go to New York City; Professor Hays will teach voice. | |
22 | John Ross Frampton Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.3 |
Professor John Ross Frampton delivers a number of lecture recitals on piano and organ music over the course of the Spring and Summer Terms. | |
23 | John Ross Frampton College Eye 13:4, p.8 |
Played for an organ dedication in Vinton. | |
24 | Professor John Ross Frampton Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.4 |
Professor John Ross Frampton, instructor of the piano and pipe organ, writes an article appearing in the May Music Review on the music extension departments of American colleges and universities. | |
25 | Piano contest Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.1 |
Five students of Professor John Ross Frampton are presented in a music contest, where they play "Schumann's Romanza in F Sharp". W. H. Merner, Miss Signa Holst, and Miss Julia Curtiss serve as judges. |
26 | Department of Natural Science Old Gold 0:0, p.28 |
Roster of Natural Science and Public School Music faculty; photo. |
27 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.150 |
Roster of members and honorary members; photo. |
28 | Piano contest held College Eye 12:30, p.2 |
Students performed behind a thick curtain to disguise their identity from the judges. | |
29 | Professor Frampton admitted to membership in mountain club College Eye 12:28, p.2 |
Climbed difficult mountains over 14,000 feet to achieve honor. | |
30 | Professor John Ross Frampton Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.3 |
Frampton attended sessions of Music Teachers National Association, officers of Iowa State Teachers Association, and luncheon of American Guild of Organists. | |
31 | Professor John Ross Frampton Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.4 |
Frampton gave lecture recitals on great composers and artists in piano music. | |
32 | Prof. Frampton's piano receives notice by Chicago society College Eye 12:27, p.2 |
Piano is bigger and has more tension in wires than most. | |
33 | Easter morning services College Eye 12:27, p.1 |
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. met for Easter service in auditorium. | |
34 | Piano recital enjoyed College Eye 12:20, p.1 |
Roster of performers and their work. | |
35 | Music Department College Eye 12:17, p.2 |
Professor Frampton attended several meetings recently. | |
36 | Prof. John Ross Frampton Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.3 |
Frampton presented his student Esther Bley in piano and organ recital. | |
37 | Two magazine articles Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.3 |
John Ross Frampton published two articles. | |
38 | Faculty contributions appear in leading educational magazines College Eye 12:15, p.3 |
Brief survey of some recent faculty publications. | |
39 | College Orchestra concert College Eye 12:13, p.2 |
Final concert of year held; Professor Frampton accompanied on organ. | |
40 | Frampton writes for leading musical magazine College Eye 12:13, p.5 |
Professor Frampton wrote an article about confusing musical symbols; to be published in magazine. | |
41 | Orchestra will give concert College Eye 12:11, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
42 | Music notes College Eye 12:5, p.7 |
News of those in the department. | |
43 | Prof. Frampton gave recitals College Eye 12:3, p.6 |
Gave a recital at each of the extension schools this summer. | |
44 | Extension summer schools Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.5 |
The following contributed to extension summer schools: Marion McFarland Walker, Charles A. Fullerton, Lenore Shanewise, John Ross Frampton, and Macy Campbell. | |
45 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.185 |
Colors, motto, flower, presidents, honorary members, and members. Sayings and candid photos; photo. | |
46 | Department of Music Old Gold 0:0, p.38 |
Department of Music faculty members; photo. | |
47 | Large pipe organs College Eye 11:32, p.4 |
Cost and size of pipe organs discussed; I. S. T. C. has one of the largest in the state. | |
48 | Bartlett Hall College Eye 11:30, p.8 |
News from the dormitory. | |
49 | Professor J. R. Frampton College Eye 11:29, p.8 |
Attended the State Music Teachers Convention in Des Moines. | |
50 | Orchestra gives concert; Professor Gundry leads; Auditorium April 14th College Eye 11:28, p.1 |
Program is announced. |