Frampton--John Ross (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 199 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Through troubled times (1909-1920)
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.268
The unified Board of Education gets organized; faculty and curricular changes; photo.
2 John Ross Frampton
Alumnus 17:3, p.23
Teaches piano at Lawrence Conservatory in Appleton, Wisconsin.
3 Neotrophian Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.249
Roster of officers, members and honorary members; individual photos.
4 Neo Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.246
Members, officers, motto; photo.
5 Celebrated Oberlin Quartet to sing next Sunday; to appear at college vesper Sunday afternoon
College Eye 15:29, p.1
Professor Frampton helps to bring them to campus.
6 Gilchrist Hall; this week's feature story portrays the history of one of the oldest buildings on the campus
College Eye 15:4, p.1
Recounts history of building, including current and original uses of rooms; photo.
7 Mr. George W. Samson, Jr.
College Eye 15:3, p.8
Will be teaching pope organ here.
8 Prof. Frampton goes to Oberlin
College Eye 15:2, p.7
Will teach piano at Oberlin College Conservatory.
9 There are a great many changes
College Eye 15:2, p.8
New music faculty.
10 Summer Commencement exercises
College Eye 14:56, p.1
Activities program.
11 Memorial service in honor of Dr. Gist
College Eye 14:48, p.1
Brief description of the service.
12 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.41
Photos of the current faculty members; photo.
13 Neotrophian
Old Gold 0:0, p.266
Officers, honorary members, members, motto, flower, and colors of Neotrophian Literary Society; photo.
14 Vesper music sure to please
College Eye 14:43, p.1
Music program for religious services announced.
15 January 9, a party of 30 students and a few others
College Eye 14:29, p.8
Went to Cedar Rapids to hear Alfred Cortet, a famous French pianist, perform.
16 Messiah draws capacity house
College Eye 14:27, p.1
Review of vocal performances during "Messiah" program.
17 Summer term commencement
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.1
Professor John Ross Frampton performs the processional for the summer commencement ceremony on the pipe organ.
18 Memorial service; for Miss Sara Findlay Rice
College Eye 14:15, p.1
Lengthy account of the memorial service; many faculty pay tribute.
19 Neotrophian society
Old Gold 0:0, p.188
Members, motto, flower, colors; photo.
20 Department of Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.29
Description of department, faculty; photo.
21 Changes in the music faculty for the winter term
College Eye 13:14, p.1
Professor Welles will go to New York City; Professor Hays will teach voice.
22 John Ross Frampton
Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.3
Professor John Ross Frampton delivers a number of lecture recitals on piano and organ music over the course of the Spring and Summer Terms.
23 John Ross Frampton
College Eye 13:4, p.8
Played for an organ dedication in Vinton.
24 Professor John Ross Frampton
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.4
Professor John Ross Frampton, instructor of the piano and pipe organ, writes an article appearing in the May Music Review on the music extension departments of American colleges and universities.
25 Piano contest
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.1

Five students of Professor John Ross Frampton are presented in a music contest, where they play "Schumann's Romanza in F Sharp". W. H. Merner, Miss Signa Holst, and Miss Julia Curtiss serve as judges.

26 Department of Natural Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.28

Roster of Natural Science and Public School Music faculty; photo.

27 Neotrophian
Old Gold 0:0, p.150

Roster of members and honorary members; photo.

28 Piano contest held
College Eye 12:30, p.2
Students performed behind a thick curtain to disguise their identity from the judges.
29 Professor Frampton admitted to membership in mountain club
College Eye 12:28, p.2
Climbed difficult mountains over 14,000 feet to achieve honor.
30 Professor John Ross Frampton
Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.3
Frampton attended sessions of Music Teachers National Association, officers of Iowa State Teachers Association, and luncheon of American Guild of Organists.
31 Professor John Ross Frampton
Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.4
Frampton gave lecture recitals on great composers and artists in piano music.
32 Prof. Frampton's piano receives notice by Chicago society
College Eye 12:27, p.2
Piano is bigger and has more tension in wires than most.
33 Easter morning services
College Eye 12:27, p.1
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. met for Easter service in auditorium.
34 Piano recital enjoyed
College Eye 12:20, p.1
Roster of performers and their work.
35 Music Department
College Eye 12:17, p.2
Professor Frampton attended several meetings recently.
36 Prof. John Ross Frampton
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.3
Frampton presented his student Esther Bley in piano and organ recital.
37 Two magazine articles
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.3
John Ross Frampton published two articles.
38 Faculty contributions appear in leading educational magazines
College Eye 12:15, p.3
Brief survey of some recent faculty publications.
39 College Orchestra concert
College Eye 12:13, p.2
Final concert of year held; Professor Frampton accompanied on organ.
40 Frampton writes for leading musical magazine
College Eye 12:13, p.5
Professor Frampton wrote an article about confusing musical symbols; to be published in magazine.
41 Orchestra will give concert
College Eye 12:11, p.1
Performance program.
42 Music notes
College Eye 12:5, p.7
News of those in the department.
43 Prof. Frampton gave recitals
College Eye 12:3, p.6
Gave a recital at each of the extension schools this summer.
44 Extension summer schools
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.5
The following contributed to extension summer schools: Marion McFarland Walker, Charles A. Fullerton, Lenore Shanewise, John Ross Frampton, and Macy Campbell.
45 Neotrophian
Old Gold 0:0, p.185
Colors, motto, flower, presidents, honorary members, and members. Sayings and candid photos; photo.
46 Department of Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.38
Department of Music faculty members; photo.
47 Large pipe organs
College Eye 11:32, p.4
Cost and size of pipe organs discussed; I. S. T. C. has one of the largest in the state.
48 Bartlett Hall
College Eye 11:30, p.8
News from the dormitory.
49 Professor J. R. Frampton
College Eye 11:29, p.8
Attended the State Music Teachers Convention in Des Moines.
50 Orchestra gives concert; Professor Gundry leads; Auditorium April 14th
College Eye 11:28, p.1
Program is announced.