Frampton--John Ross (Music Faculty)
Displaying 101 - 150 of 199 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
101 | Professors Old Gold 0:0, p.18 |
Educational background of professors; photo. | |
102 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.188 |
Motto, colors, flower, emblem, presidents, members, and pledges listed. |
103 | Winfred Merrill College Eye 7:31, p.6 |
Will give a violin recital on May 26. | |
104 | Vesper service well attended; annual vesper service is impressively delightful. College Eye 7:27, p.1 |
Description of program. | |
105 | Musical vespers College Eye 7:26, p.5 |
Vespers services will be held April 23 in the Auditorium. | |
106 | Mrs. John Ross Frampton College Eye 7:22, p.1 |
Professor John Frampton's mother-in-law and sister-in-law are visiting. | |
107 | Our pipe organ College Eye 7:14, p.1 |
Description of the pipe organ on campus and its many faults. | |
108 | Student recital College Eye 7:13, p.3 |
Given by students of Professors Frampton and Merrill. | |
109 | Mr. Frampton's recital College Eye 7:11, p.5 |
John Ross Frampton gives recital at organ vesper service. | |
110 | Untitled College Eye 7:11, p.1 |
John Frampton will give a recital for the dedication of the new Baptist Church in Vinton. | |
111 | Applause greets faculty recital; large audience attends annual concert College Eye 7:10, p.1 |
Detailed review of recital. | |
112 | Neo Old Gold 0:0, p.93 |
Drawing of two statues; roster of officers and members; Neo singers; photo. |
113 | Professors Old Gold 0:0, p.59 |
Photo. | |
114 | Professor Frampton announces College Eye 4:30, p.4 |
Lulu Ewing will give recital with the accompaniment of Harriet Sage. | |
115 | Prof. John Ross Frampton College Eye 4:27, p.7 |
Students gave a recital. | |
116 | Miss Rud in recital; presents splendid program; music hall well filled with attentive audience College Eye 4:25, p.5 |
Review of Magdalene Rud's senior vocal recital. | |
117 | Several I. S. T. C. students College Eye 4:25, p.6 |
Took part in Easter service. | |
118 | Senior recital College Eye 4:24, p.1 |
Mezzo soprano Magdalen Rud will give recital on April 7. | |
119 | Recital delights audience; Harold Bauer and Mme. Hudson-Alexander present splendid program; Prof. Frampton accompanist College Eye 4:23, p.2 |
Review of lecture course performance. | |
120 | College romance College Eye 4:20, p.5 |
Dorothy Ruth Shoemaker and J. Howard Huston were married on February 12. | |
121 | Orchestra concert Friday evening; college orchestra has prepared excellent program; Miss Hazel Strayer, '14, will give reading College Eye 4:19, p.1 |
Review of symphony orchestra performance. | |
122 | Lecture course number is changed; Harold Bauer and Madame Elizabeth Von Endert will give recital in place of Busoni; both rank high in musical circles College Eye 4:16, p.1 |
War interferes with travel planned by artists. | |
123 | Several members of the I. S. T. C. faculty College Eye 4:13, p.6 |
Took part in Woman's Club program. | |
124 | Faculty recital Wednes.; splendid program was presented College Eye 4:6, p.5 |
Program from music faculty recital is printed. | |
125 | Margaret Dick College Eye 4:2, p.6 |
Returned to continue work with Professor Frampton. | |
126 | Baccalaureate service College Eye 4:1, p.1 |
President Seerley spoke on "The Noble Greatness of Sublime Living." | |
127 | Neo Old Gold 0:0, p.279 |
Description of Neotrophian society; motto, colors, flower, and emblem; roster of pledges, presidents, and honorary members; society roll; humorous stories about society; photos. | |
128 | The new Training School Building Old Gold 0:0, p.207 |
Campus training school completed; dedicated February 10, 1914; dedication program; photos of classrooms and students. | |
129 | Music Old Gold 0:0, p.43 |
Photos of faculty members. | |
130 | Nineteenth annual interstate oratorical contest to be held here next Friday evening College Eye 3:28, p.460 |
Program of speakers and their topics; photo. | |
131 | The organ recital College Eye 3:21, p.348 |
Critical analysis of performance by Professor Frampton. | |
132 | New Training School building is dedicated College Eye 3:19, p.317 |
Summary of speeches from dedication ceremony on February 10, 1914; photo. | |
133 | Choral Society gives Messiah College Eye 3:14, p.236 |
Review of the performance; auditorium packed. | |
134 | Prof. and Mrs. J. Ross Frampton College Eye 3:14, p.248 |
Spent the holidays in Pittsfield, Illinois. | |
135 | Faculty music recital College Eye 3:12, p.202 |
Performance program. | |
136 | Official Notes College Eye 3:3, p.53 |
Faculty added; power plant will be improved; looking forward to alumni meeting at ISTA convention. | |
137 | Professor Meyerholz College Eye 3:1, p.21 |
Has returned, along with Professor Frampton, to teach the summer term. | |
138 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.224 |
Roster of members, honorary members, and officers; photo. | |
139 | Department of Organ and Piano Old Gold 0:0, p.117 |
Faculty; photo. | |
140 | John Ross Frampton College Eye 2:12, p.7 |
Studying piano in Berlin with Joseph Lhevinne. | |
141 | Mrs. John Ross Frampton College Eye 2:9, p.10 |
Is entertaining her mother and sister. | |
142 | Prof. John Ross Frampton College Eye 2:2, p.3 |
Will study under Joseph Lhevine in Germany. | |
143 | Henrietta Thornton College Eye 2:2, p.7 |
Will spend next summer studying in Europe, as will John Ross Frampton. | |
144 | Locals College Eye 2:1, p.11 |
Campus news notes. | |
145 | Prof. and Mrs. John Ross Frampton College Eye 2:1, p.12 |
Went to California for visit; Professor Frampton will study in Europe. | |
146 | Untitled Old Gold 0:0, p.149 |
A brief history of the society. Also included are honorary members and freshmen pledges. | |
147 | Department of Organ and Piano Old Gold 0:0, p.33 |
Photos of faculty members. | |
148 | Music festival a grand success; "Faust" was rendered in an excellent manner College Eye 1:31, p.1 |
Professor Frampton reviews the performance. | |
149 | Among the members of the faculty College Eye 1:25, p.7 |
Several faculty members are planning to spend the summer abroad. | |
150 | Athletic benefit makes big hit; entertainment Friday evening was well patronized College Eye 1:19, p.1 |
Included music and drama. |