Frampton--John Ross (Music Faculty)
Displaying 51 - 100 of 199 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
51 | Violin and piano recital Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.1 |
Theodore R. Gundry and John Ross Frampton gave violin and piano recital in Auditorium. | |
52 | Speaking of Lhevinne College Eye 11:26, p.1 |
Faculty members took lessons from pianist Josef Lhevinne, who will perform on campus. | |
53 | Seniors much feted; Celia Natzke entertains College Eye 11:24, p.1 |
Celia Natzke held party for nine senior women. | |
54 | Music Department College Eye 11:20, p.5 |
News notes from the Department of Public School Music. | |
55 | Violin and piano recital given College Eye 11:16, p.1 |
Review of performance by Professors Frampton and Gundry. | |
56 | Music Department College Eye 11:14, p.6 |
Programs for violin and piano recital and College Orchestra concert. | |
57 | John Ross Frampton Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.3 |
John Ross Frampton plans to attend the National Music Teachers Convention. | |
58 | Thanksgiving Concert Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.2 |
Members of the musical faculties gave a Thanksgiving service November 23, 1919 with many people present. | |
59 | Music Department College Eye 11:11, p.6 |
Several faculty will perform recitals. | |
60 | Thanksgiving vesper service held College Eye 11:11, p.1 |
Music faculty perform. | |
61 | Thanksgiving vesper service College Eye 11:10, p.1 |
Music faculty will perform. | |
62 | Professor Frampton College Eye 11:7, p.8 |
Gave a lecture at Alta Consolidated School. | |
63 | Society Day celebrated; good spirit College Eye 11:6, p.1 |
Literary societies meet and show off. |
64 | Frampton Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.2 |
William Frampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Frampton, died. | |
65 | Prof. Frampton College Eye 11:1, p.8 |
Taught summer classes at the University of Colorado at Boulder. | |
66 | The girls of Bartlett Hall College Eye 11:1, p.8 |
Enjoyed musical performed by Professor Frampton and Olive Barker. | |
67 | Notice College Eye 11:1, p.6 |
Son of Professor Frampton died. | |
68 | Doris Palmer Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.6 |
Doris Palmer gave commencement recital playing piano and organ. She was a student of John Ross Frampton. | |
69 | The Music Department Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.1 |
Music Department instructors have considerable training both in America and Europe. | |
70 | Vesper service Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.2 |
College Chorus gave Easter Vesper Service called "The Seven Last words of Christ." Director was C . A. Fullerton. Soloists were John Ross Frampton was organist and Delinda Rogensack pianist. | |
71 | Music Festival Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.2 |
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra gave two concerts at college. Committee of management was in charge of arrangements. | |
72 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.220 |
Roster of presidents and members; humorous student assignments; formal and informal photographs; photo. | |
73 | Doris Palmer in concert College Eye 11:35, p.6 |
Doris Palmer played organ and piano recitals. | |
74 | Mr. Frampton will go to Colo. College Eye 11:35, p.8 |
John Ross Frampton will be teaching summer courses at Colorado State University. | |
75 | Professor Frampton College Eye 10:1, p.3 |
Was offered position at the University of South Carolina, but refused it. | |
76 | John Ross Frampton gives organ recital; program of Belgian airs last Sunday was good; assisted by Miss Childs College Eye 10:15, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
77 | Frampton prepares paper for convention College Eye 10:9, p.10 |
Will speak on the teaching of harmony. | |
78 | Faculty notes 8 Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.2 |
John Ross Frampton to present paper to the Music Teachers National Association. | |
79 | Neotrophian Old Gold 0:0, p.240 |
Roster of Neotrophian members; photo. | |
80 | Department of Music Old Gold 0:0, p.51 |
Roster of faculty members; photo. | |
81 | Professor John Ross Frampton College Eye 9:29, p.1 |
Professor Frampton played piano at the Iowa State Music Teachers Convention. | |
82 | Assembly College Eye 9:16, p.4 |
Wants Professor Frampton to play his special music while students are coming into the auditorium so chapel is not cut short. | |
83 | Faculty Items 3 Alumni News Letter 2:1, p.2 |
John Ross Frampton elected Instructor of Harmony in Music Department. | |
84 | Christmas community sing; music dept. gives excellent program College Eye 9:12, p.1 |
Was better attended this year than last. | |
85 | Official College Eye 9:12, p.5 |
News of other colleges; faculty changes; consolidated school update; financial board met. | |
86 | Free organ recital by Prof. Frampton College Eye 9:10, p.3 |
Program for recital. | |
87 | Prof. Frampton College Eye 9:9, p.8 |
Gave a recital to his pupils. | |
88 | Prof. Frampton renders organ recital College Eye 9:8, p.1 |
Program of recital. | |
89 | Recognition service; Y. W. C. A. welcomes members College Eye 9:4, p.3 |
Recognizes new members. | |
90 | Faculty reception to seniors and alumni; Training School scene of festivities College Eye 9:1, p.1 |
Faculty and guests enjoy the party. | |
91 | Red Cross benefit. Professors Childs and Frampton College Eye 9:1, p.1 |
Professor Childs and Frampton will perform. | |
92 | Neo Old Gold 0:0, p.246 |
Gives the group motto, colors, and roll; photos. | |
93 | William Grimshaw Frampton College Eye 8:26, p.3 |
William Frampton born to Mr. and Mrs. John Ross Frampton. | |
94 | Music faculty gives recital; work of very high order College Eye 8:22, p.1 |
Description of recital and pieces performed by various faculty members. | |
95 | College calendar College Eye 8:21, p.8 |
Meetings and events planned. | |
96 | College calendar College Eye 8:20, p.8 |
Meetings and events planned. | |
97 | College calendar College Eye 8:19, p.8 |
Meetings and events planned. | |
98 | Messiah given by Choral Society; work of chorus shows great improvement over previous years College Eye 8:13, p.1 |
Review of annual Messiah performance. | |
99 | Professor Frampton College Eye 8:2, p.7 |
Professor Frampton receives new grand piano for studio. | |
100 | Commencement recital College Eye 8:1, p.6 |
Roster of performers and the work performed for Student Commencement Recital. |