Fullerton--Charles Alexander (Class of 1890; Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 1164 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Institutional evaluation and administrative change
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.17
The college receives accreditation from the North Central Association; President Latham organizes publicity, research, alumni services, and placement; institution of the Faculty Senate and changes in faculty governance; the role of religion; photo.
2 Program, personnel, and other changes
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.50
President Latham determines the appropriate role for extension and consultant service; alters and strengthens curriculum; considers graduate study; student voice anti-war sentiments; photo.
3 Student and faculty life at ISTC
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.68
History of student publications, debate, drama, music, and athletics during the Latham administration; photo.
4 Life in the Normal School community
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.175
The beginnings of extracurricular activities and groups at UNI including athletics and sports, oratory and debate, music, literary societies, and the Alumni Association; photo.
5 Celebrating a half century of service
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.420
The Campanile project; the 50th commencement; services of the college to the state.
6 Craig K. Fullerton
Alumnus 71:1, p.30
Died February 22, 1986.
7 Margaret Fullerton
Alumnus 59:1, p.14
Died December 17, 1973.
8 Famous music prof subject of thesis
Alumnus 50:3, p.14
University of Illinois doctoral student Lawrence Sheckler works on dissertation on C. A. Fullerton.
9 Fullerton book bests Disney
Alumnus 39:3, p.8
Wins prize for juvenile text.
10 Local ISEA members finish teacher appreciation drive
College Eye 46:16, p.6
Local faculty will be memorialized in Salisbury House fund drive.
11 Publish new Fullerton song book
Alumnus 34:4, p.5
Irving Wolfe and Peg Fullerton complete work; photo.
12 Fullerton co-edits 'Together We Sing'
College Eye 42:8, p.7
Peg Fullerton co-edits elementary school music text.
13 John Mitchell conducts music demonstrations
College Eye 40:6, p.4
Using Fullerton method in Mahaska County schools.
14 Summer branch school news
College Eye 37:41, p.3
15 A tribute to Charles A. Fullerton
Alumnus 30:2, p.11
Recounts long record of service by Professor Fullerton to ISTC; photo.
16 Illness proves fatal to Professor Fullerton of music department
College Eye 37:15, p.4
Charles A. Fullerton died December 14, 1945; had continued extension assignments until the end.
17 C. A. Fullerton dies
Alumnus 30:1, p.7
Professor Fullerton died December 14, 1945; obituary.
18 Faculty has long-time record of service
Alumnus 29:3, p.13
Average term of service of faculty member is eighteen years; roster of those with long service records.
19 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.49
Faculty; photo.
20 Extension Service expanded
Alumnus 28:4, p.23
Sixteen faculty now engaged in extension work around state.
21 First Lieutenant Craig K. Fullerton
Alumnus 28:4, p.6
Promoted to captain in Medical Corps in Texas.
22 Extension answers calls for help
College Eye 36:3, p.3
A look at some of the work in which the Extension Service is involved; photo.
23 Six new faculty fill openings
College Eye 36:2, p.1
Brief profiles of new faculty and a description of their work.
24 Atlantic branch summer school has largest enrollment
College Eye 35:34, p.4
News from the branch summer schools.
25 President Malcolm Price speaks Monday to the Branch schools
College Eye 35:33, p.6
Will speak at Mt. Ayr, Estherville, and Atlantic.
26 Reunion dinner at Des Moines
Alumnus 28:1, p.11
Commemorate first anniversary of college radio program.
27 One Year of Broadcasting
Public Relations News Release 1943:126, p.1
Iowa State Teahers College will celebrate its first year of broadcasting by having a broadcast of 50,000 watts between 5:30 PM and 7:15 PM that night.
28 Fullerton directs assembly music
College Eye 33:41, p.3
At Campus School.
29 C. A. Fullerton leads hour of group singing
College Eye 33:38, p.1
30 Weekly music hour features students
College Eye 33:38, p.3
List of performers.
31 Fullerton to lead sing
College Eye 33:37, p.3
Will lead group singing.
32 Rural chorus demonstrates
College Eye 33:24, p.1
Chorus of 500 will perform for rural education conference; photo.
33 Know Your Faculty
College Eye 33:21, p.2
Profile of C. A. Fullerton, a member of the Teachers College Music Department; photo.
34 The alumni had a good time
Alumnus 25:3, p.23
Reunion activities; Mrs. Bartlett donates to debate award.
35 A creative faculty
Alumnus 25:2, p.18
Extensive bibliography of faculty publications and creative efforts; photo.
36 Faculty members are appointed to study committees
College Eye 32:11, p.4
Appointed by Jessie Parker to help develop new elementary school curriculum.
37 Over half of the class of 1890
Alumnus 24:3, p.26
Fourteen of the twenty-six living members were on hand for their fiftieth anniversary reunion; organizer, J. F. Doderer from Pomona, California.
38 Reuel H. Sylvester
Alumnus 24:3, p.26
Head of the Department of Psychology at Drake University; resides in Des Moines. He returned for the Minnesingers' fiftieth anniversary, June 2. Visited with C. A. Fullerton.
39 Unit reunions
Alumnus 24:3, p.21
101 gather for Southern California meeting; Omaha-Council Bluffs group numbers 78.
40 You, too, would have enjoyed it
Alumnus 24:3, p.19
Description of reunion activities and roster of many who attended; Minnesingers celebrate fiftieth anniversary; photo.
41 Untitled
Alumnus 24:3, p.2
Minnesinger reunion performance; photo.
42 Harald Holst new Minnesinger director
College Eye 31:35, p.3
Professor Hays believes that the change will be good for the group.
43 C. A. Fullerton to teach at Culver-Stockton this summer
College Eye 31:33, p.3
44 Alumni to join in program; Fullertons played active part
College Eye 31:33, p.1
Brief history of the Minnesingers; will celebrate fiftieth anniversary.
45 C. A. Fullerton
Alumnus 24:2, p.21
Professor emeritus of music at the ISTC; will teach at the Culver-Stockton College during the summer of 1940. He has a national reputation, but teaching is still his major interest.
46 Mrs. Alma Cox Schuck
Alumnus 24:2, p.22
Is a teacher in the Govert, South Dakota, schools; mother of two sons, Robert Walter and Kenneth Leroy. Her husband, Walter B. Schuck, died June 11, 1923.
47 Grads and memories will rule College Hill on June 2
Alumnus 24:2, p.17
Outline of activities for 61st alumni reunion; 50-year grads will receive gold medal; Class of 1890 featured.
48 Faculty members attend conventions
College Eye 31:21, p.1
Quick look at the travel plans.
49 Craig Fullerton leads vespers
College Eye 31:19, p.3
During Religious Emphasis Week.
50 A Social 'I"
College Eye 31:14, p.3
Social events and happenings on campus.