Fullerton--Charles Alexander (Class of 1890; Music Faculty)

Displaying 151 - 200 of 1164 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
151 Euterpean-Troubadour
Old Gold 0:0, p.170
History of the groups; photo.
152 Minnesingers Glee Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.168
History of the organization; began in 1889; photo.
153 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.31
Purpose of the department; photos.
154 Composer's wife is feted at luncheon
College Eye 24:33, p.3
Mrs. William Arns Fisher interested in Professor Fullerton's rural school choir.
155 Men to receive athletic awards; special assembly is called for Wednesday morning
College Eye 24:33, p.1
Description of the program.
156 Fullerton leads songsters
Public Relations News Release 1932:304, p.1
A all-Iowa chorus of five-hundred rural school singers led by C. A. Fullerton, will be one of the features of the National Education Association meeting in Chicago on July 4.
157 Music festival is planned to honor mothers; Black Hawk County children will form chorus of nine hundred
College Eye 24:32, p.1
Description of the program, which will involve many campus groups.
158 Rural choir to sing at education meet; Chicago exposition
College Eye 24:32, p.1
Will sing at NEA convention and Century of Progress program.
159 Black Hawk county Music festival
Public Relations News Release 1932:305, p.1
Nine-hundred Black Hawk county children from the sixth grades and rural schools will sing in a huge chorus, as part of the fourth annual Mother's Day events on campus, May 12.
160 Music fete will be Mother's Day; chorus of six hundred to be feature of program
College Eye 24:30, p.1
Professor Fullerton will direct college and high school glee clubs.
161 C. A. Fullerton
Alumnus 17:2, p.22
Tribute to President Seerley by Professor Fullerton; memories of early days of the school.
162 Articles in this issue
Alumnus 17:2, p.2
Description of Seerley memorial service
163 Nine original songs are submitted for loyalty song contest
College Eye 24:26, p.4
The three best will be presented to the students by the glee clubs.
164 Musicians will repeat 'Mikado'; operetta moves against a colorful Japanese setting
College Eye 24:25, p.1
Story is told by the actors in this comic opera. There were minstrel singers and choruses.
165 Faculty members join in free-will concert
College Eye 24:21, p.3
In Waterloo.
166 48 winter term graduates expected
Public Relations News Release 1932:258, p.1
Commencement exercises for winter term graduates to be held Thursday, March 2, in the college auditorium at 7:30 p.m.
167 Waterloo pastor to speak here Sunday
College Eye 24:19, p.3
The Reverend Earl Riney will speak at CHIC.
168 Memorial number of Alumnus will be issued as a tribute to President-Emeritus H. H. Seerley
College Eye 24:15, p.1
Tribute to President Seerley, who died December 23, 1932; buried at Fairview Cemetery; photo.
169 Messiah to be given Sunday; two hundred students and four soloists to present Oratorio
College Eye 24:14, p.1
Description of the "Messiah" and the upcoming production.
170 When 500 college students
Public Relations News Release 1932:189, p.1
Students and faculty get festive for Christmas; schedule of activities.
171 Dance, parties scheduled for holiday season; Christmas trees will add festive air about campus
College Eye 24:13, p.1
Schedule of Christmas activities; will feature Christmas trees in Crossroads and on Auditorium balcony.
172 Two hundred eighty students
Public Relations News Release 1932:137, p.1
Twenty-eighth anuual singing of Handel's "The Messiah" is December 17; discussion of performers.
173 C. A. Fullerton, head of the music department
Public Relations News Release 1932:139, p.1
Will conduct this year's performance of "The Messiah."
174 Music hour to be used for Messiah chorus rehearsal
College Eye 24:7, p.4
About two hundred members of the glee clubs will participate.
175 Weekly music hours are to be continued
College Eye 24:6, p.3
In charge of music faculty.
176 Mrs. Elmer Page
Alumnus 16:4, p.23
The former Evalyn Holthaus is a music instructor at the schools in Gary, Indiana.
177 Robert Fullerton
Alumnus 16:4, p.22
Professor of voice at the McPhail School of Music in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
178 Weekly music hours will begin Tuesday at freshman lecture
College Eye 24:2, p.1
Professor Brindley will present lecture on activities of the English Department.
179 Improvements are completed in Central Hall
College Eye 24:1, p.1
Description of extensive remodeling project including changes for the Department of Music.
180 Commencement plans comprise varied activities; arrangements for week to include concert, dinner, and reception
College Eye 23:54, p.1
Schedule of activities.
181 Approximately 300 students
Public Relations News Release 1931:443, p.1
Schedule of summer term Commencement activities.
182 Minneapolis voice professor appears at Tuesday 'sing'
College Eye 23:53, p.1
Robert Fullerton will perform.
183 Members of music faculty are soloists at Tuesday "sing"
College Eye 23:50, p.1
Professor Schmidt and Freeman will perform.
184 Professor will teach Nebraska pedagogues
College Eye 23:50, p.4
Professor Fullerton will instruct group on rural chorus.
185 Mr. C. A. Fullerton
Public Relations News Release 1931:428, p.1
Travels to Nebraska to teach educators his choir method.
186 C. A. Fullerton, (pictured above)
Public Relations News Release 1931:431, p.1
Demonstrates his choir method in Nebraska.
187 Fullerton conducts chorus at Waverly
College Eye 23:49, p.1
About one thousand children take part.
188 Former student sings on Tuesday program
College Eye 23:49, p.3
Milton Moore performed on campus.
189 Approximately 1,000 pupils from the rural schools
Public Relations News Release 1931:425, p.1
Charles Fullerton to direct children's chorus made up of area school children.
190 C. A. Fullerton leads third weekly 'sing'
College Eye 23:47, p.4
191 Music faculty chooses four new glee clubs; tryouts are completed for three women's and one men's vocal groups
College Eye 23:46, p.1
List of members of three women's and one men's glee clubs
192 Five hundred attend second gathering of campus singers
College Eye 23:46, p.4
For regular summer "sing".
193 Department of Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.30
Description of the Department of Music; photo of department head.
194 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Old Gold 0:0, p.196
Names of officers and members; photo.
195 "The Messiah"
Old Gold 0:0, p.193
Program for "The Messiah"; photo.
196 Four faculty members attend music teachers' convention this week
College Eye 23:40, p.2
Several perform at meeting.
197 Four members of the music faculty at the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1931:333, p.1
Will attend thirty-seventh annual convention for the Society of Music Teachers of Iowa in Marshalltown.
198 C. A. Fullerton will demonstrate choir method at conclave
College Eye 23:29, p.1
In Nashville, Tennessee.
199 More than 5000 delegates
Public Relations News Release 1931:203, p.1
C. A. Fullerton attends convention in Nashville, Tennessee; demonstrates choir method.
200 Roy N. Collins
Alumnus 16:1, p.24
Supervisor of music of District No. 1 at Pueblo, Colorado.