Getchell--Robert W. (Science Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 465 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Alumni profile: Whitey Bro, B. A. '44; Teflon is his game Northern Iowa Today 86:1, p.12 |
Profile of chemist Manville "Whitey" Bro; photo. | |
2 | Former chemistry prof dies Alumnus 52:1, p.2 |
Doctor Robert W. Getchell died November 15, 1966. | |
3 | Dr. Getchell memorial is established College Eye 63:21, p.12 |
Died November 29, 1966. | |
4 | SCI science department honors emeritus faculty College Eye 53:10, p.8 |
Dinner will honor five emeritus faculty. |
5 | Three T. C. profs honored for best-seller textbook Alumnus 45:3, p.9 |
Professors Cable, Getchell, and Poppy continue sales of physical science text. | |
6 | Luncheon to honor 3 for book College Eye 51:34, p.1 |
Professors Cable, Getchell, and Poppy will be honored for their text "The Physical Sciences"; photo. | |
7 | Science Department Continues Academic Year Institute Old Gold 0:0, p.105 |
Under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation, the science Department continued the Academic Year Institute and brought together fifty experienced teachers. The department also sponsored the Seventh Annual Science Fair and education programs for junior high math and science teachers. | |
8 | Service award winners named Alumnus 44:3, p.13 |
Eleven receive service awards. | |
9 | Department of Science Old Gold 0:0, p.53 |
The Department of Science participated with Iowa State College and the State University of Iowa in the Lakeside Laboratory on Lake Okoboji; the National Science Foundation awarded a grant to Martin Lawrence Grant; photo. | |
10 | Science Sponsors Conservation Camp Old Gold 0:0, p.91 |
Description of the department and the accomplishments over the year. Also, a list of the fields that are a part of the department and a photo of the faculty; photos. | |
11 | Midwest science teachers convene here this week College Eye 46:30, p.1 |
Several ISTC faculty will participate in program. | |
12 | Science Old Gold 0:0, p.244 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
13 | Getchell writes book on organic chemistry Alumnus 38:2, p.7 |
Book designed as one-semester course. | |
14 | Science teachers travel to Ames College Eye 45:28, p.6 |
For IAS meeting. | |
15 | R. Getchell publishes chemistry textbook College Eye 45:17, p.8 |
16 | Getchell writes text College Eye 44:40, p.3 |
On organic chemistry. | |
17 | Science Department Old Gold 0:0, p.158 |
A brief description of the department with photos of the faculty and of the lab; photo. | |
18 | Twenty-nine members of the instructional and administrative staffs are listed in the 1952 edition of Who's Who in the Midwest Public Relations News Release 1952:498, p.1 |
According to the compilers those included in the publication are of significant reference interest nationally and sectionally, but are identified with the central and midwestern states. Biographical material is given for some of those listed. | |
19 | News about the faculty Alumnus 35:3, p.3 |
List of faculty appointments, resignations, changes, and achievements. |
20 | A revised edition of "The Physical Sciences," widely-used college science text, will be published later this month by Prentiss Hall and company Public Relations News Release 1950:377, p.1 |
Authors of the book, published in 1940, and the revision are E. J. Cable, Robert W. Getchell, and W. H. Kadesch, all on the emeritus faculty. They are professors of earth science, chemistry, and physics. | |
21 | Eight faculty members at Iowa State Teachers college will take an active part in the 63rd meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science Public Relations News Release 1950:312, p.1 |
Wartburg college is host to the two-day session beginning Friday, April 20. C. W. Lantz, and James V. Farrell are chairmen of the sections on botany and science teaching. Four persons will present papers. | |
22 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.210 |
List of faculty, emeritus staff, and faculty on leave; photo. |
23 | Eighteen attend Science Academy College Eye 41:27, p.6 |
List of faculty who are presenting and attending. | |
24 | Dr. Getchell resigns after 40 years here Alumnus 33:4, p.3 |
Professor Getchell will now devote time to research; photo. | |
25 | Appoint 95 new faculty members to complete staff College Eye 41:1, p.1 |
The large number of new faculty is due to the heavy post war enrollment. | |
26 | Getchell retires from staff; has longest record for service here College Eye 40:38, p.1 |
Profile of Professor Getchell; photo. |
27 | Grading papers... preparing lectures... student conferences... occupy faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.46 |
Photos. | |
28 | Science Old Gold 0:0, p.38 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
29 | Science faculty at Drake meeting College Eye 40:27, p.4 |
For Iowa Academy of Science. | |
30 | Kadesch will open science meeting College Eye 40:25, p.6 |
Several ISTC will participate in IAS activities. | |
31 | Faculty members are attending career days College Eye 40:25, p.8 |
Will visit schools around Iowa. | |
32 | Instructional Staff Old Gold 0:0, p.50 |
This page lists the instructional staff of Teachers College; photo. | |
33 | Physical science seminar Old Gold 0:0, p.253 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
34 | Lambda Delta Lambda Old Gold 0:0, p.222 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
35 | Kadesch elected President of Iowa Science Academy College Eye 39:28, p.7 |
Other faculty are also active in the organization. | |
36 | Science and math instructors will attend meeting College Eye 39:26, p.4 |
Of Iowa Academy of Science. | |
37 | Mr. and Mrs. Van R. Crawford Alumnus 32:2, p.25 |
The former Dorothy Mae Getchell and her husband are the parents of Kathryn Lani, who was born on January 26, 1948. | |
38 | Publish college text in German, Spanish College Eye 39:15, p.3 |
Physical Science text translated into other languages. | |
39 | Getchell is appointed to national committee College Eye 39:12, p.4 |
On tests for intoxication. | |
40 | "Ask the Scientist" returns to KXEL College Eye 39:2, p.3 |
ISTC science faculty will form panel. | |
41 | Getchell lathered way in college, grated horseradish for Ph. D. College Eye 38:38, p.2 |
Profile of Professor Getchell. | |
42 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.105 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
43 | Scientists to meet here in state conventions of Junior, Senior groups College Eye 38:28, p.1 |
Program highlights; several ISTC faculty will take part. | |
44 | Iowa scientists will meet here College Eye 38:27, p.1 |
IAS will meet on campus for first time since 1932. | |
45 | Dial Dope 1540 College Eye 38:11, p.4 |
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL. | |
46 | Science staff revises book Alumnus 30:4, p.3 |
Professors Cable, Kadesch, and Getchell publish second edition of text. | |
47 | Instructional Research Old Gold 0:0, p.32 |
Instructional Research Committee gives suggestions to the Director of Research. | |
48 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.56 |
Photos of the faculty. | |
49 | Science majors mix school and work College Eye 37:32, p.2 |
Profiles of students who study science and work in local factories. | |
50 | 'Test it' is motto of chemistry lab College Eye 37:29, p.1 |
A look at the activities and facilities in the Science Building. |