Getchell--Robert W. (Science Faculty)
Displaying 101 - 150 of 465 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
101 | Shafer new chemistry seminar sponsor here College Eye 32:5, p.4 |
Discuss atomic energy. | |
102 | Chemistry Clubs plan activities College Eye 32:2, p.3 |
A look at the activities of Alembic and Lambda Delta Lambda. | |
103 | New text written by members of faculty for science survey College Eye 31:43, p.1 |
Professors Cable, Getchell, and Kadesch complete physical science text. | |
104 | Science Activity Old Gold 0:0, p.239 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
105 | Lambda Delta Lambda Old Gold 0:0, p.237 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
106 | Science Old Gold 0:0, p.235 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
107 | Cable, Getchell, Kadesch collaborate to write physical science test College Eye 31:32, p.1 |
108 | Extension division advisory plan is reported success College Eye 31:28, p.5 |
Many faculty members have been consulting for as many as five days in Iowa schools. | |
109 | Holy Week program begins Monday; Cram to give first address College Eye 31:23, p.1 |
Schedule of morning and afternoon services. | |
110 | Dorothy-Mae Getchell Alumnus 23:3, p.27 |
Daughter of Dr. R. W. Getchell is secretary to the American Hospital Supply Company, Chicago. This firm is housed in the Merchandise Mart. | |
111 | Survey reveals radio favorites on campus College Eye 30:37, p.1 |
Students talk about their favorite radio programs. | |
112 | Lambda Delta Lambda Old Gold 0:0, p.81 |
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos. | |
113 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.54 |
List of faculty and brief description of what they do; photos. |
114 | Alembic Old Gold 0:0, p.224 |
Brief description of the group and list of members; photo. | |
115 | Chemistry Seminar Old Gold 0:0, p.224 |
Brief description of the group and list of members; photo. | |
116 | Getchell discusses raising vegetables College Eye 30:32, p.4 |
At P. E. O. meeting. | |
117 | Blood test only means, says Getchell College Eye 30:32, p.5 |
To measure intoxication. | |
118 | Miller to assist professors at science conference College Eye 30:29, p.2 |
At Iowa Academy of Science meeting. | |
119 | Invitation to reunion Alumnus 23:2, p.10 |
Description of activities for reunion associated with spring Commencement; photo. | |
120 | Dr. R. W. Getchell Alumnus 23:1, p.31 |
Gave a talk, "Christian Education," before the Westminster Foundation, October 30. | |
121 | Faculty members make plans for Christmas College Eye 30:14, p.1 |
Faculty outline their Christmas plans. | |
122 | Local attorney gives addresses to Arcturus Club College Eye 30:12, p.4 |
Reno Reeve will speak; several faculty are members. | |
123 | Scientists begin broadcast series College Eye 30:10, p.5 |
Six science faculty will broadcast over WOI and WSUI. | |
124 | Lambda Delta Lambda College Eye 30:7, p.5 |
Discuss award. | |
125 | Dr. R. W. Getchell Alumnus 22:4, p.15 |
Publishes science texts. | |
126 | Ten faculty men are Arcturus Club members College Eye 30:3, p.3 |
Membership limited to twenty-four distinguished men of Black Hawk County. | |
127 | Plea for professionalism College Eye 29:44, p.2 |
Discusses students' attitudes towards classes and teaching. | |
128 | Getchell heads science fraternity College Eye 29:37, p.2 |
Elected national president of Lambda Delta Lambda. | |
129 | Campus host to convention; scientists convene today College Eye 29:36, p.1 |
Lambda Delta Lambda will meet on campus. | |
130 | Lambda Delta Lambda Old Gold 0:0, p.147 |
Brief description of the group; photos. | |
131 | Richard Kadesch reports at science meeting College Eye 29:27, p.3 |
He and others will participate in IAS meeting. | |
132 | Faculty members rate "Who's Who" College Eye 29:25, p.3 |
Four honored in national publication. | |
133 | Faculty will vote College Eye 29:10, p.1 |
For Faculty Senate; roster of nominees. | |
134 | Dr. R. W. Getchell Alumnus 21:4, p.15 |
Gives talks on chemistry. | |
135 | Lambda Delta Lambda Old Gold 0:0, p.96 |
Activities, officers, and members of honorary physical science fraternity; photos. | |
136 | Chemistry Seminar Old Gold 0:0, p.175 |
Activities, officers, and members; photo. | |
137 | Science Old Gold 0:0, p.53 |
Department changes; photos. | |
138 | Activities of professors College Eye 28:22, p.3 |
News notes about the faculty. | |
139 | Chemistry students meet College Eye 28:17, p.3 |
Discuss recent reading. | |
140 | New issue off the press College Eye 28:15, p.3 |
New issue of Iowa Science Teacher published; several ISTC faculty and alumni are associated with the journal. | |
141 | Faculty members will speak over WOI, WSUI College Eye 28:8, p.1 |
Will focus on science; programs sponsored by Iowa Academy of Science. | |
142 | Abbott and Lantz prepare syllabus for new course College Eye 28:4, p.4 |
Will re-work two science survey courses. | |
143 | Getchell appointed magazine manager College Eye 28:3, p.1 |
Professor R. W. Getchell will manage Iowa Science Teacher. | |
144 | Science Old Gold 0:0, p.47 |
The Natural Science Department and Physics and Chemistry Department have been combined; photos. | |
145 | Chemistry Seminar Old Gold 0:0, p.98 |
Purpose, programs, officers, and members; photo. | |
146 | Lambda Delta Lambda Old Gold 0:0, p.91 |
Aims, activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
147 | Getchell believes student should be individual College Eye 27:28, p.2 |
Profile of Professor Getchell; photo. | |
148 | Faculty members give views on survey courses College Eye 27:24, p.8 |
At science education meeting. | |
149 | Two science professors will spend the rest of the week studying at the University of Minnesota Public Relations News Release 1935:280, p.1 |
Science survey courses will be required of all freshman next fall. | |
150 | Faculty members to attend meetings College Eye 27:22, p.1 |
During Christmas holidays. |