Getchell--Robert W. (Science Faculty)

Displaying 101 - 150 of 465 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
101 Shafer new chemistry seminar sponsor here
College Eye 32:5, p.4
Discuss atomic energy.
102 Chemistry Clubs plan activities
College Eye 32:2, p.3
A look at the activities of Alembic and Lambda Delta Lambda.
103 New text written by members of faculty for science survey
College Eye 31:43, p.1
Professors Cable, Getchell, and Kadesch complete physical science text.
104 Science Activity
Old Gold 0:0, p.239
Brief description of the group; photo.
105 Lambda Delta Lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.237
Brief description of the group; photo.
106 Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.235
Brief description of the department; photo.
107 Cable, Getchell, Kadesch collaborate to write physical science test
College Eye 31:32, p.1
108 Extension division advisory plan is reported success
College Eye 31:28, p.5
Many faculty members have been consulting for as many as five days in Iowa schools.
109 Holy Week program begins Monday; Cram to give first address
College Eye 31:23, p.1
Schedule of morning and afternoon services.
110 Dorothy-Mae Getchell
Alumnus 23:3, p.27
Daughter of Dr. R. W. Getchell is secretary to the American Hospital Supply Company, Chicago. This firm is housed in the Merchandise Mart.
111 Survey reveals radio favorites on campus
College Eye 30:37, p.1
Students talk about their favorite radio programs.
112 Lambda Delta Lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.81
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
113 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.54

List of faculty and brief description of what they do; photos.

114 Alembic
Old Gold 0:0, p.224
Brief description of the group and list of members; photo.
115 Chemistry Seminar
Old Gold 0:0, p.224
Brief description of the group and list of members; photo.
116 Getchell discusses raising vegetables
College Eye 30:32, p.4
At P. E. O. meeting.
117 Blood test only means, says Getchell
College Eye 30:32, p.5
To measure intoxication.
118 Miller to assist professors at science conference
College Eye 30:29, p.2
At Iowa Academy of Science meeting.
119 Invitation to reunion
Alumnus 23:2, p.10
Description of activities for reunion associated with spring Commencement; photo.
120 Dr. R. W. Getchell
Alumnus 23:1, p.31
Gave a talk, "Christian Education," before the Westminster Foundation, October 30.
121 Faculty members make plans for Christmas
College Eye 30:14, p.1
Faculty outline their Christmas plans.
122 Local attorney gives addresses to Arcturus Club
College Eye 30:12, p.4
Reno Reeve will speak; several faculty are members.
123 Scientists begin broadcast series
College Eye 30:10, p.5
Six science faculty will broadcast over WOI and WSUI.
124 Lambda Delta Lambda
College Eye 30:7, p.5
Discuss award.
125 Dr. R. W. Getchell
Alumnus 22:4, p.15
Publishes science texts.
126 Ten faculty men are Arcturus Club members
College Eye 30:3, p.3
Membership limited to twenty-four distinguished men of Black Hawk County.
127 Plea for professionalism
College Eye 29:44, p.2
Discusses students' attitudes towards classes and teaching.
128 Getchell heads science fraternity
College Eye 29:37, p.2
Elected national president of Lambda Delta Lambda.
129 Campus host to convention; scientists convene today
College Eye 29:36, p.1
Lambda Delta Lambda will meet on campus.
130 Lambda Delta Lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.147
Brief description of the group; photos.
131 Richard Kadesch reports at science meeting
College Eye 29:27, p.3
He and others will participate in IAS meeting.
132 Faculty members rate "Who's Who"
College Eye 29:25, p.3
Four honored in national publication.
133 Faculty will vote
College Eye 29:10, p.1
For Faculty Senate; roster of nominees.
134 Dr. R. W. Getchell
Alumnus 21:4, p.15
Gives talks on chemistry.
135 Lambda Delta Lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.96
Activities, officers, and members of honorary physical science fraternity; photos.
136 Chemistry Seminar
Old Gold 0:0, p.175
Activities, officers, and members; photo.
137 Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.53
Department changes; photos.
138 Activities of professors
College Eye 28:22, p.3
News notes about the faculty.
139 Chemistry students meet
College Eye 28:17, p.3
Discuss recent reading.
140 New issue off the press
College Eye 28:15, p.3
New issue of Iowa Science Teacher published; several ISTC faculty and alumni are associated with the journal.
141 Faculty members will speak over WOI, WSUI
College Eye 28:8, p.1
Will focus on science; programs sponsored by Iowa Academy of Science.
142 Abbott and Lantz prepare syllabus for new course
College Eye 28:4, p.4
Will re-work two science survey courses.
143 Getchell appointed magazine manager
College Eye 28:3, p.1
Professor R. W. Getchell will manage Iowa Science Teacher.
144 Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.47
The Natural Science Department and Physics and Chemistry Department have been combined; photos.
145 Chemistry Seminar
Old Gold 0:0, p.98
Purpose, programs, officers, and members; photo.
146 Lambda Delta Lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.91
Aims, activities, officers, and members; photos.
147 Getchell believes student should be individual
College Eye 27:28, p.2
Profile of Professor Getchell; photo.
148 Faculty members give views on survey courses
College Eye 27:24, p.8
At science education meeting.
149 Two science professors will spend the rest of the week studying at the University of Minnesota
Public Relations News Release 1935:280, p.1
Science survey courses will be required of all freshman next fall.
150 Faculty members to attend meetings
College Eye 27:22, p.1
During Christmas holidays.