Getchell--Robert W. (Science Faculty)
Displaying 351 - 400 of 465 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
351 | Natural Science College Eye 11:5, p.6 |
News notes from the department. | |
352 | Physical Science College Eye 11:4, p.2 |
News notes from the department. | |
353 | Many changes in faculty this year; several instructors on leave of absence College Eye 11:1, p.1 |
Brief notes on those who have left, those who are on leave, and those who have joined the faculty. |
354 | The May Day Fete for 1919 Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.2 |
Annual Student Day held May 13-14 including special assembly with talk by R. W. Getchell and dance. The next day May Pole Dance, crowning of May Queen, class picnics, May Day Address, athletic contests with baseball game, and a band concert held. | |
355 | The College Eye Old Gold 0:0, p.281 |
Photograph of the front page of an issue; brief overview of the year; publishing schedule interrupted by war; roster of the advisory board; photo. | |
356 | Departments of Physics and Chemistry Old Gold 0:0, p.37 |
Faculty; photo. | |
357 | Senior Home Economics Old Gold 0:0, p.121 |
Class president and officers; class roll; formal and informal photos; photo. | |
358 | Ossoli Old Gold 0:0, p.228 |
Roster of presidents and members; humorous jokes; formal and informal photographs; photo. | |
359 | Untitled College Eye 11:35, p.2 |
News about alumni, faculty, and students. | |
360 | Our advisory board College Eye 10:27, p.2 |
Thank the advisory board of the College Eye. | |
361 | According to present plans College Eye 10:27, p.1 |
Professor Getchell will likely study at the University of Wisconsin. | |
362 | May Day Fete program staged today on campus; baseball game with Dubuque to be played at 2:30 on local diamond. All college classes are dismissed. College Eye 10:26, p.1 |
Schedule of May Day activities. | |
363 | May Day fete to be success; committees appointed College Eye 10:25, p.1 |
Roster of committee members. | |
364 | College interstate orator chosen in challenge contest College Eye 10:19, p.1 |
Genevieve Cleary wins contest; only two students compete. | |
365 | General exodus to Waterloo "movies" College Eye 10:19, p.1 |
Went to Waterloo to see "Shepherd of the Hills." | |
366 | Artist number of lecture program tonight at eight; Mabel Garrison College Eye 10:17, p.3 |
Concert given by Mabel Garrison; photo. | |
367 | Y. M. speakers lined up--are interesting College Eye 10:16, p.1 |
Schedule of speakers and their topics. | |
368 | The Lecture Course Committee College Eye 10:13, p.5 |
Two faculty women, Professors Bertha Patt and Emma Lambert, have been added to the Lecture and Entertainment Course Committee. | |
369 | Kryl orchestra to give big concert Tuesday; big musical number for students of the college College Eye 10:9, p.9 |
Bohumir Kryl and daughters, photo. | |
370 | The staff has been kindly assisted College Eye 10:9, p.4 |
Credits for special World War I commemorative issue of the College Eye. | |
371 | Speakers at chapel are announced College Eye 10:9, p.10 |
Schedule of chapel speakers. | |
372 | Our motion pictures College Eye 10:7, p.2 |
Committee is working hard to secure the best movies. | |
373 | B. A. Senior Class of '18 College Eye 10:5, p.3 |
Their sponsor, Professor Getchell, contributed money to The United War Work Drive and College auxiliary of the Cedar Falls Red Cross Chapter. | |
374 | Lecture Committee has its problems; unusual conditions of the country have placed additional burdens upon it College Eye 10:5, p.1 |
Committee having difficulty in securing entertainment. | |
375 | Why we are what we are College Eye 10:1, p.1 |
College Eye staff explains why its first number is late in appearing this year; staff elected last spring is not currently enrolled; Faculty Advisory Committee appoints new staff. | |
376 | Faculty advisory committee ready to back the paper College Eye 10:1, p.3 |
Reuben McKitrick, R. W. Getchell, Emmett J. Cable, Sara Rice, and Samuel A. Lynch are the College Eye advisors; photo. | |
377 | The alumni breakfast Alumni News Letter 2:3, p.4 |
Breakfast served to class of 1918. R. D. Daugherty sang alumni song he wrote. Acting president was Henrietta Radell. New class welcomed and report given on building Campanile. Officers elected for next year. | |
378 | B. A.'s Old Gold 0:0, p.101 |
Illustration of graduate chasing "success" with a butterfly net; Class of 1918 colors, officers, and class calendar provided; humorous quotes; photos. | |
379 | The Old Gold 1918 Old Gold 0:0, p.293 |
Roster of staff members. | |
380 | Department of Physics and Chemistry Old Gold 0:0, p.45 |
Roster of faculty members; prose poem regarding chemistry exams; photo. | |
381 | Ossoli Old Gold 0:0, p.244 |
Roster of Ossoli members; photo. | |
382 | Publications Old Gold 0:0, p.290 |
Photos and roster of College Eye staff. | |
383 | Mr. Getchell College Eye 9:30, p.8 |
Took his class on a trip to Waterloo. | |
384 | The Old Gold Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.4 |
Three new assistant editors with Old Gold; military section added. | |
385 | Society College Eye 9:20, p.3 |
Professor Getchell spoke to the Ossoli society about the importance of literary societies; Alphas and Philos held joint meeting. | |
386 | The traditions of I. S. T. C. College Eye 9:15, p.5 |
Praises teachers at T. C. | |
387 | Old Gold staff ask cooperation College Eye 9:14, p.1 |
Job of putting out the yearbook will be handled by four people instead of just two. | |
388 | Y. M. and Y. W. campaign closed College Eye 9:5, p.1 |
Roster of teams participating in the campaign. |
389 | Classes College Eye 9:2, p.6 |
Roster of class officers and sponsors. | |
390 | Getchell heads advisory board College Eye 9:2, p.1 |
Short profiles for members of the College Eye faculty advisory board; photo. | |
391 | Faculty reception to seniors and alumni; Training School scene of festivities College Eye 9:1, p.1 |
Faculty and guests enjoy the party. | |
392 | Department of Physics and Chemistry Old Gold 0:0, p.48 |
Profile of the head of the Department of Physics and Chemistry, includes creative work about a professor; photo. | |
393 | The College Eye Old Gold 0:0, p.213 |
Photos and information on the editorial staff of the college newspaper. | |
394 | Mr. and Mrs. Getchell entertain juniors College Eye 8:31, p.6 |
Description of events at gathering. | |
395 | Classes College Eye 8:31, p.6 |
Professor Getchell's chemistry class visits Waterloo utility stations. | |
396 | I. S. T. C. faculty members on program at Des Moines College Eye 8:7, p.8 |
Faculty members will be part of teaching convention. | |
397 | Iowa State Teachers Association College Eye 8:4, p.3 |
Roster of faculty and alumni attending sixty-second annual session. |
398 | Junior organization College Eye 8:4, p.7 |
Junior B. A.s elect officers. | |
399 | Eulalian Old Gold 0:0, p.197 |
Colors, emblem, flowers, mascot, motto, presidents, members and honorary members, and candid photos; photo. | |
400 | Junior college Old Gold 0:0, p.105 |
Baby hood ornament on a car. Class roster, officers, colors, flowers, mascot, will, and jokes; photo. |